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June 25, 2024

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Charlene Mitchell
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Discussion: The Renaissance Era
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We begin with the Renaissance era. In this Discussion, identify some of the basic characteristics of Renaissance art and share your opinion on how Renaissance art differs from the artwork created during the historical periods that came before it.
This is not a research essay assignment, so write from your own point of view and in your own words. The following materials below are instrumental in our Module 1 Discussion. They are also provided in the Module 1 “Background” page:
Brief History of Western Art
Pay special attention to the Renaissance section
History of Renaissance (Video)
GE Discussion Grading Rubric – Timeliness v2
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Maximizing DQ POints!
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Cynthia Castillo posted Jun 22, 2024 7:53 AM
Hi Everyone,
Before jumping into the DQ for this Module, here are some pointers designed to help you maximize your discussion points.
*  Make sure you review the Discussion Grading Rubric.  It tells you exactly what  
needs to be in your posts and how they will be graded.  
*  To receive full points for timely submission, your initial post must be submitted
within the first 6-days of the Module and no later than 11:59 PM of the first
Saturday of the new Module.
*  Always respond to at least two of your classmate’s posts per the Rubric. No need
to give away points by not doing so.
*  Make good use of the spellchecker function before you hit “Post”.
*  Always fold in references for all of your posts.  This adds a great deal of depth   
and credibility to your post.  If you quote from outside sources, please don’t forget to add the                                                                              
in-text citation and to list the source below your post. 
*  If it does not look like you will make the DQ due dates, please let me know
ASAP and we’ll work out an alternate due date/time.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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Discussion: The Renaissance Era
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Ronniesha Miles posted Jun 24, 2024 7:35 AM
As we all know the Renaissance is a huge part of the Art worlds history. Renaissance art consists of paintings, sculptures, architectures, music, and literature produced during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries in Europe under the combined influences of an increased awareness of nature, a revival of classical learning, and a more individualistic view of man. 
The Renaissance Art was very elegant and detailed. You can tell that they cared about their artwork and took their time inserting numerous small details to make their Artwork come to life. They were also very good at using their imagination to enhance things that may have been simple and turn it into something amazing to look at. Even looking at pictures of some of the statues, canvasses and other artwork that was done back then today it is still very intriguing to view. I don’t believe that there is an era that can ever replace or be better than this era which is why it is considered one of its own. 
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Last post 2 hours ago by Cynthia Castillo
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Available on Jun 24, 2024 12:00 AM. Submission restricted before availability starts.
GE Discussion Grading Rubric – Timeliness v2
Last Visited Jun 25, 2024 10:57 AM

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