2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


MR.Y Case study Mr.Y is a 78yr old man who was born in korean and Moved to Canad

July 5, 2024

MR.Y Case study
Mr.Y is a 78yr old man who was born in korean and Moved to Canada with his wife 50 years ago together. A couple opened a floral shop and ran the business for 40 years. 
When Mr. Y was in his late 60s, he started having difficulty making his favorite flower arrangements. He began misplacing tools, losing paper orders and forgetting important pickup times. 
At home He had problems remembering recent events and began waking up at odd hours in the night, thinking it was time to open the shop. When Mr. Y was 70 years old, the family decided to sell the business. Their health care providers confirmed that Mr. Wye was presenting with early stage. Alzheimer’s disease. He also had osteoarthritis and a history of Urinary tract infections. 
Mrs. Y cared for her husband at home during those years. When Mr. Y turned 75, his memory worsened and he most often forgot where things were in the house. He often woke his wife at odd hours of the night, thinking it was time to get-up-and-get ready. Mr. Y grew physically weak and suffered from frequent falls at home a few times Mr. Y had become lost outside of their home for.
Forgetting where he had to go and which house was his.
Their son recognized that his mother was constantly worrying about her husband’s increasing care needs and could not enjoy activities. She used to do. She was stressed and was not sleeping properly with support from their health care providers. The family decided that a long-term care setting would benefit Mr. Y and Mrs.Y, well-being.
During the first week in long-term care, the staff noticed Mr. Y pacing the hallways pushing on locked doors and entering other residents rooms when approached by the nursing staff, he had repetitive questions. Who are you, what do I do? Where do I go Mr. Y required frequent reminders that this was his new home.
During meals. Mr. Y ate little despite encouragement and staff offering assistance during personal care, such as changing toiletine and showering. Mr. Y scratched grabbed and screamed at the personal support. Workers PS w’s 2 staff were required during these care activities.
At the end of the second week in long-term care. Mr. Y was no longer pacing the halls. He was often found napping in his room during the days. One afternoon a psw went into Mr. Y’s room to bring him to have lunch and found him sleeping. She tried to gently wake Mr., y, but he was not easy to arouse.
In the dining room. Mr. Y stared out the window when the psw asked him for his lunch preference, Mr. Y rambled slowly in english and in Korean. Yes, my wife is cooking. I will eat when the meal came he barely touched it. When they were group activities, the therapist found it harder and harder to get Mr. Y to attend and participate. He sometimes fell asleep in the middle of the exercise. Or social program.
A few nights in a row. He was found wandering outside his bedroom without his Walker. One time he told the PSW someone is looking for me.
The PSW reassured him that he is safe and tried to direct him back to his room. But Mr. Y walked past the PSW and said I had. Have to go to the bus stop. This behavior continued with increasing disorientation. The sleep disturbances resulted in Mr. Y being too drowsy in the mornings and not able to eat any breakfast. 
Although Mrs. Y was kept informed of her husband’s condition since admission. It was not until her first visit during Mr. Y’s third week in long-term care, when she realized how much her husband had changed, she was alarmed and asked the staff what is happening what will be done for him? How can I help?

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