2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Angelica G. Hello Professor and Class, Reflecting on my journey through this cou

Angelica G.
Hello Professor and Class,
Reflecting on my journey through this course, I initially found it daunting due to the unfamiliarity with community nursing concepts and the demands of accessing relevant statistics and resources. However, as I progressed, I grew more confident in navigating these complexities and understanding their importance in patient care. Looking ahead as a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, I intend to integrate these newfound skills by consistently assessing the social determinants of health that influence patient outcomes. This course has equipped me to effectively link patients with community resources, ensuring their ongoing care beyond hospital settings.
Mentorship played a crucial role in my development, particularly in enhancing my communication skills with diverse patient groups and healthcare teams. Initially apprehensive about collaboration meetings during my practicum project, my mentor provided the support and guidance that bolstered my confidence. With their help, I refined my communication techniques, tailored my presentations, and gathered pertinent data for productive interactions with healthcare professionals. Their encouragement was pivotal in achieving proficiency in effective communication and collaboration.
One of the key program outcomes that I found crucial in my nursing education was the ability to effectively communicate with both patients and healthcare providers across various healthcare settings. Mentorship played a pivotal role in helping me achieve proficiency in this area.
Initially, I had some uncertainties and insecurities about communicating effectively, especially in complex situations involving diverse patient populations and interdisciplinary teams. However, having a mentor provided me with invaluable support and guidance. They offered practical advice on adapting my communication style to different audiences, emphasizing clarity, empathy, and cultural sensitivity.
During my practicum project and collaborative meetings, my mentor’s feedback was instrumental. They helped me refine my presentation skills, structure my thoughts coherently, and navigate discussions with healthcare professionals. Their insights on active listening, effective questioning techniques, and building rapport with patients helped me to communicate more confidently and effectively.
Overall, mentorship enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the nuances of communication in healthcare. Learning from my mentor’s experiences and receiving personalized feedback allowed me to improve my communication skills significantly. This experience not only enhanced my ability to convey information clearly and compassionately but also strengthened my capacity to advocate for patient-centered care.
Looking ahead, this course and the mentorship I received have profoundly shaped my nursing practice, empowering me to provide comprehensive care while advocating for patients and their communities. I am eager to apply these skills in my future career, striving to make a positive impact and promote holistic care for all individuals I serve.
Best wishes to everyone as you pursue your own professional journeys!
Posts should meet the following criteria:  
Engage in Meaningful Dialogue: Engage with peers and/or faculty by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.  
Respond to a peer and/or faculty post. 
Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.  
Add depth to the collaboration café. 
Communicate Professionally: Communicate professionally on all posts.  
Communicate clearly and concisely. 
Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly. 
Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. 

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