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In this course, you have learned that a final problem statement normally takes m

July 6, 2024

In this course, you have learned that a final problem statement normally takes many months to develop. Yet this week, you are asked to begin to develop the purpose statement. This is not because your problem statement is finalized but because it is time for you to evaluate and practice creating the next component of the doctoral capstone. 
The purpose statement serves as the connection between the problem being addressed and the focus of the study. Depending on the methodology, in:
Quantitative studies, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables) and a conjectured relationship between (among) them related to the identified gap in practice or problem;
Qualitative studies, describe the need for increased understanding about the issue to be studied (based on the identified gap or problem); and
Mixed-methods studies (with both quantitative and qualitative aspects), clarify how the two approaches will be used together to inform the study. Please note that you would need to become an expert in both methodologies as well as in the triangulation of the data, meaning that a mixed-method study would take a lot more time to conduct.
The language used in a purpose statement is similar to the wording found in a corresponding research question. By writing a purpose statement, you are simultaneously beginning to form your research question. This also means, unless you have a problem statement with evidence and an aligned purpose statement, do not use your valuable time on research questions that will have to be rewritten.
If you have more than one great idea for a purpose, just write down more than one draft. Your instructor will help you select the purpose that is most feasible for a timely graduation.
Students will:
Draft a purpose statement
Evaluate alignment of problem, evidence, and purpose
Apply knowledge of APA references
Apply knowledge of doctoral study
Stephen King, who has written more than 50 novels—and other books that have sold hundreds of millions of copies—also wrote about how he writes. In his book, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, King explains that his iterative approach to writing involves writing, putting it aside, writing something else, and then returning to the first draft. 
While it is unlikely you will adopt Stephen King’s ritual for draft versions, recognize that “writing drafts” are an essential part of the process. This week’s writing assignment allows you to present an improved and refined problem statement and an aligned purpose statement.
Note: Please remember to carefully read the assignment directions. Use the feedback given by your instructor on prior assignments to inform this assignment.
To Prepare:
For this revision of your problem and purpose statements, apply what you have learned from the feedback you have received, as well as the information you have learned from the required readings, web resources, and media.
Submit your draft of the prospectus form by Day 7 of Week 6. It is always recommended to update the date in the document as well as in the file name. Your form should contain:
Tentative Title
Literature you have already read – less than 15 articles is fine at this point
Research problem
Three pieces of evidence
I uploaded the two graded forms with feedback to better guide us through the process.
Required Readings
Walden University, LLC. (n.d.). Doctoral degree coachLinks to an external site.. https://coach.waldenu.edu/
Sign into your Doctoral Degre Coach. You will use the coach extensively when you are in the actual capstone phase. However, there are some resources that will also be helpful at this point.
OASIS: Academic Skills Center. (n.d.-b). Doctoral capstone and residencyLinks to an external site.. Walden University. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/academic-skills-center/success-strategies/doctoral-capstone 
Review interesting articles on the Savvy Student Blog articles from students who graduated.
Owens-Cunningham, A. (2021). Teacher perceptions on using differentiated instructional strategies in middle school. (Publication No. 2557408801) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
Optional Resources
Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (n.d.-d). EdD doctoral studyLinks to an external site.. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/research-center/program-documents/edd
“EdD Dissertation Checklist – Qualitative”
“The EdD Prospectus Guide”
Walden University Library. (2015b). Searching and finding information in the library databases: OverviewLinks to an external site..  http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/searchingfinding 

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