2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


a well-written 4-page research paper (minimum) that conducts the same exercise i

June 25, 2024

a well-written 4-page research paper (minimum) that
conducts the same exercise in written form. A combination of the two will be acceptable but needs
to be approved.
2. The project must include primary and secondary sources and possesses a workable thesis that shows
how/why your project has value and an American Studies approach. A brief essay may be necessary to
explain elements of the autoethnography video that will not work well in the video.
1. Pick a foodway that is highly personal or interesting to you. It should have strong elements of cultural
heritage or folk tradition. This can be a food festival, a food-centered holiday or occasion, a restaurant
experience, agricultural tradition, a new and complicated recipe, a regional cuisine or product made
locally. There are many other potential project ideas or combinations.
2. Explore the foodway personally and academically. What is your exposure/history with the foodway?
How do you engage it? How historical is this tradition? Consider how elements of culture: region, race,
ethnicity, gender, class have influenced the passing on and variation of this tradition. What are the
cultural values associated with this foodway? What are the elements of this foodway: origins,
ingredients, process & production, consumption & enjoyment? What are the historical, societal,
economic, academic lenses and approaches towards this foodway?
3. Create a project plan: 1 phase will/may be a general essay that explores the elements of your research
that will not fit well into your autoethnography. 1 phase will be you digitally recording your planned
exploration of the foodway: the basic elements/ingredients used, the process used to produce, the
elements of distribution or consumption (whether mass or personal), etc…
4. Complete the research & choose your method of recording. Essays should be in Word format for easy
submission and editing.
Proposal Statement:
As someone who can tolerate and appreciate a higher level of spiciness, I am deeply intrigued by the vibrant culinary traditions of Cajun and Creole cuisine, particularly those rooted in the rich cultural tapestry of Louisiana. Cajun and Creole foodways offer a fascinating glimpse into the region’s complex history, blending French, Spanish, African, Native American, and Caribbean influences to create a unique heritage. Through this project, I aim to explore the multifaceted nature of Cajun and Creole cuisine, delving into its historical roots, cultural significance, and contemporary manifestations.
Research Question/Thesis Statement:
How has Cajun and Creole cuisine in Louisiana evolved over time, reflecting the diverse cultural influences and historical contexts of the region, and what are the broader implications of these foodways within American society? 
Might add how using certain meats and vegetables came to be for certain dishes like alligator over chicken and using okra to thicken vs using corn starch.
Project Idea/Plan:
1. Background Research: Begin by conducting an in-depth exploration of the historical, cultural, and culinary dimensions of Cajun and Creole cuisine. This will involve studying the migration patterns of the Acadians, Spanish settlers, and African slaves to Louisiana, as well as examining the impact of colonialism, slavery, and cultural exchange on food practices in the region.
2. Primary Sources: Engage with primary sources such as historic cookbooks, family recipes, oral histories, and archival materials to gain insight into the everyday foodways of Cajun and Creole communities. By examining firsthand accounts and personal narratives, I hope to uncover the lived experiences and cultural values embedded in Louisiana’s culinary traditions.
3. Autoethnography: Reflect on my own experiences and connections to Cajun and Creole cuisine, considering how my background and identity intersect with the foodways of Louisiana. Through personal narratives and observations, I hope to elucidate the ways in which food serves as a site of cultural expression, identity formation, and community building.
5. Research Paper: Synthesize my findings into a comprehensive research paper that analyzes the historical, cultural, and social dimensions of Cajun and Creole cuisine. By examining the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, and gender within Louisiana’s foodways, I aim to shed light on broader issues of identity, power, and representation in American society.
Potential Resources:
1. “The Taste of Louisiana: Cajun and Creole Cuisine from the Bayou Country” by Judith Bluysen
2. “Creole Feast: Fifteen Master Chefs of New Orleans Reveal Their Secrets” by Nathaniel Burton and Rudy Lombard
By undertaking this project, I hope to deepen my understanding of Cajun and Creole culture while also contributing to the broader scholarly discourse on food studies, American Studies, and cultural heritage. 

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