2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Respond to two separately: Share an insight gained from reading their post. Ask

June 13, 2024

Respond to two separately:
Share an insight gained from reading their post.
Ask a probing question that will help you gain a deeper understanding of their response.
Post 1 Erin
This week’s discussion video was fascinating and informative in bringing to light the awareness that even nowadays with how we have come so far there are still times of racism and discrimination along with unequal viewpoints of individuals. A part of this video that touched me was the moment when Dr. Roberts spoke of it not being the client’s responsibility to justify or clarify their culture. “It is their responsibility to share with you about who they are and how they are seen or impacted by the world. But it’s your responsibility as a practitioner that when you have those questions, you use the resources that you must go out and explore new things. You’re the person who takes the initiative and does not expect to sit in your office or on the phone or camera and everybody brings what they need, or they think they need to you. That you have some responsibility in that encounter”. This resonated with me in the fact of speaking about how in many different environments not just therapeutic the expectation is set that the client with bring all of what they need to you and will do the footwork to clarify to you their needs and background. This is a false picture as the clients are there to share their experience and how they felt at that time and you as the provider are there to figure out why and how to fix it based on the information that you find and what you did for.  I have seen this so many times in my time in the Navy. The expectation is set that the sailor is going to come to the chain of command and give them all the background and information as to why things happened to them and why they feel the way they do however how it should be is the sailor bringing the problem up then the chain of command digging into the background to find an answer as to why to give to the sailor. One strategy or thought that I will take away from this discussion and apply to future self-awareness and or cultural competence is what was said by Dr. Roberts again in the fact of understanding everyone is different. This sentence explains that not every client that you receive or engage with will be the same and or have the same needs. Going back to the prior quote of Dr. Roberts it is our job as clinicians to realize and accept that everyone is different, and the work will be different each time in this field. The social work field is ever-changing, and it is our job to continue to support it.
Post 2 Jessica
What idea, experience, or statement resonated with you the most, and why?
An idea that resonated with me is hard to choose because the whole video offered good insight. However, I will go with the conversation regarding George Floyd. She stated that when his murder happened, there was a call for what WE can do to address and create spaces to have conversations that will lead to more inclusion, awareness, and social justice (Walden, 2021). As well as the ability to view and understand our own strengths and weaknesses so we may be more culturally competent social workers. This resonated with me because I remember when this tragedy happened and I remember thinking, whose job is it to create these changes and offer the world more than where we are right now? The answer was and is social work. We have the ability to create changes on a macro, micro, and mezzo level! We have the ability to offer help and compassion to those that need us and to enlighten and promote social justice and inclusion to others. We as social workers have “power” to help create positive change and combat the injustices.
What is one strategy described in the video that you will apply toward your self-awareness and/or cultural competence? How might this strategy help when working with a client who is racially or ethnically different from you?
A strategy discussed in the video would be analyzing ourselves, facing our fears, creating a space for connection to allow for the stories. Asking a person questions about their experience, what lens they are seeing it through and being able to listen.By listening to the person and understanding from that person’s point of view, their lens, will help me better understand them and connect to them. Without that how could I really help them if it’s only on my level of understanding.

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