2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Write about your current understanding of implicit bias using complete sentences

July 9, 2024

Write about your current understanding of implicit bias using complete sentences in paragraph form to respond to each of the following prompts:
Share your thoughts about what implicit bias means
Share your thoughts about how implicit bias specific to family constellations/roles/values/cultural practices/etc. can serve as a barrier to therapy clients feeling supported and held in the therapeutic relationship.
Share any implicit biases specific to family constellations/roles/values/cultural practices/etc. that you are already aware that you are holding.
Complete 5 or more of the implicit bias test measures that are listed below and linked to here. Complete the measures and save the findings.
Transgender IAT
Sexuality IAT
Choose either Disability IAT or Weight IAT
Choose either Religion IAT or Native American IAT
Choose one of Skin-Tone IAT; Age IAT, Gender-Career IAT; Gender-Science IAT
Write a reflection paper based on your experience of completing the 5 or more implicit bias test measures.
Share your perception regarding the value and validity of implicit bias tests such as the ones you completed for this assignment.
Share your initial reactions to the findings for each of the tests that you completed.
Share the specific steps that you will take to respond to any bias that was revealed through these tests and/or to ensure that your future work with families is grounded in cultural humility.

Additional Information to Guide Your Approach to this Assignment:

Examples of implicit bias specific to family constellations/roles/values/cultural practices/etc. may include bias related to race, gender, sexuality, ability status, social class, parental age, religious affiliation, citizenship status, interracial relationships, interfaith relationships, polygamy, single parent homes, substance use, parentification of children, homeless status, houseless/unhoused status, division of labor between parents, division of labor amongst children, multigenerational homes, economic security, health and wellness practices in the home, and many more. In thinking about implicit bias, remember to consider the cultural values that have been normalized in U.S. society both historically and in our current day. Generally speaking, our implicit bias will show when we are confronted with ways of life that we view to be outside of our individual and/or societal conceptualization of “normal.”
Cultural humility refers to an attitude of openness, curiosity, and respect that extends to individual client experiences, as well as culturally based perspectives and worldviews. Cultural humility presupposes cultural comfort and prioritizes respect for others as well as an egalitarian mindset that sheds any sense of superiority (all-knowing) over clients. This provides the basis for the counselor’s open and curious stance as it relates to the exploration of self and others, and the recognition of the space that exists between the two. To adopt a stance of cultural humility is to communicate respect in regards to client identities, backgrounds, and experiences.
(Note: This assignment should be completed by writing a comprehensive essay and must include proper APA 7 formatting (title page, in-text citations, references page). Your essay should consist of at least 4 paragraphs: intro paragraph, paragraph responding to questions posed in step 1, paragraph responding to questions posed in step 3, closing paragraph. You do not need to include a header or footer for this assignment.

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