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  Respond to two colleagues: Explain how theories help inform social work com

July 11, 2024


Respond to two colleagues:

  • Explain how theories help inform social work competencies related to engaging with diversity and difference and advancing human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.


elect feminist theory or empowerment theory. Summarize the underlying principles and values of the theory in 3–4 brief sentences.

In social work, empowerment theory involves enhancing personal, interpersonal, and political power to progress the lives and conditions of people and societies. It focuses on appreciating strengths, self-determination, and balance of power within  society (Turner, 2017). The theory is designed to enhance the client’s capacity to make choices and to change those decisions into wanted actions and results.

Analyze the extent to which the underlying principles and core values of the theory, as found in the preamble, are consistent with the NASW Code of Ethics in 3–4 brief sentences.

Empowerment theory principles correspond with the NASW Code of Ethics regarding the “dignity and worth of the person, social justice, and the significance of human relationships” (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). As for both the theory and the code, social workers are supposed to encourage clients’ responsible self-determination and to participate in political and social action to guarantee all individuals have access to opportunities and resources.

Briefly describe a client from your fieldwork or other professional experience and their presenting problem in 2–3 sentences using the theory you selected.

Sarah is a thirty-five-year-old single mother of three children who was unemployed and at risk of being homeless when she sought our agency’s services. She felt hopeless, and low self-worth and saw herself incapable of finding and maintaining employment.

Identify one ethical standard from the NASW Code of Ethics that would apply to the client you described. Be sure to identify the numerical standard from the code of ethics to which you are referring.

Sarah’s case falls under the NASW Code of Ethics standard 1.02 concerning Self-Determination (National Association of Social Workers, 2021). This standard suggests that social workers should uphold and support clients’ autonomy and help clients define and articulate their objectives.

Explain how the theory is consistent with the work you did with the client and the ethical standard.

Empowerment theory was appropriate for my practice with Sarah and aligned with the ethical principle of self-determination. This way, it was easier to motivate her and make her realize that she has it in her to change. We discussed potential job opportunities and available resources with Sarah and provided her with guidance yet allowed her to decide her life independently. This way, her right to self-determination was preserved, and she also got the support and tools that helped her to feel empowered. In doing so, Sarah could define what she wanted for herself, understand her strengths, and work on obtaining employment and suitable housing. The empowerment approach met her present needs and provided her with roughs and assurance to handle future problems independently.


  • Select feminist theory or empowerment theory. Summarize the underlying principles and values of the theory in 3–4 brief sentences.

Bing a strengths based approach, empowerment theory focuses of the client’s strengths and helps them learn to believe in themselves. This approach helps the client have faith that they can face and overcome just about any obstacle they might be faced with.

  • Analyze the extent to which the underlying principles and core values of the theory, as found in the preamble, are consistent with the NASW Code of Ethics in 3–4 brief sentences.

Empowerment theory goes hand in hand with the NASW Code of Ethics. According to the Code of Ethics preamble the primary mission of our profession is to better the well-being  and help meet the basic needs of our clients and communities (Code of Ethics: English, n.d.). The Code of Ethics preamble goes on to say that we are to promote social justice, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, and the importance of relationships (Code of Ethics: English, n.d.).

  • Briefly describe a client from your fieldwork or other professional experience and their presenting problem in 2–3 sentences using the theory you selected.

I had a client that was recently widowed and had never in her life had to pay the bills as her late husband took care of everything. She was struggling with even going grocery shopping as he would pull money out every week for her to go shopping with. I had her come in and helped her switch everything over into her name and taught her how to pay the bills and helped her by printing a list of all of her bills and the due dates so she wouldn’t forget. When she left my office she said that she felt better about her financial situation now that she knew how to pay the bills now.

  • Identify one ethical standard from the NASW Code of Ethics that would apply to the client you described. Be sure to identify the numerical standard from the code of ethics to which you are referring.

When working with the client, I had to be mindful of the Cultural Competence (ethical standard 1.05) because of the differences in our culture. While we are both women originally from the South, she was raised in a different culture than I was where the head of the household was the husband and he handled everything. I had to be mindful of this was the way she was raised and lived her life.

  • Explain how the theory is consistent with the work you did with the client and the ethical standard.

The theory is consistent with the work I did with her because I helped empower her to take charge of her finances and she left knowing how to take care of her financial needs such as paying the bills and shopping.

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