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Topic for Youth Treatment Program Review #2 The topic for this assignment is you

July 9, 2024

Topic for Youth Treatment Program Review #2
The topic for this assignment is youth who are missing school or at-risk of dropping out. Below I explain how you will search for the program. See Youth Treatment Program Review #1 assignment for example submission.
Provide the name of a treatment program for first time juvenile offenders. Include a brief summary of the program, if researchers say it’s effective or not, and explain if you would provide funding to this program. 
Name of Program
Summary: Briefly describe the “treatment” the program provides.
Program Effectiveness: Briefly describe evidence of the effectiveness. To determine this, review the evidence of it’s effectiveness. You can read about that in the Evidence-Base (Studies Reviewed) section
Cost-effectiveness: Explain whether this a program you would fund and why.
How to find the a program in the database.
Go to Crime Solutions Program DatabaseLinks to an external site. 
Under By Target Population choose “Truants/Dropouts” (There is no need to select Juvenile under “By Topic” because only juveniles are truants or dropouts). 
Here is a list that comes up when I do the searchLinks to an external site.
Click on the program Title to read about it.
This is part 1 
Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an intensive family and community-based treatment
program for youth (age 12-17) who engage in antisocial behavior like crime and drug use.
MST therapists work with the entire family of a youth to address all environmental systems
that impact their behaviors, such as their home, school, neighborhood, and friends. Therapists
develop an individualized treatment plan for each family based on their specific needs and
strengths. Treatment typically occurs in the youth’s home and community and aims to
empower caregivers with skills and improve family relations and communication. Sessions
may happen daily or weekly depending on the family’s needs. Treatment usually lasts around
4 months.
Program Effectiveness
Research shows MST is an effective program for first time juvenile offenders. Studies
have found youth who completed MST had significant reductions in arrests and incarceration
time compared to those receiving normal services. A randomized controlled trial showed
MST reduced long-term criminal activity and substance abuse disorders compared to
individual therapy. The research meets the highest scientific standards and MST has a strong
evidence base demonstrating positive outcomes for youth and their families. It is rated as an
“Effective” program by CrimeSolutions.gov based on this strong evidence.
I would support funding the MST program because it has proven effective at reducing
recidivism among first time offenders and is considered a good investment. By addressing the
root causes of a youth’s criminal behavior through an intensive family and community
intervention, MST aims to stop crime before it escalates. This eliminates future costs to the
legal system and taxpayers related to additional arrests, incarceration, court costs, and victim
expenses associated with repeat offenses. While the initial costs of MST services may be
higher than traditional probation, research shows it achieves long-term cost savings by
helping youth stay crime-free.
Bonus Point
MST is guided by social ecological and systems theories. It aims to prevent labeling
theory, which suggests that officially labeling youth as "criminals" can negatively impact
their self-identity and future behavior. By treating youth in the community instead of the
juvenile justice system, MST avoids perpetuating this formal labeling at an early stage in a
criminal career when diversion to more constructive environments could prevent future
criminal patterns from developing.

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