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Summarize two different post seperately. For each discussion activity, you are r

June 19, 2024

Summarize two different post seperately.

For each discussion activity, you are responsible for posting a reply to at least two other postings made by your classmates.

Your initial substantive posting should be a thoughtful reflection on at least one aspect of the discussion theme or question posed and can either initiate a line of discussion or be in response to someone else’s posting (i.e., adding your own perspective or additional research to it). Keep in mind that quality is better than quantity and “me too” and “I agree” type postings add little to the conversation. Your postings should demonstrate that you have read and thought about the course material. You are encouraged to reference your course textbook in your postings as well as other relevant outside literature.

Some points to keep in mind:

  • Be clear and to the point in your postings.
  • Edit your work. Your posts should be coherent and use proper grammar and spelling.
  • Keep postings to 300-350 words. Quality is better than quantity.
  • Contribute your own thoughts about the material you have read.
  • Support your thoughts by referencing the textbook or other outside literature.
  • Raise additional questions or points of discussion to stimulate further discussion.
  • If you have questions, show that you have already tried to find a solution.
  • Respect the viewpoints of your peers. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand a point. Assume good intentions.
  • Use the proper terminology introduced in the course readings.
  • When using literature in your postings, make sure to provide references in proper APA Style.
  • Show respect and sensitivity to peers’ gender, cultural and linguistic background, political, and religious beliefs.

You are strongly encouraged to take the time to review the following documents on writing quality discussion posting and on taking roles in discussions.

Taking a role in online discussion.

Taking a Role in Online Discussions Below are some roles that anyone in an online discussion can fulfill in order to help move an online discussion forward in productive ways. See if you can determine what role is required in your online discussion and then write a message that takes on that role. Devil’s Advocate • Takes opposing points of view to those currently under discussion Pollinator • Travels to other groups, reads their postings and summarizes points made in other groups not made in home group. Facilitator • Comments on the groups process (e.g. “Perhaps we should all remember to put a subject line in our messages.”) • Encourages others to participate, • Starts a thread or an idea on the topic, if the discussion lags. Summarizer / Discussion Weaver • Summarizes the discussion for the group at specific intervals in 1 or 2 short paragraphs. Usually summarizes twice per week or if the discussion lags • Reminds others about what has already been discussed. • Asks the group what issues have been concluded and what ones are still to be discussed. • Relates ideas in posted messages to one another. Researcher • Assumes responsibility for looking at what is available on the net, journals etc. and brings ideas back to the group. Responder • Replies to others and builds on the ideas of others. This is a role that everyone in the group must perform for every discussion.


Throughout this course, I learned a lot of new concepts and theories about how we interact with those around us and how certain experiences can shape who we are as people. I’ve taken both SOC*1100 and PSYC*1000, and I found this to be a much more manageable and intriguing mix of the two. I found myself able to understand what I was reading and actually want to continue reading.

Much of what I learned was actually incredibly useful and I already find myself identifying the various concepts in my own life, as well as looking back and applying them to events from my past. I also better understand the people in my life, considering how their past has affected them, now able to see them in a slightly different light. I also think this will assist in understanding individuals in new relationships I form in the future. Developing a better understanding of how the environment we were raised in, and continue to live, the people we surround ourselves with and overall our everyday lives form who we are, I think, will prove to be useful in my future career, for future courses and just day-to-day.

I also found throughout this course that, aside from learning new concepts, I was able to put a name to ideas and concepts I already knew, just wasn’t aware there was an official name. For example, the concept of diffusion of responsibility, the idea that when a situation occurs within a group setting, we assume someone else will step up and take responsibility (Safdar & Sanderson, 2021, p. 375). This was something I have experienced before and have thought about, I was just unaware this concept had a name.

This was definitely one of my favourite classes I’ve taken so far, which I tend not to enjoy online classes as much as in person, but I feel like I’ve learned a lot in such a short time. It was really nice to have such engaged conversations with you all this semester. I hope you all have a great remainder of your summer, it was amazing to meet you all!


Safdar, S. F., Sanderson, C. A., & Sanderson, C. A. (2021). Social psychology. John

Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.

Post -2

As I reflect on this course, I really take to heart the idea that “you don’t know, what you don’t know”. I have learned so many things about how my thoughts, feelings and behaviours have been and continue to be influenced by different social factors that I wasn’t necessarily aware of. Things like behavioural attributions, the influence of other people around me and with whom I interact with, bias’s that I have developed from experience and modeling and even how I connect with people or in some cases don’t connect (Safdar & Sanderson, 2021, p.4). Now it feels like I have looked beneath the surface and all I can see is social psychology and how it is everywhere.

I learned that social cognition and social influence heavily impacts how and why people behave, act, respond and present themselves the way that they do. I found that my heuristics can lead to poor judgements and that controlled and effortful thinking helps me to slow down and change how I make decisions and that intuition isn’t great to rely on. I have identified that I have some work to do on my own attitudes and behaviours and how important it is to collaborate and converse with people who are not a part of my ingroup so I can gain a more Gestaltian perspective on society. I discovered that empathy is key element to helping people, changing attitudes, persuasion, reducing aggression and building relationships.

Cultures, both collectivist and individualist have different ways of shaping us from birth with their attitude formation and social norms which are so ingrained in our everyday life that we may not be consciously aware of them (Safdar & Sanderson, 2021,p.197). Collective societies emphasize the role of situations influencing behaviours and attitudes where individualist societies view dispositions as the key reason for behaviours and attitudes.

Social psychology is more than just ‘common sense’, it goes so much deeper than that. Humans are social creatures, and we need each other to survive so I feel more confident now that I can identify some of the underlying factors that influence why we think and behave the way we do and to remember to give empathy and try to see things from different perspectives.

I really enjoyed the group discussions, and I wish that they were in person or on Zoom etc. I feel like I learned the most from reading and responding to other people because of the different perspectives and backgrounds that were shared. I found that it was a really positive and insightful experience, and my personal bias is that we had a great group of individuals who were engaged in the learning process which made all the difference.


Safdar, S. F., Sanderson, C. A., & Sanderson, C. A. (2021). Social psychology. John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd

Label as post as 1 Liana Leblanc

Label as post as 2- Kirsten Tugman

Post -1 summary -6-7 lines also add personal opnion it should be personal opnion about other post and also add ceative atttrcative question.Dobot use AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS SOFTWARE TO DETECT EACH AND EVERY LINE . She has softwre to detect each and every word.

Post -2 summary aftercompleteing post 1 post.-6-7 lines also add personal opnion itshou ld be personal opnion about other post and also add ceativeatttrcative question.Dobot use AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS SOFTWARE TO DETECT EACH AND EVERY LINE . She has softwre to detect each and every word.

Grading criteria is

Criteria A+ Discussion Post A Post Reponses 1.5 points

1.5 points

made in time for others to read and respond • deliver information that is full of thought, insight, and analysis • make insightful connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations • contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications • contain no spelling errors and typos.

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