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Question 1 (4 points) A disadvantage of formalization in organization structure

June 21, 2024

Question 1 (4 points)
A disadvantage of formalization in organization structure is:
Question 1 options:
Decision making is at a faster pace
Formalized structure is associated with increased motivation and job satisfaction
Strategic decision making occurs often
Reduced innovativeness occurs because employees are used to behaving in a certain manner
Question 2 (4 points)
Despite potential benefits, the disadvantages of a matrix structure include which of the following?:
Question 2 options:
Power struggles or turf wars among managers are lessened, taking away an important source of new ideas and innovation.
Managers will spend less effort coordinating their work, believing that someone else can pick-up the slack.
Role ambiguity or role conflict is very low
There is potential for interpersonal conflict with team members as well as with leaders
Question 3 (4 points)
Organizational change can take the form of which of the following?:
Question 3 options:
Structure, strategy, policies, or culture
Change should be planned on quarterly basis and measured for progress
Fundamentally, organizational change is a process that involved effective products or services
Change should moderate so as to not disrupt corporate cultural norms.
Question 4 (4 points)
Organizational culture is related to the POLC function of:
Question 4 options:
Question 5 (4 points)
It is more common to see rewards tied to performance indicators as opposed to seniority or loyalty in companies whose cultures are:
Question 5 options:
Question 6 (4 points)
The primary reason managers who start a new job fail, or either voluntarily leave or are fired, report not being able to:
Question 6 options:
Form effective relationship with colleagues
The company did not have a systematic approach to onboarding
Did not seek feedback
Did not gain understanding of whether their behavior fit with the company culture.
Question 7 (4 points)
MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn are examples of:
Question 7 options:
Websites for everyone
Tools for the organization to learn about the employees
Social networks
Invisible networks
Question 8 (4 points)
Research shows that employees can realize their innovations and make them catch on more quickly if they are:
Question 8 options:
Networked employees
Non-networked employees
Creative and intelligent
None of the above
Question 9 (4 points)
In the POLC framework, social networks are a key ingredient in the component:
Question 9 options:
Question 10 (4 points)
A network of people outside your control who will enable you to reach key organizational objectives is called:
Question 10 options:
Tactical network
Operational network
Personal network
Strategic network
Question 11 (4 points)
According to Goleman, in what way are effective leaders different from ineffective leaders?:
Question 11 options:
They differ in their ability to control the emotions of others
They differ in years of management experience
They differ in their understanding of other people’s emotions
They differ in their understanding of the mission of the companyl motivation
Question 12 (4 points)
Employees engage in higher levels of conflict when leaders use which of the following decision making style?
Question 12 options:
Authoritarian and laissez-faire
Question 13 (4 points)
The leadership style that involves employees in the making of important decisions is:
Question 13 options:
Supportive leadership
Participative leadership
Directive leadership
Achievement oriented leadership
Question 14 (4 points)
The leadership approach that defines the leader’s role as serving the needs of others is called:
Question 14 options:
Authentic leadership
Servant leadership
Transformational leadership
Question 15 (4 points)
Making strategic, tactical and operational decisions is an integral part of which function of the P-O-L-C framework?
Question 15 options:
Question 16 (4 points)
Kahnemann and Tversky found that individuals are influenced in making decisions by which of the following?
Question 16 options:
Decision bias
Constructing bias
Question 17 (4 points)
Despite its popularity within organizations, group decision making suffers from which of the following?
Question 17 options:
Groups commonly outperform their best member, which can lead to intra-group rivalries.
Group decision making is not a thorough process for some management decisions
Groups can suffer from social isolation
Groups may suffer from the tendency to avoid critical evaluation of ideas the group favors
Question 18 (4 points)
The following statements regarding tall structures in an organization are true EXCEPT:
Question 18 options:
Tall structures are better at satisfying security needs of employees then in flat structures
Number of employees reporting to each manager tends to be smaller in tall structures
Employees feel a greater sense of job security in tall structures
In tall structures, there is a greater level of freedom of action for each employee
Question 19 (4 points)
Why do employees who participate in planning change efforts tend to have more positive opinions about the change?
Question 19 options:
They have the opportunity to reject the proposed change
They will have the opportunity to know more than others about the change
They will be able to convince customers the change was the right thing to do
They will feel a sense of ownership of planned change and are more likely to be on board.
Question 20 (4 points)
A company which has a policy such as “all pricing decisions of merchandise will be made at corporate headquarters” is likely to have a culture that is:
Question 20 options:
Question 21 (4 points)
In innovation networks, those who prefer to come up with ideas believe that asking the right questions is more important than having the right answers are called:
Question 21 options:
Idea generators
Question 22 (4 points)
Ethical decision making guidelines includes which of the following?
Question 22 options:
Consider implications for key personnel only.
Consider alternatives
Establish consensus
Consider the values of the corporation
Question 23 (4 points)
The style that involves a high level of manager involvement and is used when employees are highly motivated but have limited skills is:
Question 23 options:
Question 24 (4 points)
Groupthink is characterized by which of the following symptoms?
Question 24 options:
Collective modeling
NGT is used more often than it should
Considering alternative viewpoints
Question 25 (4 points)
The tendency to accept the first alternative that meets minimum criteria is called:
Question 25 options:
Bounded rationality model
Intuitive decision-making model
Analysis paralysis

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