2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Discussion Reply #1 Throughout this course, I have experienced substantial growt

July 5, 2024

Discussion Reply #1
Throughout this course, I have experienced substantial growth as a scholar, particularly in my ability to conduct thorough research, critically analyze information, and present my findings effectively. From the initial stages of formulating research questions to the advanced stages of writing and revising, I have honed my skills in academic writing and critical thinking. Engaging with diverse sources and integrating feedback from instructors and peers has deepened my understanding of the subject matter and improved my ability to articulate complex ideas clearly.
My sense of preparedness to successfully complete my capstone project is rooted in the solid foundation this course has provided. The structured approach to research and the emphasis on developing a comprehensive understanding of the topic have equipped me with the necessary tools to undertake this significant academic endeavor. I feel confident in my ability to identify relevant literature, develop a sound methodology, and analyze data effectively. The skills and knowledge gained throughout this course have prepared me to tackle the challenges that come with a capstone project.
However, I do have some concerns about completing the project, particularly related to time management and external factors such as teacher turnover in the schools and school district. Balancing the demands of the capstone project with other academic and personal responsibilities will be challenging. To address this, I plan to create a detailed project timeline with specific milestones to ensure steady progress. Breaking down the project into manageable tasks and setting realistic goals will help me stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, I will seek support from my instructors and peers, leveraging their expertise and feedback to overcome any obstacles I may encounter.
Teacher turnover in the schools and school district is another concern that could impact the availability of consistent data and insights for my project. To address this, I will establish strong communication channels with multiple stakeholders to ensure that I can gather comprehensive and reliable information despite the high turnover rate. Building relationships with a broad network of educators will help mitigate the impact of turnover and ensure the continuity of my research.
Reflecting on my strengths and weaknesses, I recognize that my determination to complete this project is one of my key strengths. Having come from a low-income family, I understand the importance of education and am deeply committed to making a meaningful contribution through my research. This personal motivation drives me to persevere through challenges and stay focused on my goals.
On the other hand, time management is a weakness that I need to address. To improve in this area, I will implement strategies such as creating a structured schedule, prioritizing tasks, and setting aside dedicated time for research and writing. Using tools like planners and productivity apps will help me stay organized and ensure that I allocate sufficient time to each aspect of the project.
Discussion Reply #2
As I reflect on this course I feel confident in my completion of chapters one and three. Concerns I have surrounding chapter three is being able to obtain enough participants. There have been doctoral students I’ve met who have stated challenges with obtaining participants for their study. I am hopeful it will not be too challenging however the concern is there. I am also concerned about the completion of the literature review. The literature review appears to be one of the most challenging chapters to complete due to the length and amount of research needed to meet standards. It is estimated that the completion of an acceptable narrative review will take between three and six months (Claxton & Michael, 2020). I have been organized throughout my previous courses saving pertinent references so I am hopeful that will ease the writing process. Between now and the fall semester the plan is to finish writing chapter two in hopes of submitting chapters one through three early in my next course. Luckily in my previous course we started writing the literature review however there is still much more needed to have a full synthesis of the information previously published on the subject. Romans 12:12 states rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Reflecting on the progress I have made as a scholar, my research and writing have improved preparing me for the final capstone. The pressure is there to conduct the research, compile the capstone and prepare for presentation; however I have faith in my abilities that continue to grow as I work each step of the process.   
Claxton, B. L. & Michael, K. Y. (2020). A step-by-step guide to conducting applied research in education. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
New Living Translation. 2004. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/Links to an external site.

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