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Why is it important that teachers use technology? How does this use support stud

July 9, 2024

Why is it important that teachers use technology? How does this use support student learning? How can you assure your students use technology and online resources safely? Finally, how will the use of the SAMR model increase your technology integration into future lessons to benefit your learners?
As you write your initial posts, make sure to either use in-text citations from your readings or personal research OR a reference page. As a graduate student, you should always make reference what you are reading.
Required Articles:
Also, respond to 3 peers:
Peer 1:  Why is it important for teachers to use technology?
It is important for teachers to use technology as our world is increasingly dependent on digital media, apps and extensions, online platforms, integrated resources, virtual resources and more.  Children are often using technology before they even enter school at a very young age and teachers are the first resource for students as they begin to learn and use technology. It is vital that teachers are skilled in technology in order to provide the necessary technology instruction for their students.   Technology is ever evolving and a requirement for teaching in today’s competitive world. As the PowerSchool article emphasizes, as educators our lessons must go beyond layering technology in our traditional lessons, and move into integration of technology into tasks that students will develop necessary technology skills (2021, April 13). It is important that teachers use technology to engage students and empower students to be independent and critically thinking learners. 
How does this use support student learning?
Students need to be able to navigate and use technology in order to access information, integrate technology effectively in their learning and be proficient in technology in order to communicate online. Students are required to use technology effectively and thus need to be taught how to use it as well as how it can enhance their learning and understanding of the content. Technology supports student learning by engaging the learner in a variety modalities and fosters learning by giving them the tools and resources to be independent thinkers and “investigators”. 
How can you assure your students use technology and online resources safely?
My first step in assuring my students will use technology and online resources safely is by forming a partnership and understanding with their parents.  This includes but is not limited to providing parents and students with all the digital resources and intended use and benefits of those resources.  It is my responsibility to investigate all digital media and resources before giving access to my students and therefore safeguard them from any potentially harmful content (ads, 3rd party links, etc). In addition, I have to provide my students with direct instruction regarding creating and safeguarding passwords, protecting their identity online, how to differentiate between safe and unsafe websites, and how to conduct themselves online as presented in the Digital Safety and Citizenship curriculum, Be Internet Awesome (2023, June).
Finally, how will the use of the SAMR model increase your technology integration into future lessons to benefit your learners?
Following the framework that SAMR provides, I will thoughtfully consider both aspects of enhancement and transformation as I plan lessons and choose technology resources. Using technology for the sake of using technology because it is popular or widely used, is not sufficient in lesson planning. The consideration of how it will be used to be more beneficial than other methods is most important.  I will have to balance the learning objective with the technology requirements so that the use of technology does not become burdensome, increase complexity but not increase learning, or detract from students’ comprehension of the content. 
Peer 2: It is important that teachers use technology because technology is the new modern-way of living. In schools, workplaces, and entertainment technology is used on a daily basis. It is important that students learn how to use technology, but also that they learn how to create their own content and communicate with others using the technology. There are many different applications that can be used in the classroom to engage students using technology. Students can have access to games, resources, videos, and many other materials that engage them more than a traditional worksheet would. Through the use of technology, teachers are also able to better differentiate the materials for students by sending them to places online that best meet the needs of each individual student. In doing this, students will be more engaged with what they are learning, and will then gain a greater understanding of the content. To ensure that students are using technology safely, there must be some explicit instruction done. Students need to understand what type of information they can put online and what they need to keep private. They also need to know reliable search engines and what to do if they are taken to a website they did not intend on going to. Like any content that you teach students, I believe the “I do, we do, you do” method of teaching would work well when teaching students online etiquette. 
Reading about the SAMR model has caused me to reflect on the technology integration that I have used in my classroom in the past. Previously, I have only ever used substitution and augmentation in my classroom. When thinking about technology integration, I think these are the bare minimum that can be done. At the elementary level, it is easy to think that this is all that students are able to use, but I am going to use the next school year to try and enhance the level of technology integration that my students use. At the same time, it is important to remember that sometimes the “lower” pillars of the SAMR model are the best for the specific learning task at hand. Powerschool says, “it’s essential to be purposeful in how you integrate technology into your instruction” (2021). The most important thing is not to use as much technology as possible, it is to give students as much understanding as possible.
Peer 3: It is important to use technology in the classroom to engage students in content learning. The traditional way students demonstrate they have learned a concept is almost obsolete. Several years ago school districts were forced into the COVID- 19 pandemic and had to scramble to use technology to teach students virtually. With that, interactive resources begin to overflow in the classrooms.  Students have a diverse way to show they understand the content. Additionally, classrooms have diverse learners who process information differently from their peers.  Therefore, technology allow some students to create and demonstrate what is being taught. Consequently, teachers need to have an understanding of the type of tools to use for students to express their ideas. Technology should be meaningful and produce results, not just an interactive game to keep students busy. The article, New Media Literacy Standards Aim to Combat Truth Decay reflects on the difficulty teachers are having to help distinguish disinformation and fake news in the digital world and that schools now need guidelines to help combat the evolution of disinformation.  I agree that guidelines should be set but in the meantime, I will implement rules in my classroom to ensure students are using resources safely. More importantly, I will vet the internet sites I will use for a particular project myself to make sure they are trusted and safe. The SAMR model will help eliminate the clutter as I present information and will give me a diverse way for students to collaborate and extend their learning. I like how it uses technology to enhance and transform the information. I also like the way students can take ownership of the way they want to present the information.

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