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Why is it important to differentiate between facts, opinions, and bias when choosing sources for your research?

June 25, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Journal Part 3: Entries 13-18
Required Journal Entry 13: Evaluating Your Sources
Describe when it’s appropriate to use sources in an essay. Why is it important to differentiate
between facts, opinions, and bias when choosing sources for your research? (2 paragraphs,
6-8 sentences each)
Required Journal Entry 14: OrganizingYour Information
Review page 606–611 in Successful College Writing. Describe at least two ways to organize
your information effectively. Choose the method that would work best for you and explain why.
(2 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)
Reflect: Take a look back to your response to Journal Entry 10. Briefly describe what counts as
plagiarism. When is it appropriate to cite information? What information doesn’t need to be cited?
(1 paragraph, 6–8 sentences)
Required Journal Entry 15: Using Your Sources Responsibly
Review the definitions of direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary in Chapters 22 and 23 in
Successful College Writing and in Chapter 39 in The Little, Brown Essential Handbook. In your
own words, define these terms. Then, explain the most effective use of each of these three types
of sources. (2 paragraphs, 6–8 sentences each)
Required Journal Entry 16: Planning Your Argument
Study the argument essay topics on page 167–168 in your digital study guide and choose your
topic for your argument. This journal entry will help you begin to plan, research, and organize
your paper. Please note that both topics are very broad, so you should narrow your chosen topic
appropriately to suit your purpose and interest as well as the research and length requirements.
Review “The Basic Parts of an Argument” on pages 514–520 in Successful College Writing. Once
you’ve chosen your topic and identified your issue (516), you need to develop support. According
to your text, the three common types of support for an argument are “reasons, evidence, and
emotional appeals” (517).
I. State your claim:
A. Identify the type of claim (fact, value or policy).
B. Explain your purpose or goal for your research paper.
II. Identify your reasons:
A. Reason 1
B. Reason 2
C. Reason 3
III. Start your research to develop support for your claim (provide at least two examples of
A. Support your reasons with evidence
1. Facts*
2. Statistics*
3. Expert opinions*
4. Examples*
5. Personal Experiences
B. Identify your emotional appeals:
1. Appeal to needs
2. Appeal to values
* Cite your sources using MLA citation and documentation format (i.e., parenthetical citations and
a list of works cited).
To research effectively and efficiently, use the Expanded Academic ASAP database in Penn Foster’s
digital library. For more information about using Expanded Academic ASAP or other library
resources, visit https://community.pennfoster.edu/docs/DOC-57990.
Required Journal Entry 17: Recognizing Your Opposition.
Identify and define the three ways you can recognize opposing views in your argument. In your
own words, explain why it’s valuable to include the opposition in your essay. (1 paragraph,
6 sentences)
Reflect: Read Lisa Hamilton’s “Eating Meat for the Environment” and review the graphic organiz-
ers on pages 554 and 556–557. In your opinion, does acknowledging Dr. Pachauri’s opposing
viewpoint strengthen or weaken Hamilton’s argument?
Required Journal Entry 18: Course Reflection
Reflect: Acknowledging that am a learner has been the pivot on which my studies is held. Being a learner has helped me to pursue my course activities with an open-minded perspective. That is, exhibiting a mentality in which am ready to know new things and give room for corrections in places I have made errors. As a learner I have always believed that succeeding in this course is pegged heavily on my efforts to undertake assignments promptly with due concern to follow instructions and guidelines as provided. The aspect of time management has been my priority as a learner. Undertaking the course activities alongside other responsibilities calls on me as a learner to have proper time management skills which enable me to ensure that a strict schedule is followed and adhered to appropriately. I have an excellent opportunity to develop my time management skills and learn how to simply say “no” to things that seem least of my priorities as far as how undertaking the course is concerned. As a learner I have developed a culture of being determined and dedicated in whatever you pursue within the limits of my academics, job related responsibilities and family responsibilities. Pursuing the course activities has been a process in which I have developed a personality dedicated to striving for excellence on every task and responsibilities assigned on me. As a learner I have known the course is guided on the basis of an outlined learning objectives. Acknowledging the fact that the learning objectives are critical elements of the course activities I rank them in terms of their importance. Moreover, I’m prepared to manage class time and accomplish the most important learning objectives in any case am pressed for time.

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