2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


First, I am accepting this as your upcoming Unit 2 IP.  Put all of the feedback

June 22, 2024

First, I am accepting this as your upcoming Unit 2 IP.  Put all of the feedback into your next draft or Unit 3 IP. Do not delay. You do not want to run out of course time again.
For this review of your latest IRB draft, I went back to your approved dissertation trio (CTU Reviewed Trio dated, 04082024). Several areas need to be kept in mind as you develop your IRB application. They are:
Study Problem — A disproportionate number of Lauderdale County Mississippi residents continue to face inadequate healthcare coverage, leading to disparities in access to essential medical services, preventative care, and overall health outcomes (Butkus et al., 2020). This persistent gap in healthcare coverage exacerbates existing socioeconomic inequalities and undermines efforts to achieve equitable healthcare access and outcomes for vulnerable populations.
Study Purpose — This qualitative narrative study aims to gather and analyze shared stories of uninsured individuals living below the federal poverty in Lauderdale County Mississippi to understand their experiences, perspectives, and meanings associated with healthcare access and quality. 
This qualitative study will be conducted in Lauderdale County Mississippi, with healthcare professionals as the target population. 
Research Question — The study’s main research question is: 
RQ1: How does household income in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, influence treatment choices, health insurance alternatives, and the effectiveness of U.S. government interventions in bridging healthcare accessibility gaps between low-income and high-income populations?
The following sub-questions seek to bring further insights into this research:
RQ1a: How does the income level of Lauderdale County, Mississippi’s households influence the availability and affordability of healthcare services, including preventative care, prescription medication use, and specialized treatment methods?
RQ1b: How do households’ income variations in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, go with using different health insurance plans like employer-sponsored, Medicaid, and private coverages to impact people’s choices on where they seek treatment?
RQ1c: What level of specific intervention was taken by the government, like Medicaid expansion or other assistance programs, to reduce healthcare disparities between low-income and high-income households in Mississippi’s socioeconomic setting? 
RQ1d: What was the level of specific intervention the government took, like Medicaid expansion or other assistance programs, to reduce healthcare disparities between low-income and high-income households in Lauderdale County, Mississippi’s socioeconomic setting?
Regarding this IRB application – I do not see much difference in this draft– again, see my feedback for your submissions of May 7th, May 24th, May 29th, and May 31st submissions. You also need to have some alignment with your trio since that has been approved.
In starting once again, you need to think through every step you are going to take in finding your healthcare professionals and explain every detail you plan to take, step-by-step. Therefore, be sure to present your plan within the application. Reference each of your appendices within the application text. Review each of your appendices to see that they fit your studies problem, purpose, and research questions. Everything needs to be aligned. Plus, it needs to be written in a professional academic way and have the supporting documents/appendices the same way.
Review each of your appendices. Some are missing specific information that will assist you in gathering information for your main research questions.
Note that your CITI score sheet, appendix ?, is missing the second page.
See your Informed Consent Form – at the very bottom –  Note to Form Preparers: When you have completed the form, please use this website to assess the readability grade level of your form content:  https://readabilityformulas.com/free-readability-formula-tests.php
Readability Scoring System
Our Readability Scoring System will analyze your text and score the reading ease or reading difficulty of your text based on popular readability formulas. You’ll find out the type of readers who are most likely to understand your text, including their grade level and age.
). Your form content must be an eighth-grade reading level, or below. Be sure to eliminate all red instructional content in preparing your final form for your IRB application submission.
You need to provide readability scores for everything that your participants will receive in written format.
Once again review some of the examples I have shared with you. Overall, this draft is NOT yet ready to be submitted for the IRB application review.
Dr. Robert Finkelmeier
Adjunct Professor Doctoral Studies  
Colorado Technical University
Office: 720-248-7090 MT
From: Pamela Sims
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 5:09 PM
To: Robert Finkelmeier
Subject: IRB
Chapter 2 IP
Attendee panel closed

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