2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to have students engage in critical th

June 15, 2024

The purpose of this assignment is to have students engage in critical thinking about issues of immigration and refugees as they relate to person and environment.
Course Outcomes
CO 5: Apply critical thinking skills when integrating multiple sources of knowledge, data, and research to analyze theories and perspectives on human development and behavior.
CO 7: Analyze the impact of social and economic forces on individuals, social systems, and societies.
Total Points Possible
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Due Date
Please see the due dates below. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Requirements and Guidelines
You will construct a 4 – 5-page paper which must follow APA 7th Edition guidelines (professional version) and adhere to the academic integrity policy of the University.
Please utilize the required readings for Module 3 and additional peer-reviewed journal articles (if needed) for this assignment.
Directions and Grading Criteria
People migrate across the world for many different reasons. The United Nations (2020) classifies these reasons in four different but related categories: economic, social, political and/or environmental. More specifically, people migrate or immigrate to other geographic areas due to a lack of work, violence, war, natural disaster, cultural, political, or religious persecution or myriad other reasons. Often, people immigrate to the US looking for safety and economic security. 
Please read the stories of some immigrants on the following websites:
The Stories — Prolonged Detention StoriesLinks to an external site.
Report | A Legacy of Injustice: The U.S. Criminalization of Migration | National Immigrant Justice CenterLinks to an external site.
This paper will represent a deep critical reflection of your ideas, beliefs and views of migration and of immigrants. Begin your paper by answering the following questions:
What are some of the facts of immigration in America? How do you know these facts? Do you believe that you learned these facts from a reliable source?
What stories of immigration to the US have you heard? Where do you hear them from (verbal, read, watched)? Do you believe that you heard these stories from a reliable source?
The links above provided some stories about immigrant experiences in the United States. With those stories in mind please answer the following questions:
How can I use my own interpretations and experiences to connect with the lives of the people whose narratives I read?
How can I connect the realities of the life of an immigrant with my own life, community, and country?
Please read the following articles and review the required readings for this week to address the subsequent questions in your paper:
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. | Pew Research CenterLinks to an external site.
Ten Myths About Immigration | Learning for JusticeLinks to an external site.
How does past history of US immigration and immigration policy connect to the present moment?
What are the social, cultural, and historical forces that impact the recurring events and issues in U.S. immigration?
For your conclusion, please consider all the content you have read throughout this assignment and then engage in the following 
Metacognitive Reflective Activity:
Please respond to the following prompts as it pertains to your research and writing for this assignment:
I think/believe/wonder…
This reminds me of…
I’m confused about…
I can picture…
This is like…
I predict that…
Category Points Description
Introduction to paper, facts & beliefs regarding immigration 10 Introduction provided; assessment of facts and personal beliefs are presented
Reading and reflecting on immigrant stories 30
Reflection regarding Immigrant stories; includes critical analysis of ability to connect and/or relate to content
Making historical connections to current issues; critical reflection 30 Makes a connection; provides a critical reflection
Conclusion & metacognitive reflective activity 20 A conclusion and true engagement in metacognitive reflective activity is represented in the work
Quality of writing 10 Writing is objective in tone, clear, with no grammatical errors, and follows APA format
Total 100 A quality essay will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
MSW514 Module 6 Assignment – Immigration and Refugees Issues
MSW514 Module 6 Assignment – Immigration and Refugees Issues
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction to Paper, Facts & Beliefs Regarding Immigration
10 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Excellent introduction provided; strong assessment of facts and personal beliefs are presented
8 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Strong introduction provided; good assessment of facts and personal beliefs are presented
4 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Minimal introduction provided; minimal assessment of facts and personal beliefs are presented
0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Introduction misses the mark; little to no assessment of facts and personal beliefs are presented
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReading and reflecting on Immigrant Stories
30 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Strong reflection regarding Immigrant stories; includes critical analysis of ability to connect and/or relate to content
26 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Good reflection regarding Immigrant stories; includes some critical analysis of ability to connect and/or relate to content
22 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Minimal reflection regarding Immigrant stories; includes minimal critical analysis of ability to connect and/or relate to content
0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Little to no reflection regarding Immigrant stories; includes some critical analysis of ability to connect and/or relate to content
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMaking Historical Connections to Current Issues; Critical Reflection
30 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Makes strong connection; provides excellent critical reflection
26 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Makes some connection; provides strong critical reflection
22 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Makes minimal connection; provides some critical reflection
0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Makes little to no connection; provides minimal critical reflection
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion & Metacognitive Reflective Activity
20 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Strong conclusion and true engagement in metacognitive reflective activity is represented in the work
18 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Good conclusion and some engagement in metacognitive reflective activity is represented in the work
14 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Minimal conclusion and minimal engagement in metacognitive reflective activity is represented in the work
0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
No conclusion and little to no engagement in metacognitive reflective activity is represented in the work
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing
10 pts
Highest Level of Performance
Writing is objective in tone, clear, with no grammatical errors, and follows APA format
8 pts
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Writing is subjective at times, is unclear at times, and has some errors including APA format
4 pts
Acceptable Level of Performance
Writing is subjective at times, is unclear at times, and has some errors including APA format
0 pts
Failing Level of Performance
Writing is often subjective, often unclear, and has frequent errors including APA format
10 pts

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