2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


I have provided the text book. Chapters , 10 11 & 12 I also attached the oringal

June 13, 2024

I have provided the text book. Chapters , 10 11 & 12
I also attached the oringal post I had posted relating to this discussion.
Response to a Classmate (20 points):
After submitting your initial post, you are also required to respond
to at least one other student’s posting.  In a minimum of 200 words,
again demonstrate an ability to critically think about sociological
issues.  When providing your response, be sure to meet the following
Provide an alternative solution to improving a peer’s selected social institution.
Explain whether this solution would work best in combination with
the classmate’s originally proposed solution, or if it would operate
best independently.
Using in-text citations, provide evidence to support your position.
Include a works cited page for your response to a peer
Peers Response:
Argument for Change: Education
In today’s United States, our education system faces pressing
challenges that demand immediate attention. Despite our country’s
economic strength, we continue to see troubling disparities in
educational outcomes, often linked to factors like income, race, and
where students live. According to Ferris and Stein (2018), these
disparities deepen social inequalities and hinder opportunities for many
young Americans.
Proposed Solution:
To tackle these issues effectively, we should prioritize expanding
access to high-quality early childhood education (ECE) programs.
Research consistently shows that children who participate in quality ECE
programs develop better academic and social skills, setting them up for
long-term success (Ferris & Stein, 2018). By making these programs
more widely available, especially in underserved communities, we can
give all children a stronger start in their educational journey.
Another critical aspect is supporting our teachers. Investing in
their professional development—equipping them with the tools to create
inclusive classrooms and adapt to diverse learning needs—can
significantly enhance student outcomes. When teachers feel supported and
well-prepared, they can better nurture students’ potential and drive
academic achievement (Ferris & Stein, 2018).
Measurement of Progress:
We can measure the success of these reforms by tracking several key indicators:
Student Achievement: Improved performance on standardized tests and higher graduation rates, particularly among historically marginalized groups.
Equity: Closing the achievement gap between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnicities.
Access: Increased enrollment and participation in
early childhood education programs, ensuring all children have an equal
opportunity to learn and grow.
Teacher Impact: Higher teacher retention rates and
job satisfaction, indicating a supportive environment that fosters
effective teaching practices.
By focusing on evidence-based strategies like expanding ECE access
and supporting our educators, we can move closer to a fairer, more
effective education system. These steps not only address current
inequalities but also build a stronger foundation for our future
Works Cited:
Ferris, Kerry, and Jill Stein. The Real World. Eighth Edition, W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.

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