2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as

June 18, 2024

Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, either a narrated PowerPoint, The presentation Point presentation will need to include:
Name the case
Discuss the facts of the case
Discuss the history of the case (what laws or legal action was taken)
Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide
Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings were for the plaintiff or the defendant and the reasons for the decision.
Discuss the concurring and dissenting opinions from the judge or if a jury trial, the jury
References slide with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources.
Length: The presentation must be 10-15 slides long if using PowerPoint (excluding cover and reference pages) or 3-5 minute long if using a video presentation.
Font should not be smaller than size 16-point  
Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style  
Title/Introduction slide required
References slide minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)
Use the speaker notes to elaborate on the content on the slides
Facts of the Case
30 pts
Identifies numerous facts that go above and beyond highlighting the importance of the case and make the case foundations explicit.
26 pts
Identifies a number of facts that highlight the importance of the case and make the case foundations explicit.
23 pts
Identifies several facts that make the case foundation clear but omits at least one important fact.
20 pts
Identifies some facts but omits more than one important fact crucial to understanding this case.
0 pts
No effort
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of the Case
30 pts
The presentation covers an exceptional level of case history to make the legal actions surrounding the case clear and detailed.
26 pts
The presentation demonstrates points of case history surrounding the legal actions of the course case.
23 pts
The presentation provides brief points of case history surrounding the legal actions of the course case; however, additional explanation is needed to make the history clear and in context
20 pts
The presentation provides such a minimal number of points of case history surrounding the legal actions that the history of the case is not clear.
0 pts
No effort
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLegal Questions
20 pts
The presentation clearly points to the specific civil liberties issues that the courts had to determine to issue a verdict.
18 pts
The presentation points to the general civil liberties issues that the courts had to determine to issue a verdict.
15 pts
The presentation provides some information regarding the general civil liberties issues that the courts had to determine to issue a verdict, but at times is unclear or inaccurate.
12 pts
The presentation is not clear or largely inaccurate regarding the general civil liberties issues that the courts had to determine to issue a verdict.
0 pts
No effort
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDecision or Holdings
20 pts
The presentation clearly lists whether the court ruled for the plaintiff or the defendant along with the reasoning provided by the court and key details directly related to understanding the ruling. Any holdings or court imposed conditions as part of the verdict are also listed.
17 pts
The presentation lists whether the court ruled for the plaintiff or the defendant along with the reasoning provided by the court but includes few details related to the ruling.Holdings or court imposed conditions are not clear.
15 pts
The presentation lists whether the court ruled for the plaintiff or the defendant but the included reasoning is unclear. Holdings or court imposed conditions are also omitted.
13 pts
The presentation lists whether the court ruled for the plaintiff or the defendant but omits the reasoning. Holdings or court imposed conditions are either omitted or incoherent.
0 pts
No effort
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVerdict: Concurring and Dissenting Opinion
30 pts
The presentation clearly points to the verdict and provides clear detail of the affirming and dissenting opinions.
26 pts
The presentation points to the verdict and provides information on the affirming and dissenting opinions.
23 pts
The presentation provides the verdict but information on the affirming and dissenting opinions is minimal.
20 pts
The presentation does not provide the verdict and/or information on the affirming and dissenting opinions is unclear or lacking.
0 pts
No effort
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation: Narration and Delivery
15 pts
Audible and clear volume without ambient noise, has a good pace, and stays to the topic. Overall excellent delivery.
10 pts
Audible and clear volume, generally with good clarity and little or no ambient noise, has a good pace, with few or no interruptions and stays to the topic. Overall very good delivery.
6 pts
Quite clear and audible with some volume or ambient noise issues but still has a good pace with some interruptions but generally stays to the topic. Delivery needs improvement.
2 pts
Narration has volume and audio issues with background noise, and often trails off the topic. Delivery needs major improvement.
0 pts
No effort
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation: Overall
50 pts
The presentation includes all required components, is visually clean and appealing with effective use of visuals.
35 pts
The presentation includes most required components, makes effective use of visuals.
30 pts
The presentation includes few of the components, has some visuals.
20 pts
The presentation does not include most of required components, is visually hard to follow with no visuals.
0 pts
No effort
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and Visuals: Mechanics and Usage and Relevance of the Visuals
20 pts
The writing is concise, free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Effective use of visuals
17 pts
The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Visual aids used adequately
13 pts
The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Visual aids could be improved.
8 pts
The student presents information that is not clear, logical, professional or organized to the point that the reader has difficulty understanding the message. Visual aids used poorly
0 pts
No effort
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations
10 pts
The references are provided in accurate APA format.
8 pts
The references contain a few minor error in APA format.
7 pts
The references contain several minor errors in APA format.
6 pts
The references contain major errors in APA format.
0 pts
No effort
10 pts
Total Points: 225

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