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Instructions are attached as a separate file. I have also attached the 5+ refere

June 13, 2024

Instructions are attached as a separate file. I have also attached the 5+ references which will need to be discussed and incorporated in the paper. 
Below is my previous discussion post for reference: 
Downsizing:  Divestiture of unrelated businesses, selling off capital assets, and reductions in human resources (Mone, 1994)
In the article, “The times they are a-changing: who will stay and who will go in a downsizing organization,” the authors Cross and Travaglione study the impact of downsizing of employees who accepted the severance packages to companies. The statistical figures reflect that people who leave the company during downsizing tend to be less happy with their jobs and less committed to the company. Additionally, those who stay after the downsizing are usually more satisfied with their jobs and committed to the company. This suggest that instead of just letting a lot of people go during downsizing, companies should focus on keeping the most valuable employees to help the organization succeed. The authors of this article are Bernadette Cross of the University of Newcastle in Autstralia and Anthony Travaglione of Charles Sturt University in Australia. 
The second article I chose as relating to downsizing is called “Relationships between Self Concepts, Aspirations, Emotional Responses, and Intent to Leave a Downsizing Organization.” This article studies how certain personal feelings and beliefs influence whether people want to leave a company that is downsizing. They found that when people feel confident in their abilities to do their job and have a strong sense of self-worth related to their role, they are more likely to want to leave. This is different from what is usually seen in companies that are not downsizing, where people with higher self-esteem tend to want to stay. According to the data, higher task self-esteem leads to increased role and general self-esteem, enhanced commitment, and reduced intent to leave (Mone, 1994). This study suggests that when a company is downsizing, managers need to consider these personal factors when planning and managing the process. Both articles discuss the management topic of downsizing, acknowledging its rise as a strategic human resources management. Also, they both present statistical findings regarding the effects of downsizing on various aspects of employees’ experiences and behaviors. In the former study, the results show significant differences between the remaining sample and the severance sample. The remaining sample showed higher affective commitment, continued commitment, job satisfaction, and lower absenteeism (Cross and Travaglione, 2004). Furthermore, both suggest implications for human resource management practices and emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing specific factors related to employee decisions and behaviors. 
However, there are distinguishing differences between the two articles. The former article focuses on the outcomes of downsizing and the characteristics of employees who accept severance packages, while the latter article focuses on individual-level factors such as self-confidence, self-esteem, and job satisfaction influencing employees’ decisions to leave during downsizing. Job satisfaction has a negative correlation to absenteeism and turnover intention (Cross and Travaglione, 2004). Different factors are examined by each article. The former examines factors such as effective and continuance commitment, intention to turnover, and “absenteeism, which can result in “reduced individual and team efforts” and moreover reduce “organizational productivity” (Mone, 1994). Additionally, absenteeism.   The latter examines factors such as self-confidence, role self-esteem, and self-concept. Lastly, the first article takes a broader perspective on the outcomes and implications of downsizing, considering its historical context and impacts on organizational performance. The second article takes a more focused approach on individual-level factors and their direct effects on employees’ intentions to leave during downsizing. 
Biblical Integration: 
From the perspective of an employee a part of the downsizing process, it is important to keep a biblical truth. Downsizing has major effects on employees’ decisions and behaviors. The individuals may face uncertainty and stress regarding their job security. We can draw upon the biblical truth in Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV 1973). In summary, employees should not be anxious but rather pray to God with their requests so that God can give them peace. The individuals can find comfort and peace through prayer and trust in God. Instead of letting fear and anxiety dictate their decisions, they can lean on their faith and seek guidance from God. Additionally, individuals can cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving, acknowledging God’s provision in every circumstance. This grateful attitude positively influences them and guide them towards choices that align with their personal values and beliefs. 
Cross and Travaglione (2004), “The times they are a‐changing: who will stay and who will go in a downsizing organization?”, Personnel Review
Bible. (1973). New International Version. Zondervan.
Mone, M. A. (1994///Summer). Relationships between SelfConcepts, Aspirations, EmotionalResponses, and Intent to Leave aDownsizing Organization. Human Resource Management (1986-1998), 33(2), 281. 

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