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At a minimum, the presentation should include the following elements: Title Slid

June 18, 2024

At a minimum, the presentation should include the following elements:
Title Slide
Body of Your Presentation
The body of your presentation should be a minimum of five slides (not including the title slide and references slide), but you can use more slides if you choose. Your slides must include either speaker notes placed in the “notes” section of the slide or you should record audio on each slide. References should be written in proper APA formatting.
The Notes panel of your slides will contain your speech script; this will be word-for-word exactly what you would say to accompany each slide. Be sure to read your speech aloud several times so that you’re confident that the language you’re using sounds conversational and not like a term paper or essay. Remember to use transitional words and phrases to make your speech flow smoothly.
It’s critical to cite the sources that back up your points and subpoints. Citing sources orally (as you would be doing for a speech) is different from citing them in a paper. For a refresher on how to do this, see Citing Sources Orally the Announcements in this course. Speeches that do not include sources cited in the body of the speech and on the reference page will earn a zero.
When you are ready to submit your slides and script, you must save your slides in a format with the slides on the top of a page, with the accompanying notes (your script) beneath each slide, as seen below.
Do not submit a PowerPoint file. Instead, print your notes pages to PDF, or export your presentation to Word, and choose the layout with “notes below slides.” I must be able to see both your slide and script on the same page; if not, your speech will be returned with a zero for a grade, and you will have one opportunity to revise.
See the course announcement How to Put Speaker Notes & Slide on Same Page for details.
Be sure to review the FAQ for this assignment in the course announcements, as it will be a great resource for you as you get started turning your outline into a speech.
Length/Formatting Instructions
Length A minimum of seven slides (a title slide, one slide for each of the five parts of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence, and a reference page/slide). The speech script must be a minimum of 750 words (the equivalent of about five minutes of speaking).
Font For the slides: 36-point minimum, preferably Calibri font
For the slide notes: 12 point, preferably Calibri font
Program/File Type Submit in PDF or Word, with a note beneath each slide. See the instructions above for directions. Do NOT submit in PPT.
Referencing system APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material found on the Internet.
For examples of correct citations, visit the following link:
In-Text Citations: The Basics
File Name Example: SP180 Sam Taylor Assignment 7
Do I need to turn in my outline (from Assignment 5) again?
No. You wrote that outline to help you prepare for this assignment, but you only need to submit it when you submit Assignment 5.
Can I make changes to the outline as I prepare for Assignment 7? 
Absolutely yes! Take any feedback you received from Assignment 5, and use that to help you as you prepare for Assignment 7. 
How will I use the audience analysis I created in Assignment 5?
This audience analysis will help you craft the wording of your speech so that it will be persuasive to your audience. Definitely take some time and review the research you did on your audience before you work on your script.
So do I just write a speech script and turn it in?
No. That’s just part of the assignment. You need both a complete speech script (that follows Monroe’s Motivated Sequence as its format) AND slides/visuals for the speech.
What is supposed to be on the slides?
The slides should contain images that support your content. Do not use long lists of bullets or paste your speech script on the slides. Imagine being in your audience. How boring would this be to look at? See Chapter 26 in your textbook for more information on presentation aids.
Can I turn in a PPT file for the slides part?
No. There’s a specific way you need to prepare this assignment, and it’s detailed in the assignment directions. (Assignments submitted in the incorrect format will be returned with a zero for the grade; if submitted incorrectly on your first submission, you’ll be given the opportunity to revise for potentially full credit.)
How do I put my speaker notes and slides on the same page?
See How to Put Speaker Notes & Slide on Same Page
Should I write this speech like a term paper, and just put everything I’d say on the slides?
Imagine being in a room, with the lights dimmed slightly, and the slides showing on the screen. Use brief phrases and images, rather than text-heavy slides. The slides should augment the written script, rather than contain every word of your script. 
In the Notes panel of your slides, you’ll provide your script for the speech. It should be written in a way that can be easily read aloud. You’ll use more conversational language in a speech than in a term paper. This means that it’s acceptable—even encouraged—for you to use the words “you” and “I,” unlike in a term paper.
See Chapter 28 in your course textbook for additional information on language and style in speeches, with a special focus on section 28a.
When I read my speech aloud, my friend told me it sounds choppy. What can I do to make it flow more smoothly?
Work on developing transitions to smoothly lead the listener from one point to the next. The best transitions review the point you just covered, then preview your next point.
A good source for information on transitions is http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/speech-transitions/
I don’t get it. How do I cite sources in a script? It would be weird to read the citations aloud.
When you’re writing a speech, you still need to let your listeners know where you got your information from.
See the “Citing Orally” section in http://www.bucks.edu/academics/department/lang-lit/conference/citing/ for suggestions.
It’s been forever since I had to write a paper. How can I make sure I don’t plagiarize?
In brief, tell me where you got your information from, both in the body of your speech and on your Works Cited page.
Use quotation marks if you choose to use the exact words of a source rather than putting the information into your own words.
Make sure that every source mentioned in your speech appears in the Reference page, and that every source in your list of references appears in your speech.
For more tips on how to avoid plagiarizing, visit the Ashworth College Learning Resource Center at https://lrc.ashworthcollege.edu/plagiarism-resources/
Do I just put a list of the URLs that I used at the end of my script to show what sources I used?
No. You will need to briefly cite your sources in your speech script, and also provide a list of the sources you used at the end on a References page.
For a reminder on how to cite sources, see https://lrc.ashworthcollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Plagiarism-Quick-Guide.pdf
What if I want to use the exact words of a source on a slide?
Use quotation marks to show that you’re using the source’s exact words. Then, cite the source in APA format like you would in a paper (with the author’s last name and the year in parentheses). If you use the exact words without quotation marks, even if you cite the source, it’s still plagiarism.
What if I want to paraphrase a source on a slide?  
Put the information in your own words. Then, cite the source in APA format like you would in a paper (with the author’s last name and the year in parentheses).  
Is it okay to use generative artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT) on this assignment?
See Ethical Use of Generative AI (Such as ChatGPT)
How will this assignment be graded?
See the rubric with grading criteria on the last page of the assignment directions.
Before you submit your assignment, be sure to evaluate it against the grading criteria so you know you’re on track.
Do you have other FAQs to help with the assignments?
Yes. You will find all FAQs in the Announcements for this course.
If I have any questions as I am trying to develop my speech, can Prof. Nixon help me?

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

Our team is comprised of native English speakers working exclusively from the United States. 

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Will you deliver it on time?

Absolutely! We understand you have a really tight deadline and you need this delivered a few hours before your deadline so you can look at it before turning it in.

Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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