2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Directions answer parts 1, 2 & 3 in separate paragraphs PART 1: Artwork Discussi

June 19, 2024

Directions answer parts 1, 2 & 3 in separate paragraphs
Artwork Discussion – 
Charles White (drawing focus)
Since this is an appreciation of art and visual literacy course, I will often be posting artwork for the class to analyze, interpret and discuss. This week we learned about drawing on a deeper level and were introduced to a variety of drawing-related mediums. I want the class to spend some time considering what we learned this week in application to the artwork below. 
Write a few sentences about the artwork and answer the below questions:
Please elaborate on the artistic medium. This week we completed a detailed introduction to DRAWING. This is the first of many chapters to come focusing on a single artistic medium. Perform a detailed analysis to include the below inquiry areas:
Do you think this is drawn with dry or fluid materials? (Dry or Fluid)
What drawing medium do you believe it is? Consider all of the specific types introduced in this chapter: Dry – metalpoint, pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, chalk, pastel, or crayon? Fluid – Ink pens or ink brushes? Once you’ve decided, explain how you know based on what you see.
What surface materials do you think were used based on what you see?
What implements were used? 
In previous chapters, we discussed three types of lines used for shading in drawings – hatching, crosshatching, and stippling. Which one/s do you see here? Please describe where you see it and whether you see multiple examples of styles or just one. 
Please spend some time thinking about the formal components of this artwork (Chapters 1-6: Line, Shape, Color, Value, Texture, Space, Time, Motion, etc.)
Based on the answers above, describe how that impacts the texture of the artwork. Reflect back to the chapter on texture and/or visit the attached file for specific inquiry areas.
Attached below the discussion guidelines section, you will find a “visual analysis guide.” Each week, prior to this one, we did a formal analysis of the art through the lens of the chapter’s focus areas. For the rest of the semester, things will be less guided. You will use the attached guide as a review to all the new terms and areas covered, and I want you to choose (2) major areas to focus on and discuss here. Instead of me telling you “analyze this artwork for line”, for example, your challenge will be to understand what elements of art and principles of design are most applicable and interesting when considering the artwork identified for discussion. This will help you transition to talking about art at museums and galleries much more naturally. Enjoy the challenge! This is also great prep for the final exam.
What art category is this and why? Realism, Expressionism, Abstraction, or nonobjective
What is the subject of this artwork (the noun/the what)?
What is the content/concept of this artwork (the ideas and intellectual interpretations)?  
[ Hints – The following are additional questions to get you thinking but they do not need to be individually answered: What ideas do you think this artist is trying to express about the subject? What is the intellectual interpretation? What cultural concepts are being expressed? Feminism? Racial identity? Gender identity? Sexuality? Are there historical references – which ones? Is there symbolism or iconography? Think about the subject in relation to the elements of art and principles of design we’ve been learning about this semester. 
Please watch these two art demonstration videos and write a few sentences about the below inquiry areas:
Fresco demo video        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cej4Ggq5nQI
Encaustic demo video        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaPs4Wf8VcA
What are your reactions and thoughts about the creative process of Fresco? Encaustic?
Which medium do you personally find more compelling and why? 
Which medium do you think would be easier to work within and why? 
Of all the mediums discussed in this chapter, which one do you personally find the most compelling and why? Fresco, encaustic, tempera, oil, acrylic, watercolor, spray paint, and mixed media. 
Bobbie Burgers (painting focus)
Since this is an appreciation of art and visual literacy course, I will often be posting artwork for the class to analyze, interpret and discuss. This week we learned about painting on a deeper level and were introduced to a variety of painting-related mediums. I want the class to spend some time considering what we learned this week in application to the artwork below. 
Please watch this studio visit video with Bobbie Burgers https://vimeo.com/612766472Links to an external site., and then write a few sentences about the artwork.
Please elaborate on the artistic medium. This week we completed a detailed introduction to PAINTING. Perform a detailed analysis to include the below inquiry areas:
What painting medium do you believe it is? Consider all of the specific types introduced in this chapter: fresco, encaustic, tempera, oil, acrylic, watercolor, spray paint, and mixed media. Once you’ve decided, explain how you know based on what you see. 
What surface materials do you think were used based on what you see?
What implements were used? 
What do you think about her creative process? (There is no wrong answer)
Please spend some time thinking about the formal components of this artwork (Chapters 1-6: Line, Shape, Color, Value, Texture, Space, Time, Motion, etc.)
Based on the answers above, describe how that impacts the texture of the artwork. Reflect back to the chapter on texture and/or visit the attached file for specific inquiry areas.
Attached below in the discussion guidelines section, you will find a “visual analysis guide.” Each week, prior to this one, we did a formal analysis of the art through the lens of the chapter’s focus areas. For the rest of the semester, things will be less guided. You will use the attached guide as a review to all the new terms and areas covered, and I want you to choose (2) major areas to focus on and discuss here. Instead of me telling you “analyze this artwork for line”, for example, your challenge will be to understand what elements of art and principles of design are most applicable and interesting when considering the artwork identified for discussion. This will help you transition to talking about art at museums and galleries much more naturally. Enjoy the challenge! This is also great prep for the final exam.
What art category is this and why? Realism, Expressionism, Abstraction, or nonobjective
What is the subject of this artwork (the noun/the what)?
What is the content/concept of this artwork (the ideas and intellectual interpretations)?  
[ Hints – The following are additional questions to get you thinking but they do not need to be individually answered: What ideas do you think this artist is trying to express about the subject? What is the intellectual interpretation? What cultural concepts are being expressed? Feminism? Racial identity? Gender identity? Sexuality? Are there historical references – which ones? Is there symbolism or iconography? Think about the subject in relation to the elements of art and principles of design we’ve been learning about this semester. 

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