2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


First, note that this paper must be your work, as is all work for this course. A

June 23, 2024

First, note that this paper must be your work, as is all work for this course. All outside sources must be documented. AI is not allowed, and that includes programs that use AI, even if at a low level such as Grammarly (not allowed).  Not turning in a paper obviously results in a failing grade for the assignment. It is scored as 50%. This is not good, but if averaged with a comparable assignment at 100%, it averages 75%, or a C. Any form of academic dishonesty is scored at 0%. Averaged with a comparable assignment of 100%, the average is only 50%, a failing grade. It is possible that use of unauthorized methods could be used without being detected, but methods of detection are improving on a regular basis. Every semester I have some students who lose a good course grade due to AI or other forms of academic dishonesty.  
Understand that AI itself is an important development and may prove to be of enormous benefit to the peoples of this world. However, if it does so at the expense of human abilities to creatively think and produce, it could prove to be equally if not more destructive. My efforts are to ensure that the latter is minimized in my classes. 
Important Restrictions
In addition, I am requiring that nine sources 0f the 12 required sourdes be secured through Delta College’s Goleman Library (accessible via MyDelta),  with the exception that one may be from the Congressional Budget Office and up to two from branches of the Federal Reserve Bank may be substituted for Goleman Library sources. Use the URLs for those sources that are provided by when accessing Goleman Library resources. 
The term paper for Economics 5 is a extensive description of a major industry and how that industry will develop and function over the next five years. The U.S. economy is undergoing constant change due to the effects of the pandemic, increasing international trade, and changing technology (including Artificial Intelligence). A sample overview of this paper would be:
Introduction (.5 pages)
History/developments over last 25 years (1.5 pages)
Recent developments (last 2 years), such as changing consumer purchasing habits  labor issues due to the pandemic, inflation, interest rates, etc. (2 pages)
Current viability of the industry. Is it currently profitable, able to secure sufficient labor, able to secure financing, etc. (2 pages)
The economic climate of the U.S. over the next year and how that will affect the industry. (1.5 pages)
Future challenges to the industry. Will there be issues with overall economic climate (inflation, interest rates, labor shortages) foreign competition, changing technology, potential product obsolescence, changing consumer preferences, resource acquisition, etc.? (2 pages)
Conclusion (.5 pages)
All suggested page lengths are estimates and in many, possibly most, cases the sub-topic will take more or less length. This is a ten-page paper with twelve references. See the syllabus for more information. 
Note that for the Summer Session 2024, the length of the paper has been shortened to 7 pages. The topic description/outline above, while primarily a general guide, still applies but is anticipated that all sections will be somewhat shorter.
Topics to Chose From
Chose from the following industries. Remember–this paper is not about the industry technology, etc. For example, video gaming has undergone enormous change in both technology and economic impact. A short discussion of how the technological changes have affected the economic changes (such as the demand for skilled labor) is both valid and probably necessary, but a blow by blow of those technological changes would be clearly considered off-topic and result in a lower grade, and if excessive, even rejection of the paper on grounds that it isn’t an economic paper. 
Computer chip production
Automobiles (internal combustion)
Automobiles (electric)
Almonds and other tree produced nuts
Corn or wheat
Heavy duty construction or farm equipment, such as John Deere and Caterpillar
Aircraft (including military)
Legal consulting services
Financial services
Mineral extraction (mining and drilling)
Mineral extraction consulting
Entertainment (movies, videos or gaming)
Online marketing services
Social networking
Additional Considerations
Search for existing economic forecasts on the internet, including the Congressional Budget Office. 
Look to peer-reviewed literature for expertise on economic forecasting, as well as from current reputable economic sources, e.g., the Wall Street Journal, the Economist and business pages of New York Times and Washington Post. These are all available via Goleman Library.

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