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Write a 3–5 page literature review incorporating scholarly sources. You will in

June 13, 2024

Write a 3–5 page literature review incorporating scholarly sources. You
will introduce a 
hypothesis for a research study that will be conducted
throughout the course.
Submit your literature review as your deliverable for assessment.
You do not need an index or abstract for this paper. Use the Literature Review Template [DOCX]
Download Literature Review Template [DOCX] to complete the assessment.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: A minimum of 7 peer-reviewed journal articles is required. Format according to current Evidence and APA guidelines.
Length: 3–5 pages; typed, double-spaced.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
The first step in psychological research is to select a topic of
interest and review the existing literature. The purpose of the
literature review is to show what is currently known about a topic and
to identify a gap in the literature or a weakness that requires
additional studies to address. In this assessment, you’ll write a
literature review and begin creating an experiment.
Note: The assessments throughout this course build on one another. It’s highly recommended that you complete them in order.
Note: The data for the study has already been
collected; you will review pre-existing data as you move through the
assessments in this course.
During this course, you will be designing and conducting a study
based on pre-existing data and analyzing the results. Each assessment
will work together to help you through this process, so it is important
to complete the assessments in order.
You will use APA’s Online Psychology Laboratory (OPL) for this assessment. See the link in your APA Online Psychology Laboratory reading list.
Start by going to APA’s OPL and creating an account. This is a free account and doesn’t take long to set up.
From within the APA Online Psychology Lab, go to Experiments. Then select one of the following experiments:
Be a Juror.
Numerical Memory.
Facial Recognition.
These three options have been chosen because they will simplify the
research design process for you. Review the brief guides below for
information on variables and analysis that may help you pick which of
these 3 selected experiments you are most interested in                reviewing:
Be a Juror.
Numerical Memory.
Facial Recognition.
Once you’ve chosen an experiment, select that experiment and go to the Description tab. Read the description thoroughly. Take notes on keywords and concepts. This will be the subject of your literature review. You can start by locating the articles mentioned on the Description tab.
Note that you will be using this same selected experiment throughout
all assessments. Once selected, it will be the basis for all of your
work in this course.
Articles for Your Literature Review
Before you conduct research, you need to center your hypothesis and
supporting literature on this topic through a literature review, which
will be the first piece of your project. You will need to find at least
seven peer-reviewed journal articles to use for your literature review.
Below are resources that may help you.
Start with Research Methods in Psychology Library Guide, which provides focused library databases and APA resources that may direct your article search.
Organizing all of your articles and notes will help you work through your literature review more efficiently. Complete Developing a Matrix to Organize Your Literature Review,
which will help you organize your notes and think of ways to categorize
your findings, such as definitions, variables, findings, and
population. It also provides an example of a completed matrix.
Write a 3–5 page literature review to introduce your selected experiment
that incorporates at least seven peer-reviewed journal articles; at
least one should be a study from an international source (a journal
published outside the United States and/or authors from outside the
United States) or one that includes non-Western participants. It’s recommended that you use the Literature Review Template [DOCX] SEE ATTACHMENT
Download Literature Review Template [DOCX] for this paper. It contains formatting and additional suggestions to help you write your literature review.
Address the following within your literature review. Ensure that each
main point of your paper is supported clearly with evidence from your
sources. Under some points, there are guiding questions to guide your
thinking, but be sure to consult the assessment scoring guide to make
sure you are covering all of what will be assessed.
Explain the psychological concepts that were addressed in the research.
Are there any patterns, themes, or trends that you were able to trace in your research?
Describe the concepts related to the theory that will be the basis for your research.
Discuss the value and the limitations of the theoretical concepts.
Develop a plausible hypothesis for the experiment that relies on
evidence and reasoning. Use the information in the Description tab for
your experiment in OPL.
Use APA style formatting, citations, and references.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide
Competency 1: Differentiate between types of psychological research methods.
Explain the psychological concepts that are addressed in the research.
Competency 2: Design research that controls for variations in behavior related to individual and sociocultural differences.
Use seven peer-reviewed journal articles with one study from an
international source or one that includes non-western participants.
Competency 3: Design an ethically appropriate psychological research study.
Predict human behavior using a theory or psychological concept.
Describe the value and limitations of a theory or psychological concept.
Competency 4: Conduct a psychological research study.
Develop a plausible hypothesis that relies on scientific evidence and reasoning.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly,
professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the
field of psychology.
Write an organized literature review that supports a thesis with main points that are supported by evidence.
