2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


part 1 Part of having a professional online presence is creating professional co

July 21, 2024

part 1

Part of having a professional online presence is creating professional content for peers to engage with and to share your expertise.

Imagine that as a member of the executive team working on the strategic plan of the recent merger between the hospital and medical center, you are asked about the strategies you use to forge growing professional relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses developing strategic alliances with key internal and external stakeholders, and how to network effectively within the health care sector in which you work.(Molina Healthcare)

  • Describe the health care sector in which you work.
  • Identify key internal and external stakeholders.
  • Describe strategies used to develop relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Provide guidelines on networking through different venues such as online events, conferences, social media, professional meetings, or social events.

Cite at least 3 reputable references for a satisfactory or emerging grade to support your assignment (i.e., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Four references are recommended for excellent or accomplished level.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment as the author of the article. An APA-formatted citation should be included in the body of the article and referenced at the end of the article.

please note references are required – three for emerging and four for accomplished.

part 2

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How do you create and develop relationships with your stakeholders?
  • Are some stakeholders more important than others?
  • How might this view affect your relationships?

part 3

provide feedbacks to the following posts based on part 2

post 1

How do you create and develop relationships with your stakeholders?

First, I would identify who my stakeholders are and who will be interested in or influenced by my ideas on the project. I would then prioritize stakeholders by listing and meeting with all stakeholders, then prioritize them based on their interests and influence. I would then build trust to increase confidence, problem-solving, and decision-making. Communication is the foundation of any relationship so I would communicate regularly, clearly, and transparently with stakeholders about your goals, progress, challenges, feedback, and expectations.

Are some stakeholders more important than others?

Each stakeholder group has a role to play, and different levels of influence on business operations. But not all stakeholders are created equal. The most important stakeholder group of organizations are employees. They come ahead of customers, suppliers, community groups, and especially far ahead of shareholders. ( Understanding the Influence and Impact of Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-centered Outcomes Research: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2022, Apr). The importance of a stakeholder can be determined by assessing their power and interest. The power is influence they have on the company’s ability to operate

Interest and the interest is the impact of the company’s actions on them

How might this view affect your relationships?

This may affect our relationships by determining the type of relationship that’s established and the amount of time that the relationship will last. This could also establish boundaries as well.


Maurer M, Mangrum R, Hilliard-Boone T, Amolegbe A, Carman KL, Forsythe L, Mosbacher R, Lesch JK, Woodward K. Understanding the Influence and Impact of Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-centered Outcomes Research: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Apr;37(Suppl 1):6-13. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-07104-w. Epub 2022 Mar 29. PMID: 35349017; PMCID: PMC8993962.

post 2

It is important to create and develop relationships with stakeholders in the healthcare industry. Stakeholder engagement is new in health care and has become a necessary component of guideline development and implementation. Effective communication is one important tolls that is needed to build a relationship with stakeholders. Collaboration is another as stakeholders are an important role in how health care is provided and presented to the community. Some stakeholders are more important than others. Patients are very important stakeholders and will determine the success of a health care facility. Communicating, collaborating, and consulting with patients about their health care wants and needs can help to create a cohesive relationship. The fact that some stakeholders are more important that other affects the view of the relationship by prioritizing those who are more important and have more impact on the health care facility. While everyone fights for equality there is always the need to prioritize those who impact a health care facility more than others.There are guidelines that are used to ensure stakeholder engagement. These guideline ensures that stakeholders can make informed decisions with evidence based statements (Petkovic et el., 2020).


Petkovic, J., Riddle, A., Akl, E. A., Khabsa, J., Lytvyn, L., Atwere, P., Campbell, P., Chalkidou, K., Chang, S. M., Crowe, S., Dans, L., Jardali, F. E., Ghersi, D., Graham, I. D., Grant, S., Greer-Smith, R., Guise, J. M., Hazlewood, G., Jull, J., Katikireddi, S. V., … Tugwell, P. (2020). Protocol for the development of guidance for stakeholder engagement in health and healthcare guideline development and implementation. Systematic reviews, 9(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-020-1272-5

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