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Directions for writing your paper: Historically museums have been associated wit

June 16, 2024

Directions for writing your paper:
Historically museums have been associated with governmental and institutional authority (royalty, the state, elites, the church, universities, etc.). More recently museums have claimed their value is derived from the communities they serve and are supported by. In your essay, please respond to the question “Where do museums derive their authority?” Feel free to agree or disagree with this characterization of museum history (and use specific examples to support your position). You are welcome to offer your own definition of authority or invoke someone else’s, but you must be explicit about what you mean by authority. You should support your argument with some specific examples, from readings or your own experience visiting museums.
Length: between 2000 and 2250 words of text proper written in Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced (or minimum 9 and maximum 10 full pages double spaced text), with footnotes or endnotes using Chicago Manual of Style (notes and bibliography style) – for guidance, see “AH Success Guides and Tips” posted on Blackboard.
You may refer to UFV Success Centre https://www.ufv.ca/media/assets/academic-success-centre/handouts/Chicago-Style-Guide-17th-ed-March2018.pdf
Do not count nor number the title page. When including images include them after the text proper (please, do not insert any of the included images within your text).
For this paper you must be able to locate a minimum of six sources (including the textbook).
This is the textbook. Andrew McClellan’s The Art of Museum from Boullée to Bilbao (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2008).
This is information about my visit to the muesum I recently visited the New Westminster Museum located in British Columbia, Canada. The museum’s website can be found at http://www.nwmuseumarchives.ca. My visit took place on May 25, 2023.
During my time there, I had the opportunity to explore their impressive collection and view various displayed works.The New Westminster Museum has a big collection that shows the history and culture of New Westminster and the area around it. They have artefacts, photos, documents, and artworks that help tell the story of the region.These pieces showcase the history and culture of New Westminster and its surrounding region. One important part of the collection is about the Indigenous peoples who have lived here for a long time. They show traditional carvings, masks, tools, and clothes that are important to the Coast Salish peoples. It was really cool to see these things and learn more about the Indigenous culture of the area.The museum does a great job of making the exhibits interesting and easy to understand, just like Andrew McClellan talked about in our textbook. The museum is laid out in a way that helps you follow the history of the region in order. The signs next to the displays give you clear and simple information. They also have interactive things like touch screens and audio guides that make it even more fun to learn.Overall, the museum tries hard to include everyone and make sure people in the community are involved. They also do a lot of educational things. I think these ideas are important, and the museum does a good job of following them. It’s a great place for people who live here and for people who are visiting.
I was able to virtually visit the museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I was able to increase my knowledge about the famous Rijksmuseum. You can find their website athttps://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/rijksstudio. I explored it on May 25, 2023, and it was an amazing virtual experience.
The Rijksmuseum has a big collection that shows Dutch art and history from more than 800 years ago. They have lots of different kinds of art, like paintings, sculptures, fancy things, and old objects. The collection includes works by famous Dutch artists like Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Van Gogh, and many others.One of the best parts of the museum is their collection of paintings from the Dutch Golden Age. These paintings were made in the 17th century and show how talented the artists were. I was able to see on their website their famous paintings like “The Night Watch” by Rembrandt and “The Milkmaid” by Vermeer. The paintings were so detailed and the way they used light and shadows was really impressive.The museum does a great job of explaining the artworks in a historical way, just like Andrew McClellan talked about in our textbook. From the photos I can see that they have signs and labels that tell you interesting things about the art and the time period when it was made. It helps you understand and appreciate the artworks even more.The Rijksmuseum also wants to make sure everyone can enjoy and learn from their collection. They have programs and activities for people of all ages and backgrounds. They also have a website called Rijksstudio where you can see the artworks online and learn about them from anywhere.

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