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What is a Critical Analysis Paper? A critical analysis paper asks the writer to

June 18, 2024

What is a Critical Analysis Paper?
A critical analysis paper asks the writer to make an argument and/or explain a particular viewpoint. The goal of this assignment is two-fold: one, identify and explain the viewpoint that the presenter of the Diversity Workshop is making, and two, provide your own argument/ viewpoint(s) about the viewpoints of the presenter. One of the key directions of this assignment is to avoid summarizing. You are not writing a report of the Diversity Workshop; rather, you are critiquing it.  
Sometimes it can seem intimidating to “criticize” something that is being professionally delivered. However, part of this exercise is to explore the fact that even though the presenter is highly qualified, they are still advancing a viewpoint and providing evidence – their aim is to persuade you that their argument/viewpoint is true, not just to present facts. Once you recognize this, you can analyze whether or not you find their viewpoints compelling.
Structuring a Critical Analysis Paper
Most critical analysis papers begin with a short summary of the work and then dive into the argument. Since most of these paper assignments are short, it is important to be concise in all parts of your analysis. Writing an outline (and following it) is crucial to remain focused on your argument and avoid summary or irrelevant description. Following is a sample outline for a critical analysis paper:
Identify the work being criticized
Present thesis – argument about the work
Preview your argument – what are the steps you will take to prove your argument
Short summary of the work
Does not need to be comprehensive – present only what the reader needs to know to understand your argument
Your argument
This should be the bulk of the paper – Your professor wants to read your argument about the work, not a summary
Analyze the presenter based on the points presented and whether or not they succeeded in their goal of the Diversity Workshop/Training
State your reactions so that they do not appear to be arbitrary judgements. This can be accomplished by adding support from an authority (text book, articles, observations, personal experience, etc.)
State your conclusions about the overall presentation reviewing the strengths/weaknesses
Reflect on how you have proven your argument
Point out the importance of your argument (beyond it being a requirement for passing the class ☺)
Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis
Directions For Paper
2-3-page critique of the Diversity Workshop/Training
Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced
MS Word Document
Even though you are potentially only referring to one source – the presentation – you still need to cite your information, using either parenthetical citation or footnotes/endnotes. APA format.
Double check the assignment and rubric (below) to make sure you have covered all the points that your professor has asked
Questions to Aid You in Your Critique
Researchers have grouped outcomes of most training into cognitive (knowledge), behavioral, and attitudinal learning. In the case of diversity training, cognitive learning refers to the extent to which trainees acquire knowledge about other cultures and problems or issues amongst different groups. Behavioral learning concerns the development of skills and behaviors. Attitudinal learning refers to the development of trainees’ attitudes towards diversity.
Does the diversity workshop begin to answer:
What is the purpose of this diversity workshop/training?
How is this diversity workshop/training supposed to support diversity and inclusion?
How as the research evidence sought and provided? (Was there research evidence provided?)
How would you judge the quality of the diversity workshop/training?  
The below video is labeled “DEI 101” and is led by Atiya Stokes-Brown, Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at Coastal Carolina University, board member for Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce and chair of the chamber’s DEI council. This is the first training in their Educated Voices On Leading and Valuing Equity (EVOLVE) Series which features monthly episodes covering topics on diversity, equity and inclusion. This video is an actual DEI workshop and many organizations’ DEI workshops are much alike this one shown. Please watch the video in full to write your critique on it.  
Title of Video:  EVOLVE series | Diversity Equity and Inclusion 101 (youtube.com)

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