2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


please comment to each post separately 1.After watching the wildfire video I fo

June 22, 2024

please comment to each post separately

1.After watching the wildfire video I found that wildfires create difficulties for nurses. Besides providing oxygen therapy to keep patients comfortable and treating respiratory conditions like asthma that worsen due to smoke inhalation, they must act quickly to assist those who have been burned or inhaled smoke. Properly cleaning and covering burns is essential to preventing complications and saving lives during such emergencies.

Nurses routinely wash their hands and wear specific protective gear, such as masks and gloves, to guard themselves from smoke and bacteria since it is crucial to prevent infections during emergencies.

Additionally, nurses assist with mental health. People may experience anxiety or fear as a result of wildfires; nurses can provide comfort while determining whether they need assistance from others.

To keep everyone safe, nurses rely on their understanding of fire and air quality. Preparation refers to activities “nurses carry out to help individuals, families, and communities to understand what they must do to protect their health and stay safe during a wildfire” (Barría, 2019)They advise staying indoors when the quality of the air gets harmful and provide filters as a remedy.

Barría, R. M. (2019). Wildfires as a public health problem: A setting for nursing in disasters. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v37n3e012.

2. Providing emergency trauma care regarding injuries such fractures, cuts, and crush injuries is one of the nursing consequences of an earthquake. Additionally, nurses need to watch out for hypothermia and shock symptoms. In the aftermath, crowded shelters and poor sanitation contribute to a higher risk of infectious diseases. Respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders like cholera, and vector-borne illnesses like dengue and malaria are among the diseases to be concerned about. Support for mental health is essential since many people experience symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and other illnesses linked to stress. According to “Nursing in disaster situations: Roles and responsibilities,” “Nurses play a vital role in triage, ongoing care, and public health education to mitigate these risks” (Smith, 2020, p. 45).To provide complete care, good collaboration and contact with other medical specialists are crucial. Furthermore, regular education and readiness exercises might improve nurses’ capacity to react effectively to these kinds of incidents.

This catastrophe has substantial and varied nursing ramifications. Critical elements include excellent triage, public health education, prevention of infections, mental health support, and immediate trauma care. According to “Disaster preparedness for healthcare professionals,” “Continuous education and disaster preparedness are essential for nurses to effectively manage and respond to such emergencies” (Brown & Johnson, 2019, p. 102). By providing continual training, nurses are guaranteed to be ready to handle the special difficulties that arise from such tragic occurrences.
Due to poor sanitation and congested living circumstances, infectious diseases such respiratory infections, gastrointestinal ailments, and vector-borne diseases pose serious dangers. Strict adherence to infection control procedures is necessary for both personal and public safety. These procedures include good hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such masks and gloves, and the provision of clean water and sanitary facilities. In order to stop illness epidemics after earthquakes, vaccination efforts against avoidable illnesses and vector control techniques including getting rid of water that remains and using repellents to repel insects are essential. According to “Health risks in post-disaster environments”, “”Infectious diseases such as respiratory infections, gastrointestinal illnesses, and vector-borne diseases are major concerns following a disaster” (Anderson, 2018, p. 130). Establishing clean water supplies and sanitary facilities should be the top priority for rapid response activities in order to reduce the spread of disease. Furthermore, educating the public on the value of vaccinations and good cleanliness habits might help lower the likelihood of outbreaks in susceptible groups.

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