2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Policy Brief: Addressing Mental Health Disparities in Rural Areas using the Care

June 23, 2024

Policy Brief: Addressing Mental Health Disparities in Rural Areas using the Cares Act

My policy brief on mental health disparities in rural areas will focus on the challenges faced by rural communities regarding mental health access and outcomes. It will propose evidence-based solutions to mitigate these disparities.Inwriting this paper, students should design the policy analysis as though it will be used

by a policy maker to decide upon her or his support for initiating a policy
modification/change. Papers should cover substantive policy issues, consider how the
policy would affect various populations, and detail the consequences (especially
focusing on equity and justice) of policy modification/change. This assignment
REQUIRES proof that you consulted and integrated feedback from the writing center.
Step 1. Students must get their topic approved by the professor. Changing your
topic without instructor approval will result in a failing grade.
Step 2. Written Criteria for PolicyBriefs
A policy brief is a form of public policy analysis that prompts you to think your way
through a policy issue with an eye toward the development of alternatives and potential
solutions. A policy brief presents extensive research in a short, succinct discussion. In
contrast to a typical academic research paper, a policy brief is a form of professional
writing that is explicitly position oriented, prescriptive, and normative. A policy brief
defines a problem from a particular perspective and tells the audience what should be
done about it. Guidelines for writing the policy brief are attached.
Students will be expected to submit a policy brief on a topic(s) pertaining to the subject
matter of the course. These briefs may be no more than 10 pages in length (not
counting references, tables, graphs, diagrams, figures, pictures, etc.), and should state
the policy problem to be analyzed, the state of knowledge, remaining gaps in
understanding, and possible policy implications.
Use uptodate data and sources including human sources you contact directly. A
major criterion is timeliness and appropriateness of sources of information. But,
DON’T DEPEND ON THE INTERNET ALONE use regular library sources as well
as journals, books, and even primary sources and field observation, if you can do so!
If the issue is a very current “hot topic” you should also include references to public
opinion and media sources which may be critical to addressing “timeliness”i.e.,
what do actual public or decisionmakers know and think about the issue at hand
right now!
The focus should be on being concise, precise and balanced as if you’re writing as
a “policy advisor” or analyst for your “boss” or for a decisionmaking body that
“needs facts and options” to consider before making a decision, e.g., Congressional
Committee, Board, professional association, or client of some type.

Try to avoid jargon as much as possibleremember your audience is usually NOT
specialists, but educated, busy decisionmakers or the general public. Again, you
are not trying to impress them with how much you know, but help them understand
enough to make an informed decision.
Remember that in policy writing the goal is NOT to be exhaustive or overlyidealistic
or theoretical, but realistic, practical, concise, persuasive, balanced, and applied.
The goal is to present “doable” options that might lead to action or a change in
strategy on the issue or problem you’re addressing.
Reference carefully and use a diversity of sources: academic journals, the Internet,
TV/Radio, interviews with people, newspapers. References must be in annotated
bibliography format. A minimum of 8 references is required (since you will be
including the internet, radio, newspaper, etc.).
Enhance readability via careful use of bullets, headings, icons, textboxes, and other
graphical aids to facilitate quicker understanding of the key facts and issues.
When you use acronyms or abbreviations, spell them out or reference in footnotes
(unless you’re sure it is common knowledge).
Use judiciously charts, graphs, maps, pictures to illustrate your key points! Be
careful to give credit and cite appropriately (copying graphics from the Web without
giving the original URL is not appropriate). List Figures consecutively and provides
a short, concise caption.
Follow a standard Style Manual such as APA, and give appropriate credit, e.g.,
citations, references. Most importantbe consistent and follow the same style.*

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