2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


State your reasons for wanting to pursue graduate study, and the relationship of

June 14, 2024

State your reasons for wanting to pursue graduate study, and the relationship of this study to your career goal 
My aspiration to pursue nursing anesthesia as a career goal, came about during my last semester of my ADN studies, while doing a clinical rotation in the PACU. Prior to my PACU clinical rotation, I had very little knowledge on the roles and responsibilities of a nurse anesthetist, beside the fact that they administer anesthesia in the OR. During my clinical rotation, I developed an interest in learning about the different medications that are used during surgery, the mechanisms of action and the different procedures that were performed. This interest gave way to great learning opportunities With different CRNAs and a brief shadow experience in the OR where I was able to see a carpal tunnel release procedure. Since then, I knew I wanted to become a nurse anesthetist. 
To kickstart my career goals, I obtained a position as a new graduate nurse in the intensive care unit at Ellis Hospital where I worked for two years. I was able to learn hemodynamic management of critically ill patients, teamwork, leadership, communication, and improvement in my critical thinking skills. During my career as an ICU nurse, I have taken care of patients that are intubated, on pressors and sedation, such as norepinephrine, phenylephrine, vasopressin, propofol, midazolam, etc. On a regular basis, I assist with the insertion of endotracheal tubes, arterial and central lines, chest tubes, etc. I provide care to a diverse population of patients, including those in diabetic acidosis, requiring insulin drip, sepsis, renal failure requiring CRRT, cardiac arrest, post op surgical patient such as bowel resection and more. I was able to share my knowledge as an ICU nurse by precepting, new nurses and travelers as well as work as the Charge nurse to ensure nurses and patients were properly taken care of, during this time, I also worked on my bachelor degree where I was able to graduate summa cum laude in 2022 and in 2023 earned my certification as a critical care registered nurse. I was also able to complete 20 hours of shadow experience with a CRNA in the OR, where I was able observe the following procedures; left total shoulder replacement, carpal tunnel release and arthroscopic meniscus repair.
In 2022 I continued my ICU career at Glens Falls Hospital, where I was able to assume similar critical care responsibilities, including leadership. To foster appropriate nursing and patient care, I became an active member in the ICU based committee, where we work to address concerns of nurses and the multidisciplinary team such as staffing, improve patient care and satisfaction and discuss evidence based interventions to improve patient care. I am also an active member of Glens Falls hospital safe patient committee where we also discussed different strategies to ensure patient safety, such as the use bed alarms, bedside reports and double checking orders to ensure the proper care is being administered. I also became a member of Diversity Anesthesia Mentorship program that focuses on informing, empowering and mentoring aspiring CRNAs in preparation for career in anesthesia. 
Outside of work and school. I enjoy volunteering at a local shelter called open door mission, by providing services such cooking, serving and distributing meals, participated in different fundraisers, and events to raise funds to support community members in need and nutrition, health and created and presenting information on health and wellness to community members. I am also a mother to a beautiful and smart eight year old daughter name London. We enjoy swimming in art and craft projects. I also like to travel to different countries and learn about their cultures. This summer I will be going to England and France where I plan on visiting some historical sites. 
I would be honored to be a part of the anesthesia nursing program at Albany Medical College. I would be a great addition to the program as I am hard working, enjoy learning about anesthesia, enjoy learning new things and possess the qualities of leadership, EVIDENCED-BASED, collaborative, adaptive, flexible and resilience which are necessary qualities of a nurse anesthetist. 

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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Will you deliver it on time?

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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