2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Speech 2 Assignment: For this speech, you will be sharing information about two

July 4, 2024

Speech 2 Assignment: For this speech, you will be sharing information about two to four historical events (not events that happened to you) you find interesting that occurred on your birthday (The month and day, not just the year. You can pick one from your exact birthday if you find it compelling.).
Time Frame: 3-4 minutes
References: Minimum of 3; Orally cited in the speech & typed APA 7th edition submitted references in Word/ PDF format; once you determine what occurred on your birthday you then can locate other sources to find additionally information about your chosen events. Remember when picking references they must be credible sources, meaning no Wiki sites, social media, or unknown entities. 
Visit the websites below and pick two to four events that you find interesting that occurred on your birthday. They do not have to have occurred on the year of your birth, just the month and day. (Hint: whichever website contains the events you chose to present in your speech should be listed and orally cited as a reference.)
https://www.britannica.com/on-this-dayLinks to an external site.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-historyLinks to an external site.
https://www.historynet.com/today-in-history/Links to an external site.
https://www.onthisday.com/Links to an external site.
The speech should include the items below:
(1) Grab the audience’s attention and develop their interest
(2) Provide the topic of the speech
(3) Establish credibility: state why you chose the two to four events and why the audience should be interested
(4) Preview the main points (aka a thesis statement) state how many points you will discuss (2 or 4)
(Introduction Example {My birthday is June 17th}: (1) Give me liberty or give me death, a speeding Bronco, Americans living in fear of a nuclear war, and loose lips sinking a presidency mark the timeline on the day of my birth. (2) Our birth is celebrated by those we hold dear, but throughout the years, that month and day contain numerous historical incidents. (3) The happenings on June 17th, my birthday according to {here I would cite a source}, range from Saturday Night Live fodder and part of the reason we do not sing “God Save the Queen” for our national anthem. (4) While everyone’s birthday is unique, {here I would cite a source} stated that on my birthday, the Battle of Bunker Hill began; Russia went from WW II friend to Cold War foe, an informant coined “Deep Throat” brought down Richard Nixon, and thanks to O.J. Simpson we will never view a white Bronco the same. **Your introduction should not contain any words close to this example. This is simply to help you brainstorm, and no typed speeches are required.**)
Two-four main points (the events you are discussing)
Transition sentences within each main point (event) giving a summary
Oral citations for any statements that are not your own (meaning unless you are considered an expert in a field, or have published research there should be a reference stated.)
(1) Signal the end (verbally and nonverbally {see Chapter 8})
(2) Summarize the main points
(3) End by relating back to your attention getter or by making a significant statement.
(Conclusion Example: (1) For most people, June 17th means that you celebrate Father’s Day every seven years. (2) However, I share my birthday with not only that holiday but a tide-turning American Revolution conflict, Russia expanding the USSR, Watergate, and O.J. Simpson creating that infamous police chase. Therefore, the next time June 17th comes around, remember that others were making history that continues to be discussed today in classrooms and in pop culture. Can you say the same for your birthday?  **Your conlusion should not contain any words close to this example. This is simply to help you brainstorm, and no typed speeches are required.**) 

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