Use APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.
Use APA style paper formatting with only minor errors.
Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating
appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
As you launch into your research project, familiarize
yourself with foundational concepts in research methods by reading the
following chapters in your textbook.
Salkind, N. J. (2017). Exploring research (9th ed.). Pearson. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
Chapter 1, “The Role and Importance of Research.”
This chapter explains what research is,
the various types of research, and when to apply the different types
based on the questions being asked.
Chapter 2, “The Research Process: Coming to Terms.”
This chapter will help you gain a full understanding of variables, developing a hypothesis, and the importance of significance.
Chapter 3A, “Selecting a Problem and Reviewing the Research.”
This chapter will help you develop
research interests and learn how to write a literature review. This will
help you for this assessment, where you will create a literature review
based on the topic and variables of your selected experiment.
Complete Research Continuum
to review different types of research, if they are quantitative or
qualitative, and their levels of objectivity and subjectivity.
You will be creating a hypothesis for your literature review as well. To help you with that, refer to the Research Questions and Hypotheses Quick Guide in the Learn tab of Academic Writer.
Complete Help! Proof This Literature Review,
where you can practice proofreading a literature review. You will
answer questions related to proofreading and receive feedback that can
help you with your own literature review. This is for your own practice
and self-assessment.
Literature Review Scoring Guide- 
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Explain the psychological concepts that are addressed in the research. Does not identify psychological concepts. Identifies psychological concepts that are addressed in research but does not explain the concepts. Explains the psychological concepts that are addressed in the research. Explains the psychological concepts that are addressed in the
research and makes connections to the evidence used to support main
Predict human behavior using a theory or psychological concept. Does not predict human behavior. Predicts human behavior, but does not support that prediction using a theory or psychological concept. Predicts human behavior using a theory or psychological concept. Predicts human behavior using a theory or psychological concept that has a clear connection to the hypothesis.
Describe the value and limitations of a theory or psychological concept. Does not describe the value or the limitations of a theory or psychological concept. Describes either the value or limitations of a theory or psychological concept but does not describe both. Describes the value and limitations of a theory or psychological concept. Describes the value and limitations of a theory or psychological concept that has a clear connection to the hypothesis.
Develop a plausible hypothesis that relies on scientific evidence and reasoning. Does not develop a hypothesis. Develops a hypothesis, but the hypothesis lacks plausibility or does not rely on scientific evidence or reasoning. Develops a plausible hypothesis that relies on scientific evidence and reasoning. Develops a plausible hypothesis that relies on scientific evidence,
reasoning, and has a clear connection to the research topic.
Write an organized literature review that supports a thesis with main points that are supported by evidence. Does not write a literature review with points that are related to the thesis. Writes a literature review with points that support the thesis, but
the literature review is disorganized and points are not supported by
evidence. Writes an organized literature review that supports a thesis with main points that are supported by evidence. Writes a well-organized literature review that supports the thesis
and hypothesis with clear main points that are supported by evidence
from at least seven scholarly sources.
Use seven peer-reviewed journal articles with one study from an
international source or one that includes non-western participants. Does not use peer-reviewed journal articles. Uses less than seven peer-reviewed articles or does not have a study
from an international source or one that includes non-western
participants. Uses seven peer-reviewed journal articles with one study from an
international source or one that includes non-western participants. Uses more than seven peer-reviewed journal articles with at least
one study from an international source or one that includes non-western
Use APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors. Does not have citations or a reference list.
Uses APA style formatting for citations and reference list but has major errors.
Uses APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.
Uses proper APA style formatting for citations and reference list.
Use APA style paper formatting with only minor errors. Does not format paper in line with APA style guidelines.
Uses APA style paper formatting but has major errors.
Uses APA style paper formatting with only minor errors.
Uses proper APA style formatting throughout paper, including spacing, title page, page numbers, and headings.
Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating
appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences. Does not respond to the assessment prompt and/or does not organize
text appropriately, uses inappropriate tone, or does not include
structurally sound sentences. Addresses the assessment purpose with minimal issues related to evidence, tone, and sentence structure. Addresses assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating
appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences. Presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills.
Presents evidence through strong paraphrasing/summarizing and
appropriate tone and sentence structure.

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