2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Instructions:  In 4-7 pages, Students will have the opportunity to view the film

June 16, 2024

In 4-7 pages, Students will have the opportunity to view the film Recovery Boys (2018) in order to gain a deeper understanding into the recovery process. Recovery Boys follows four residents (Jeff, Rush, Adam, and Ryan) during their time at Jacob’s Ladder at Brookside Farm. Jacob’s Ladder is a long-term residential recovery program for men, situated in a private farming community. The documentary shows the realities of addiction for both the men struggling with addiction and of their relatives. After viewing this film, students will develop a minimum of 4 pages conceptualization of one of the residents of their choice being sure to address the following questions. Please support your answer with examples from the film: 
Part A: Case Conceptualization
How would you describe the recovery experience of each character?
Considering the social learning influence on addiction, what role did Jacob’s ladder have on the relapse and recovery experience of the residents?
Discuss some of the internal as well as external conflicts the characters experienced during their recovery process.
In your opinion, what factors supported or hindered their sobriety?
Part B: Understanding of Recovery
Discuss the impact this film has had on your understanding of the recovery process
What are some challenges individuals may experience in the initial stages of recovery
Forgiveness and accountability were major themes manifesting in this film, discuss how this could impact the recovery experience of those beginning sobriety.
The conflict between mental health and sobriety were prominent in the film, how could these two factors impact the recovery experience of in sobriety?
Many characters discussed the impact their addiction has had on their families. Share your thoughts and feelings regarding the relationship between guilt and shame as it relates to the recovery experience.
Part C. Risk and Protective Factors (2-3 Paragraphs):
Select one of the characters in the film and develop a relapse prevention plan:
Discuss the risk and protective factors that could support and/or decrease addiction and recovery. Do not just list these factors but discuss how they support or hinder addiction/recovery
What risk factors that could support addiction does the client present with?
For example:
Family history of addiction
Lack of housing, food, basic needs
Suicidal history
Unstable living arrangements
History of failed attempts
Medical needs?
Manipulative behaviors
Criminal history
Enabling family/friends
History of overdose
Mental illness
Risky behaviors (prostitution etc.)
Denial of addiction
What protective factors that could support recovery does the client present with?
For example:
Children they wish to care for
Supportive family member
Acceptance of their addiction and a desire to recovery
Limited or no income to support their addiction.
Meaningful relationships
History of attending community based support groups (NA/AA)
History of obtaining sobriety
B: Plan for Discharge/Relapse Prevention (1-2 PARAGRAPHS):
As the human service professional and once aftercare has been terminated, what recommendations would you recommend?
For Example:
Continue community based support group
Return to tx if needed
Continue family counseling to address childhood issues with parents/siblings
Continue to participate in medical treatment for medical issues
Remain in mental health treatment
Rubric: Please review the assignment rubric before beginning this assignment to ensure you address all required areas.
Length: this assignment is required to be a between 4-7 pages (not including title and reference pages
APA Formatting:
All materials submitted for evaluation will be assessed on their adherence to assignment guidelines, grammar, style, clarity, and depth of reflectiveness. Grammar, spelling, and use of APA style are mandatory.Poor grammar usage, lack of APA style, or misspelled words will seriously detract from your grade.
Submissions must adhere to APA style guidelines. This includes the following:
1) A title page                                                          
2) 1 inch margins
3) 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial)
4)  Double space
5)  Reference page
6) Headings and subheadings
7) Page Numbers                                                 

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