2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


THIS IS JUST SECTION 1, 2 AND 3. NOT FULL PAPER PLEASE This assignment involves

June 23, 2024

This assignment involves writing a 6–8-page paper that proposes a community intervention to a significant LOCAL community problem. Specify and describe the chosen community classification as being rural, urban or an intersection of both using information from the book or peer reviewed sources. This paper should reflect the content from all applicable assigned readings. The paper must be correctly referenced using American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Special attention should be given to the correct style of referencing. Papers need to be original and typed, with clear and lucid analyses and excellent grammar.
Please note that this is a graduate-level course, and the expectations are considerably higher than those at an undergraduate level. This research paper is intended to demonstrate your ability to apply a macro-level model of intervention to a real problem situation. The paper should be written in a formal, scholarly format.
In addition to reflected problem analysis, planned intervention and proposed change efforts consider issues related to economics, social policies, political influences, and involvement of various levels of systems (individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities). Papers will be graded on quality of analysis, creativity, incorporation of theories and knowledge, and quality of writing.
Your selected problem should target one specific community (rural, urban or an intersection of both) or regional area and the content related to community assessment and resources should be specific to that community.
Presentation– You will be expected to present your identified problem, assessment data, and proposed solution to a body of LOCAL POLICY DECISION-MAKERS (such as city council, county commissioners, local school board, Council of Governments, public hearing on a particular issue, etc.). All communities have decision-making bodies that are open to public comment and input. However, you will need to find out the parameters of such input AHEAD OF TIME. Sometimes there is a time limit and advance request for permission to speak. Failure to present before an appropriate group will result in point deductions. You will need to include documentation (including a contact person) that can verify your presentation.
Use the supplemental information provided in the Models of Community Intervention handout (see Doc Sharing ) and the following outline to organize your paper. Be sure and go back to readings in your text for your proposed intervention.
Just like working with an individual or family, you will first identify the problem. Next you will identify what goals you’d like to achieve to address the problem. Then you identify various players that are involved and what change strategies you will employ (change tactics). Use Figure 18.1 (Community Intervention Models) on p. 283 of the handout as an overall guide.
You will pick a COMMUNITY PROBLEM that involves EITHER local level organizations, social issue organizations, or social planning/coordination organizations (one of the 3 columns on p. 283 of handout). Address each area of the outline below as it relates to your selected approach or model ie., local, social issue, or service planning/coordination)
Your paper will start with a PROBLEM (read p. 287 of handout) not a PROGRAM. Use information you learned about problems (ch. 3 from your text) and intervention (Ch. 5, 12 & 13) to help you.
Your identified community problem can be related to your PETITION for CHANGE or NOT. It doesn’t have to be but it can.
Use the following outline for writing your paper. USE the subheadings as identified in the outline below but write the paper as a flowing narrative (do not start new pages for each section)
I. Introduction (paragraph where you state the purpose of the paper and general background related to the problem or issue)
II. Description of the Problem (include statistics, demographics, and/or information related to social policies, political influence, economics, or involvement of various levels of systems)
III. Target of change – what needs to be different and why
IV. Scope of concern – define parameters of problem and proposed change
V. Planned Intervention- must be a macro-level model of intervention (analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies) Be sure to consider issues related to economics, social policies, political influences, and involvement of various levels of systems (individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities). Specify the social work roles you would play as a community practitioner.
VI. Desired or Expected outcomes
VII. Theories – Apply a minimum of 2 theories and concepts from assigned readings.
VIII. Conclusion – general summary and conclusion
IX. Description of Presentation – where, when, what was the response

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