2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA



The assignment involves using Microsoft Project software (from 2019) to input data and then analyze project scheduling. You are required to make changes to the schedule, calculate costs, and consider project delivery dates. The assignment involves creating and submitting a Microsoft Project file (.MPP) and answering questions in a Word document based on the project’s schedule.
This assignment is separately into 2 parts.
Part 1 (which is A and B)
Using the data and information pro‐vided, enter the data and set up the MS Project worksheet to do the analysis. Review the results Be prepared to proceed with the analy‐ sis and recommendations.The actual completion dates and re‐ lated information after the initial data entry for Parts A and B will be posted once you have had time to work through the data entry in the MS Project worksheet.
There’s a instructions sheet in for part 1 attached (TRICORDER Project – Part 1 (1).docx) along with a file called additional instructions ing a PNG image.
Part 2 (which is part C and D) (This is the part where you’ll naswer questions 1-8)
Part 2 is continuing from part 1.
There’s a instructions sheet in for part 2 attached called instructions- Part 2 – Parts C and D .docx)
This part includes extra answers from what you should get: I tried doing the project myself, but the feedback I got was this:
Feedback I got:
Unfortunately, what you sent suggests that you did not even complete the initial setup of the problem prior to the material done in part 1. And the responses you provided for questions 1-8 for Part 2 are so general or vague as to be of little help in making scheduling decisions for a problem like this.
For the Part 2 questions:
Which activities could be, or should be, considered for crashing? So what would be the new finish date using the crashed activities? How far off are we still with these changes? You never provide that date.
You are being asked to explore some new options. That is why the data was provided for you … to provide a chance to run some additional analysis (using new information) to see what else might be done given these new constraints. From your response it is difficult/impossible to tell what additional analysis you may have done. You do not provide any specific results.
So, what would these additional costs have been? Specifics … that info is needed to help decision makers assess what to do. As is, you’ve provided no additional specific evidence, meaning that no new decision can be made. Most likely someone else will now need to do the analysis you did not report.
You should have been able to get to Feb 29th by crashing two activities for an additional $65k. Not close enough, but useful info, just the same.
Using the lags alone you cannot meet the Jan 15th deadline. You can get to January 29th.
Which lags would you recommend using? You have six to choose from. All of them? One of them? Provide specifics. As above, without the specifics your analysis statement provides no additional data or information to guide decision making.
Both approaches do get you close to the target date … that is why they are being considered for use. But they have different effects at a general level, and neither approach by itself will get you to the target date.
A general response that really provides no additional information. Be specific! Without the specifics, no decisions, or at least no well-informed decisions, can be made.
You could use all of the relevant lags (those on the critical path) plus two crashed activities (that are on the critical path) for $65k and get to January 14th, just meeting the target date.
OK …
Your MS Project file is not complete … it does not even meet the minimum starting point that should have been reached at the end of Part 1A and B. Without the holidays (i.e., Part 1A) you should have a finish date of March 4, 2025. Adding the holidays will give you a finish date of March 14, 2025.
Given the low quality of your responses (plus that they were not originally included or accessible in your submission) I have awarded a few additional points. But this is a very incomplete assignment. I would have expected a more complete MS Project worksheet (i.e., having all of the data that was given to you entered into the worksheet) as a starting point.

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