2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Critical Thinking Assessment The actual outcome of this assignment is that “stud

Critical Thinking Assessment
The actual outcome of this assignment is that “students will demonstrate their ability to think critically by using reasonable and reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do.” Read the scenario below and discuss/analyze using the critical thinking skills obtained throughout the semester in 2 pages. Be sure to do the following: (1)identify the problem or issue and analyze the information, (2)present multiple solutions or perspectives, (3)draw conclusions, assess the conclusion or consequences, and (4)synthesize ideas and be sure to communicate effectively. It is crucial that you use your critical thinking skills when reading an article or watching an advertisement so that you can make a well-informed and unbiased opinion about the information given. Use the Student Guide to Thinking Critically, attached paper, to help you ask the right questions when reviewing information. 
In paragraph format, use the below scenario to exemplify critical thinking skills learned throughout this course. Ensure you analyze the following in your paper:
State the problem that is being evaluated as clearly as you can using the information given to you from the scenario provided. 
Describe the perspectives, values and point of view of Doris.
Describe the perspectives, values and point of view of the husband.
Describe the perspectives, values and point of view of the judge/legal issues.
Describe the perspectives, values and point of view of the children of the couple.
Describe the perspectives, values and point of view of neighbors. 
Based on what you have addressed in the above paragraphs, explain your values and point of view on the perspectives and problem being evaluated. What is your reasonable argument or conclusion?
If you can address each of these areas in your Critical Thinking paper, then you should perform well!  Ensure you do not plagiarize- please reference plagiarism guides in the ‘Human Development Welcome’ folder. Assignment is turned in through SafeAssign and checked for plagiarism. 
Crime and Punishment
In 1974, at the age of 19, Doris Drugdealer was arrested for selling $200 worth of heroin to an undercover police officer in Michigan.  She received a 10-20 year prison sentence for this crime.  After serving about 8 months of her sentence, she decided that she could not tolerate prison and with the help of her grandfather, plotted an escape.  She used a work pass to walk away from prison.  In May, 2008, after 34 years, Doris was captured again by detectives who matched  fingerprints from her driver’s license to her prison records. 
Doris said that in 1974 she was a “stupid little …hippie-ish girl…a pothead.”  During the 34 years that Doris evaded prison, she worried everyday that she would be caught.  While looking at a sunset, she would marvel at her freedom and wonder if the past would catch up with her.  She was very careful to lead the life of a model citizen and even volunteered for Common Cause, an organization that promotes government ethics and accountability. She married an executive and had three children and lived a comfortable life in an upper middle class neighborhood in California.  She never told her family about her past.  Her husband of 23 years stated that he loved his wife as much as the day they were married and that she was a “person of the highest integrity and compassion” and had dedicated her life to raising her children.  She taught her children to be responsible citizens and to avoid drugs.  Her husband said that the arrest “was the next worst thing to having a death in the family.”  Doris worried about the effect of her arrest on her son who had just graduated from high school and her older daughters.  A neighbor commented that it would not be useful to society to send Doris back to prison. 
Undercover drug officers believed that Doris had connections to “higher ups” in the drug world and was a teenage leader in a 1070’s drug ring.  They found $600 in her apartment, paraphernalia for cutting heroin and pictures of her with other drug dealers.  Doris described herself as a recent high school graduate who was strapped for cash, working at a minimum wage job and driving a $400 car.  She said that every day of her life she regretted getting herself into this situation.  She was extradited back to Michigan to serve her original prison term.  Her family and friends submitted a plea for clemency to the governor of Michigan.  Should the governor grant her clemency? 

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