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AI: Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniably shaping a

May 18, 2024

AI: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniably shaping and reshaping various aspects of our society, from labor markets and healthcare to education and social interactions. As up-and-coming sociologists, your final project is your opportunity to employ sociological concepts and perspectives to critically analyze the complex and interconnected implications of AI in our contemporary social world. For this assignment, you are tasked with selecting and applying concepts from at least three different chapters covered in this course to elucidate the sociological dimensions of AI’s impact.
Learning Objectives
This project is going to tap into our sociological brains in the following ways:
We will apply our sociological imagination and major theoretical frameworks to examine how we, as a society, have responded to AI in a variety of spaces or institutions (Learning Objective #1 and Learning Objective #3).
We will examine how our agents of socialization of family, peer groups, school, mass media, and the workplace have affected, and been affected by, the global pandemic (Learning Objective #5).
We will examine how social structures such as groups, social institutions, and society, have been impacted by the global pandemic (Learning Objective #6).
We will compare and contrast how social groups by race and ethnicity, gender, and class have experienced the global pandemic (Learning Objective #7).
Project Details
Here’s where we come in as sociologists! Your project will be completed a total of three chapter topics to analyze the impact of artificial intelligence and will address the following elements:
Introduction: Gather information about how AI is currently being integrated into various aspects in society. As an idea, you can focus on areas like employment, healthcare, education, criminal justice, or technology, but you are not limited to these. 
Application of Concepts: Apply three sociological concepts or theories from our textbook to an analysis and interpretation of the impact of AI in the area you chose. Consider how the sociological concepts shed light on social implications, power dynamics, inequalities, or cultural shifts associated with the use of AI.
Critical Examination: Critically evaluate the societal consequences based on the concepts you chose. What are the potential benefits, risks, or ethical implications? Are there any observed patterns of discrimination or stratification related to AI usage?
Real-World Examples: Support your analysis with real-world examples or data that illustrate the application of AI.
Conclusion: Summarize your findings and insights. Emphasize how sociological concepts deepen our understanding of AI’s impact on society. Reflect on broader implications and speculate on future trends.
References page
While you’re not required to focus on a specific social institution, I encourage you to consider it one of the following:
Government & Politics
Project Guidelines
The paper is worth 100 points, will be approximately 5-6 pages in length (not including your works cited/references page), double-spaced, in a readable 12-point font, and will include the following:
Introduction (10 points)
Chapter topic (10 points each x 3 = 30 points total) –
Locate and briefly summarize an article discussing your topic in relation to AI (2 points); this can be an academic article or a news article (be mindful about what news source you are using)
Explain your understanding of how this article illustrates the chapter topic (6 points); as an example, if you locate an article that discusses how the AI is affecting employment, I want you to describe how it relates to what we learned about stratification or economy.
You must use at least 1 term from the chapter you are referencing to help you with your analysis. Make sure all terms you use are bolded (1 point) and defined (1 point)! There is no maximum to how many terms you need to use.
Critical Examination (20 points) –
Consider the following questions:
How does the integration of AI influence power dynamics within the chosen context?
Are there specific groups or institutions that gain or lose power due to AI adoption?
To what extent does AI contribute to existing social inequalities such as economic disparities or access to resources?
Are there instances where AI exacerbates discrimination or bias?
How is AI impacting cultural norms, values, or practices?
Real-World Examples (20 points) – 
Consider the following examples:
How has AI automation affected employment in a specific industry or region?
How have workers and businesses adapted to these changes? What social consequences have emerged?
Are there examples of AI algorithms exhibiting bias or discrimination?
Are there examples of AI technologies being used to improved healthcare or education outcomes?
What privacy concerns or controversies have arisen from introduction of AI?
Conclusion (10 points) – What’s the main takeaway from your research? Tie everything together!
References (5 points)
Organization, Grammar, and Clarity (5 points)

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