2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Week 3 Assignment 2 – Dribbling for Dollars Learning objective: CO2 – Use strate

June 21, 2024

Week 3 Assignment 2 – Dribbling for Dollars
Learning objective: CO2 – Use strategic thinking to negotiate to a specific outcome. 
Assignment overview: 
More specifically, this guides you through the negotiation planning process. This early stage in the negotiation process should be completed before you begin talking terms with your counterpart. It challenges you to think about your goals, interests, and how you’ll likely negotiate, as well as how your counterpart perceives these, too. Your ability as a negotiator to secure the outcomes you believe you need is largely dependent on your preparedness. Negotiation, whether buying a car or merging with another company, requires a strategy to be successful. Strategies begin with the planning process. 
Frequently asked questions as you prepare to complete the assignment:
Can I make this worksheet into one that works for me? Yes, it’s a Word document that you can re-arrange and expand to meet your needs.
Must I use the worksheet provided? 
Must I use all the topics listed? 
Assignment Step-by-Step Instructions:
Please download the worksheet below and complete.
Negotiation – Planning Process Worksheet.docx 
Please read the following scenario:
Dribbling for Dollars
You are the athletic director at a large, publicly funded university.  Due to the credit crunch, your athletic department has had to cut its operations budget by 25%.  That budget cut has been offset by a $15M gift the athletic department received last year from one of the university’s major donors.  The donor’s only condition for the $15M gift was that the university name its soon-to-be completed basketball arena after the donor’s family—Stanwick Basketball Arena. 
Yesterday, you received a telephone call from the university president.  The president told you that the donor’s adult grandchild was accused of paying a classmate $20,000 to write term papers when at school at another university.  Although the grandchild denies the allegations, newspapers are reporting that the grandchild did return the degree conferred.  The president tells you that the university’s faculty senate is demanding that the university not name the basketball arena after the Stanwick family. 
Local reporters have been calling your office asking about the “hypocrisy” of naming a university facility after a family that is known for academic misconduct.  The president asks you to “gently persuade the donor to take the family name off of the basketball arena”.  You like the donor, need the continued financial support for the athletic department and don’t want to anger the donor.
Please answer the following questions and respond by completing a cell in the worksheet that is associated with each question.  You may organize each topic in the order you prefer. The topics are addressed below in a logical order that makes sense to many negotiators; however, you may view the order differently. Follow the directions below to earn the maximum number of points. For example, I typically address my goals first, so I would type “Goals” in the first cell and include the number of goals described below. Once you have completed the worksheet and ordered each topic as you prefer, you’re ready to begin to negotiate.
What are your goals? You must identify at least 5.
What issues or topics do you need to raise when negotiating? You must identify at least 5.
Assemble your bargaining mix by a) listing the issues you see, b) bundling/packaging related/connected issues and c) assigning the issue’s/bundles’ priority with a number. You must bundle and prioritize all issues you identified in your list of issues/topics.
What are your interests? Your team’s, stakeholders’, and constituents’ interests? You must identify at least a total of 5 interests.
Assess your donor and his stakeholders or constituents – What are his/their interests, goals, issues?  You must identify at least a total of 5 interests, goals, and issues.
What negotiation strategy/style[think dual concerns model] will you use primarily use?  Any secondary strategies/styles? (Avoiding, accommodating, bargaining, collaborating and compromising) You must identify at least 1 strategy/style.
What alternatives/options are you prepared to propose to the donor? You must identify at least 2 options in this negotiation. 
What are your limits?  (Target/AL, opening offer/demand, bottom line/RP, BATNA, bargaining zone, and ZOPA.) You must identify 1 of each of these limits.
Describe your considerations when presenting your alternative/options? You must identify at least 2 considerations.
Of which topics relating to protocol do you need to be mindful? You must identify at least 2 protocol topics.
Submit your completed worksheet in the assignment.

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