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For this module, discuss healthcare policies that focus on vulnerable or disadva

June 26, 2024

For this module, discuss healthcare policies that focus on vulnerable or disadvantaged populations. For instance, a policy may be created that attempts to combat barriers to healthcare services for adults with developmental disabilities.

Include the following information in your initial post:

  • Do you think gearing policy toward disadvantaged populations is a wise or unsound practice? Explain your answer and support your position with scholarly resources.
  • What is the impact to the whole of society if disadvantaged or vulnerable populations are overlooked by policymakers?
  • If you were a policymaker, on what specific health-related issue (that impacts a vulnerable or disadvantaged group) would you focus? Why? Support your choice with appropriate resources.

Be sure to post an initial, substantive response by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. MT, and respond to two or more classmates with substantive responses by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT. A substantive initial post answers the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic. Be sure your post is unique. Do not repeat what other students have said. Substantive peer responses ask a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic and/or answers a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor.

Note: The following are not examples of substantive contributions:

  • Thanking, agreeing with, or complimenting a classmate.
  • Providing irrelevant commentary.
  • 2 peer responses
    Valai KarwolorJun 13, 2024Jun 13 at 8:08pmManage Discussion Entry

    It is wise to shape policies that prioritize disadvantaged populations. Quality and performance improvements are crucial in addressing environmental shifts and challenges in healthcare. Providing high-quality care should remain a steadfast goal, even as the national healthcare system evolves, as it is the cornerstone of healthcare organizations (Bhatt & Bathija, 2020). At-risk populations, including the working poor, elderly, homeless, racial and ethnic minorities, and the uninsured, are more likely to develop severe medical problems due to substandard healthcare, inadequate health literacy, and a higher rate of infectious diseases. Prioritizing policy geared towards disadvantaged populations will benefit those living in urban and rural areas, especially those in impoverished communities who lack access to stable healthcare due to its unavailability or high cost.The impact on society is significant and potentially catastrophic if policymakers overlook disadvantaged or vulnerable populations. These vulnerable groups are not just relying on but are dependent on others for help, placing a considerable responsibility, not just a duty, but a moral obligation on policymakers to ensure they receive a high standard of care. These individuals may be less able to protect themselves, making it crucial and a matter of life and death for organizations to defend them. Over the years, safeguarding has improved, but unfortunately, abuse and neglect are still prevalent. Reducing disaster health risks for the vulnerable is not just crucial but a necessity as it also helps prevent disease from spreading to the population or society. It is essential for policymakers to identify susceptible populations and risk management capacity in a community and develop and implement appropriate vulnerability reduction strategies in Health. As a policymaker, I would not just prioritize but champion housing and employment for the vulnerable. Providing them with safe housing has a profound impact, not just for them but for society. It will not just help reduce the crime rate but protect them from sickness and instill hope for a better tomorrow. Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2020). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic Medicine, 93(9), 1271–1275. https://doi.org/10.1097/acm.0000000000002254Links to an external site.

  • AND
    Molly PalmerJun 16, 2024Jun 16 at 7:48pmManage Discussion Entry

    Gearing Policy Toward Disadvantaged PopulationsFocusing healthcare policies on vulnerable or disadvantaged populations is a wise and necessary practice. Such policies are essential for promoting health equity, reducing disparities, and ensuring that all individuals have access to necessary healthcare services. Disadvantaged populations often face significant barriers to accessing care, such as economic constraints, geographical limitations, and social stigma. Targeted policies can help address these barriers and improve health outcomes for these groups.Impact on Society if Vulnerable Populations are Overlooked
    Ignoring the needs of disadvantaged or vulnerable populations has profound negative impacts on society as a whole. Health disparities contribute to a cycle of poverty and illness that affects not only individuals but also their families and communities. This can lead to increased healthcare costs, reduced workforce productivity, and higher rates of preventable diseases.Focus as a Policymaker: Mental Health Services for Homeless Individuals
    If I were a policymaker, I would focus on improving mental health services for homeless individuals. This population is particularly vulnerable due to the intersection of mental health issues, substance abuse, and lack of stable housing. Addressing mental health needs is crucial for improving their quality of life and enabling them to break the cycle of homelessness.Creating healthcare policies that target vulnerable and disadvantaged populations is not only a moral imperative but also a practical strategy for improving public health and reducing overall healthcare costs. By addressing the specific needs of these populations, we can create a more equitable and healthy society. Focusing on mental health services for homeless individuals, for instance, can lead to significant improvements in their health and social stability, benefiting society as a whole.References:National Coalition for the Homeless. (2009). Mental Illness and Homelessness. Retrieved from http://www.nationalhomeless.org/factsheets/Mental_Illness.pdf

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