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The Geneva Conventions are an attempt at creating a separate, rules-based global

June 13, 2024

The Geneva Conventions are an attempt at creating a separate, rules-based global ethical framework. In this discussion, you will explain the purpose of the Geneva Conventions and examine a part of the conventions that resonates with your personal ethics. Discussing the Geneva Conventions with your peers can help you learn more about how ethical frameworks aid in understanding human actions. 
Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful toward your peers and instructor in your initial and response discussion posts. 
Create one initial post and respond to at least two of your classmates. 
For your initial post, address the following:
How would you explain the purpose of the Geneva Conventions to someone who has never heard of them?
Describe a part of the conventions that resonates with your personal ethics and build an argument for why this should apply to all people and nation-states. 
For your response posts, address the following:
What do you think of your peer’s explanation of the Geneva Conventions?
Consider your peer’s argument and argue the opposite. Why should your peer’s chosen part of the conventions not apply to all people and nation-states? 
50 words each reply
1. Cody EDELMAN posted Jun 11, 2024 1:29 AM
The Geneva Conventions, a series of international treaties, establish rules and protections to ensure humane treatment during wartime, particularly for those not directly involved in the conflict, such as civilians, wounded soldiers, and medical personnel. Their primary aim is to mitigate the horrors of war by setting ethical standards that all participating nations must adhere to, thereby safeguarding human dignity even amidst hostilities. The consequences of not adhering to these conventions are dire, leading to the erosion of trust between nations, the escalation of violence, and the disregard for human life and dignity.
A specific aspect of the Geneva Conventions that resonates deeply with me is the protection of medical personnel. This principle asserts that those providing medical care to the wounded and sick should be safeguarded from attack and allowed to perform their duties without interference. This aligns with my belief in the sanctity of life and the importance of humanitarian aid. Ensuring the safety and neutrality of medical workers not only saves lives but also upholds a fundamental aspect of human compassion and decency, which is crucial during the chaos of war. Imagine the potential if all nations universally adhere to this principle-a more humane and respectful approach to conflict, acknowledging the invaluable role of those who work to alleviate suffering and save lives.
2. James Cannon posted Jun 10, 2024 2:00 PM
If I had to describe the Geneva Conventions to someone unfamiliar with them, I’d say they are guidelines for nations involved in war for how to act ethically without causing unnecessary harm or death recklessly. Ultimately, they are there to protect only the most vulnerable and those who aren’t directly in the fight (like civilians, medical workers). The part of the Geneva Conventions that resonate with my personal values is the Fourth Convention, which aims to protect civilians even in occupied territory. Even in the military, you’d be hard pressed to find those who want war, but still they took an oath to defend their country willingly so they fully understand what they’re getting into and the risks involved. But, with an example like Ukraine, they did not ask to be invaded and want no part in armed conflict that’s been placed on them. It would be extremely depressing if civilians living peacefully in their homes could be brutally slaughtered because of political disputes, and unfortunately it still happens constantly, but there’s at least things in place to try to mitigate this, which is a good start.

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