2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Admission Essay – *PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS PAGE* First & Last Name: Email Addr

June 23, 2024

First & Last Name:
Email Address:
Insert Your Clinical
Counseling Program Here:
Learner ID number:
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Entry-Level graduate clinical
counseling-related programs:  
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
School Counsel
To be considered for admission into the
Capella clinical counseling programs, you must submit all required application
materials. However, submitting your materials does not guarantee admission.
Program faculty will evaluate your materials and make the final decision on
your admission
Your essay must be 4-6 pages in length and address
each of the five areas outlined below. Please utilize the required template and
address each of these five essay components under the provided headings.
rationale and future professional goals in counseling
Your discussion should include substantive,
carefully considered reasons for seeking a graduate degree in either clinical
mental health counseling or school counseling (i.e., beyond merely being a good
listener or wanting to help others) in addition to an understanding of the work
you will be doing along with the post-graduate requirements for doing such
This section must address:
An explanation for your reasons in seeking
specialization in a graduate counseling program
A clear description of the typical job functions
you will perform post-graduation
Your specific
career goals and the licensure requirements you will need to achieve them.  Since licensure requirements vary from state
to state and by program, be specific about the requirements in the state where
you intend to seek licensure.
Impact of previous employment, volunteer work, and other human service or
counseling experiences
section must address:
•              Key
experiences in your employment or volunteer work that influenced your decision
to apply for the program.
•              If you have
no experience in human services, please identify specific ways you could gain
related experience, such as volunteer work.
3. Culturally relevant
interpersonal skills
section must address:

Your ability, based on life experience, to relate interpersonally to
individuals from different cultural contexts (e.g., age, disability, ethnicity,
gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in both
individual and small group settings.
understanding of the importance of culturally relevant interpersonal skills in
the role of a counselor, and at least 2 actions you plan to take to further the
development of these skills.
4. Self-awareness
discussion of self-awareness should demonstrate stability and readiness to
undertake a graduate degree program in counseling.
This section must
Life experiences that may have heightened your level
of self-awareness, impacted your decision to apply to the program, and
influenced your career goals.
The characteristic
ways in which you process life events and challenges, and how those ways have
helped you develop strengths relevant to your chosen program area
5. Aptitude and
readiness to pursue a graduate degree in a digitally delivered counseling
discussion should include your experience with navigating digital technology
and/or the steps you will take to prepare yourself for graduate online
This section
must address:
Discuss your experience with online technology, to
include experience with online search tools, computer software programs (e.g.,
MS Word, Excel, etc.), messaging, video meeting platforms, etc.
Given your
experience and comfort with technology, what do you anticipate are your
strengths and potential challenges to succeeding in an online counseling
submit your document by uploading to your Document Center at dms.capella.edu for
fastest processing.
Alternatively, you can email
rationale and future professional goals in counseling
Your discussion should include substantive, carefully considered
reasons for seeking a graduate degree in either clinical mental health
counseling or school counseling (i.e., beyond merely being a good listener or
wanting to help others) in addition to an understanding of the work you will be
doing along with the post-graduate requirements for doing such work.
section must address:
An explanation for your reasons in seeking specialization in a
graduate counseling program
A clear description of the typical job functions you will perform
Your specific career goals and the licensure requirements you will
need to achieve them.  Since licensure
requirements vary from state to state and by program, be specific about the
requirements in the state where you intend to seek licensure.
Support your ideas with relevant information from reliable sources,
utilizing correct APA formatting.
Insert your answer to Question 1 here:
2.       Impact
of previous employment, volunteer work, and other human service or counseling
section must address:
Key experiences in your employment or volunteer work that influenced
your decision to apply for the program.
If you have no experience in human services, please identify specific
ways you could gain related experience, such as volunteer work.
Support your ideas with
relevant information from reliable sources, utilizing correct APA formatting.
Insert your answer to Question 2 here:
3.       Culturally
relevant interpersonal skills
section must address:
Your ability, based on life experience, to relate interpersonally
to individuals from different cultural contexts (e.g., age, disability,
ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in
both individual and small group settings.
understanding of the importance of culturally relevant interpersonal skills in
the role of a counselor, and at least two actions you plan to take to further
the development of these skills.
your ideas with relevant information from reliable sources, utilizing correct
APA formatting.
Insert your answer to Question 3 here:
discussion of self-awareness should demonstrate stability and readiness to
undertake a graduate degree program in counseling.
This section must
Life experiences that may have heightened your level
of self-awareness, impacted your decision to apply to the program, and
influenced your career goals.
The characteristic ways in which you process life
events and challenges, and how those ways have helped you develop strengths
relevant to your chosen program area.
Support your
ideas with relevant information from reliable sources, utilizing correct APA
Insert your answer to Question 4 here:
and readiness to pursue a graduate degree in a digitally delivered counseling
Your discussion should include your experience with navigating
digital technology and/or the steps you will take to prepare yourself for
graduate online education.
This section must address:
Discuss your experience with online technology, to include
experience with online search tools, computer software programs (e.g., MS Word,
Excel, etc.), messaging, video meeting platforms, etc.
Given your experience and comfort with technology, what do you
anticipate are your strengths and potential challenges to succeeding in an
online counseling program
Support your
ideas with relevant information from reliable sources, utilizing correct APA
Insert your answer to Question 5 here:
Please submit your document by uploading to your Document
Center at dms.capella.edu for fastest processing.
Or send one of these ways:
Email: 2.      
Mail: Capella University – Mpls | PO Box 211563
| Dallas, TX 75211]

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Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

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We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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