2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


NOTE: The healthcare improvement project (HIP) is for QAPI at Megacare Home Heal

June 13, 2024

NOTE: The healthcare improvement project (HIP) is for QAPI at Megacare Home Health
Problems identified: no assigned clinician/DON for patient’s admission/start of care, no nurses
in-service training, incomplete patient documentation, POC episode extending beyond 90 days,
no client satisfaction survey, and no care coordination.
Meeting with Administrator, operations manager, scheduler
—- Value-based care service to improve patient outcome
—- Implement standard clinical process for patient admission/medical necessity
—- Formulation of patient centered plan of care following Medicaid/Medicare rules
—- OASIS transmission timeline/POC update
—- nurses training during onboarding process and in-service.
Course Name: Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement 
CPE Objective (45 Hours): After completing this clinical practice experience (CPE),
students will have established a need for a healthcare improvement project (HIP).  
CPE in this course consists of 45 hours of semi-structured activities. These activities
relate to developing the need for a HIP using a business case analysis approach. You
will prepare evidence or deliverables that will be submitted in your e-portfolio. Enter
the date you completed the CPE requirements. Once you submit the form, your
preceptor will be asked to approve or deny this date.
State where your Clinical Practice Experience took place*
Phase 1: Preparing for CPE, Needs Assessment, SWOT
Analysis, and Impact Analysis
Meet with your preceptor or SME to review the requirements for your CPE.
Discuss the need for a HIP in your former or current organization. Strategically plan
the tasks and timeline needed to complete your CPE. You should collaborate with
colleagues from your former or current organization, preceptor or SME to complete a
needs assessment; an impact analysis; and a SWOT analysis to determine
organizational need and readiness for a HIP.
Work with your preceptor or SME to identify individual stakeholders and project
team members from your current or former organization (e.g., nurse leaders,
informatics experts, system users) who may be willing to participate in a collaborative
needs assessment, impact analysis, and SWOT analysis. Consult with these
individuals, your preceptor, or SME to gain an enhanced understanding of their roles
and responsibilities in initiating, planning, implementing, and evaluating a healthcare
improvement project.
Evidence (Uploaded to Your E-Portfolio):  
1. A CPE schedule table outlining the tasks and timeline for completing this CPE
2. A table of the titles of the stakeholders or project team members you consulted
Consult with experts in the field or colleagues from your former or current
organization, your preceptor or SME, and your instructor to justify your HIP by
doing a needs assessment, SWOT analysis, and impact analysis. 
Conduct a needs assessment by selecting one of the following tools:
 five whys
 cause and effect diagram (fishbone) 
 failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA)
 affinity analysis
Complete the “Needs Assessment Template” included in your e-portfolio task.
Conduct a SWOT analysis using the “SWOT Analysis Template” to determine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization where you will
implement your HIP. The analysis should include the following:
 two strengths
 two weaknesses
 two opportunities
 two threats
Use the findings from the SWOT analysis to determine organizational readiness.
Conduct an impact analysis using the “Impact Analysis Template” to further
examine the feasibility of implementing a HIP. The analysis should include the
 two categories for benefits and risks (categories for benefits and risks are the
 two benefits for each category and two risks for each category (categories for
benefits and risks are the same)
 a rating for each benefit and each risk
 a calculation of the total benefits score and the total risks score
 a calculation of the impact ratio
Synthesize the findings from your needs assessment, SWOT analysis, and impact
analysis with your stakeholders and/or project team members to help provide
justification for the project. Create a 5- to 10-minute GoReact video that discusses the
findings from your needs assessment, SWOT analysis, and impact analysis. After
recording your video and posting it for review, watch two of your peers’ videos and
provide them encouraging and constructive feedback. 
Finally, capture three
screenshots to document your GoReact video reflection, including an image for each
of your two peer responses.
If you have trouble with GoReact link, you can copy and paste the following
URL directly into your bro
Evidence (uploaded to your e-portfolio): 
1. CPE schedule table with tasks and timeline 
2. Table of the titles of the individual stakeholders and/or project team members
3. A completed “Needs Assessment Template” 
4. A completed “Impact Analysis Template”
5. A completed “SWOT Analysis Template” 
6. Three screenshots to document your GoReact video reflection, including an
image of your reflection video responses and an image for each of your two
peer responses
7. A brief, written summary of your video reflection below your screenshot
Date Completed : Master of Science, Leadership and Management Clinical Practice Experience
(CPE) Record *

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