2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Course Project – Introduction and Outline Our course and course project are not

June 19, 2024

Course Project – Introduction and Outline
Our course and course project are not focused on simply celebrating cool new technologies. Rather, our intent is to examine and guide leaders toward ethical, equitable, socially and environmentally responsible continued development, appropriate regulation, and implementation of the technologies we have selected.
Before you can make any recommendations, you’ll need to consider your selected technology’s current strengths and weaknesses as well as its potential opportunities and threats. This week, you will organize your research on important historical, present, and future aspects of the technology in a detailed, research-supported outline of the recommendation essay you will develop over the coming weeks.
Your project will apply the following six-part structure.
Introduction – Establishing a clear focus frames the argument, establishes the writer’s ethos, shows relevance for the intended audience, and presents the writer’s overall thesis
Historical Context – Examining history, including important events, controversies, and actions, provides insights on our current situation
Current Situation – Looking beyond the shiny marketing helps us see both positive and negative implications for individual and groups of stakeholders.
Future Implications and Needs – Seeing potential opportunities and threats sets the stage for recommendations.
Recommendations – Providing practical, insightful, detailed recommendations can help your audience of powerful, profit-oriented influencers address underlying ethical issues, leading to longer term benefits for all stakeholders.
Conclusion -Capturing key points concisely prepares readers to take action.
For this assignment:
Begin by downloading the Course Project Template Download Course Project TemplateOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader, which provides format and structure for your outline and essay. The template includes required sections and suggested details to guide your development of each section for both the outline and essay.
Type your outline on the template document, replacing instructional content with your own research-supported ideas and information.Keep referring back to your research notes, and include citations to relevant sources as you outline. This will save tons of time when drafting. Note that citations are a graded requirement for the outline.
After completing your research-supported outline, select the Start Assignment button.
Attach your outline document (50 points).
Write a brief reflection in the Comments part of the submission page directly under your attached document (10 points). Type a 100-word reflection answering these three questions about your personal project experience:
What have been your greatest challenges and successes in this project so far?
What is the most interesting, educational, or personally relevant part of the project so far?
What strategies will you use to support your successful project completion?
Click on Submit Assignment.
Using artificial intelligence is not allowed for this assignment (except for the AI writing tutor tool in the Tutoring tab). Do your own research, thinking and writing.
Ethical source use is required. Provide citations to the sources of information you incorporate.
Keep documentation of your work, including sources, annotations, notes, etc.
Course Project Introduction and Outline Assignment
Course Project Introduction and Outline Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroduction
The submitted document includes a full introduction paragraph suitable for the recommendation essay.
15 Pts
Full Marks
0 Pts
No Marks
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeOutline
The submitted document includes a clearly organized topic (not full sentence) outline of the six required project sections with appropriate supporting details for each section.
25 Pts
Full Marks
0 Pts
No Marks
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCitations
The outline includes in-text citations with at least (Authorlastname, year) indicating information sources.
10 Pts
Full Marks
0 Pts
No Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeReflection
The submission comments include an approximately 100-word personal reflection on the student’s project experience, including challenges, successes, connections, and plans for success.
10 Pts
Full Marks
0 Pts
No Marks
10 pts
Total points: 60

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

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