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This request is for the writing of a dissertation pertaining to the Columbia Sou

June 12, 2024

This request is for the writing of a dissertation pertaining to the Columbia Southern University Doctor of Business degree. I appreciate the effort on this.
— The dissertation is intended to focus on project managers’ intent to quit within the Northeastern United States Tech industry. The undertone of the dissertation is to make this information known as a relevant way to further the conversation on ways to retain project management employees & ensure subsequent team effectiveness.
The dissertations should utilize and utilize the following:
Qualitative research techniques – specifically an intent to quit questionnaire
Relevant hypotheses
Multiple citation sources from within the last 5 years
Ensure that the writing avoids Anthropomorphism and personification
Each paragraph should be at least 4 sentences long
The document should be in APA7 format
The following is an explanation of the writing done thus far (which can certainly be modified or removed as part of this writing request. **Additionally, there are several attachments, including the school’s specific information on style, format, qualitative research, and the like.
— Please let me know what other information or details I can provide.
Detailed Explanation of the Dissertation Topic
The dissertation titled “Examining Project Managers’ Intent to Quit in Northeastern U.S. Technology Firms” by Richard Pollick aims to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and the intention to leave among project managers in the technology sector of the Northeastern United States. Below is a detailed explanation of the topics covered in this dissertation:
1. Introduction to the Study
Background of the Study: This section provides an overview of the significance of job satisfaction and turnover intentions among project managers in the tech industry, highlighting the unique pressures and demands of their roles.
Problem Statement: It addresses the specific issue of how diminishing job satisfaction affects project managers’ propensity to quit, emphasizing the need to understand this relationship to enhance employee retention strategies.
Purpose Statement: The study aims to examine the correlation between job satisfaction and the intent to quit among project managers, using a structured survey to gather quantitative data.
Research Questions and Hypotheses: The dissertation formulates research questions and hypotheses to guide the study, focusing on the correlation between job satisfaction, work environment, compensation, and the intent to quit.
Advancing Theoretical Knowledge: It integrates established theories like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory to frame the research within a broader theoretical context.
Application to Business Administration: The study discusses the practical implications of its findings for business administration, particularly in project management and organizational behavior.
Significance of the Study: It highlights the value of the research in filling knowledge gaps and providing actionable insights for improving job satisfaction and reducing turnover among project managers.
2. Literature Review
Theoretical Foundations: This section explores foundational theories and frameworks related to job satisfaction and employee retention, such as Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories.
Review of the Literature: It provides a comprehensive review of existing research on job satisfaction, intent to leave, and the demographic characteristics of project managers in the tech industry.
Job Satisfaction: Discusses historical context, employee retention, and the factors influencing job satisfaction.
Intent to Leave: Explores the correlation between job satisfaction and the intent to leave, along with key variables like recognition, growth opportunities, work environment, and compensation.
The demographics of Project Managers in Tech Industry: Examines the unique position of project managers in the tech industry and their impact on project success.
3. Methodology
Research Design: The study employs a quantitative correlational design to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and the intent to quit.
Population and Sample Selection: It focuses on project managers in the Northeastern U.S. tech industry, using structured surveys to collect data.
Instrumentation: The primary instrument is the “intent to leave” survey, designed to capture various facets of job satisfaction and turnover intentions.
Data Collection Procedures: Describes the methods for collecting data through surveys and ensuring participant confidentiality.
Analytical Methods: Outlines the statistical techniques used to analyze the data and identify significant correlations.
Ethical Considerations: Ensures ethical research practices, including informed consent and data privacy.
4. Data Analysis and Results
Data Analysis Procedures: Details the methods for analyzing survey data.
Descriptive Data Analysis: Presents an overview of the collected data, including demographics and key variables.
Results: Summarizes the findings of the statistical analysis, highlighting significant correlations between job satisfaction and the intent to leave.
Summary: Provides a concise overview of the key results.
5. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Summary of the Study: Recaps the research objectives, methodology, and key findings.
Summary of Findings and Conclusion: Discusses the implications of the findings for theory and practice.
Implications: Explores the theoretical and practical implications of the research.
Recommendations: Offers suggestions for future research and practical interventions to enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover among project managers.
Concluding Remarks: Provide final thoughts on the significance of the study.
Additional Requirements and Instructions for Writing the Dissertation
Additional Requirements:
Comprehensive Data Analysis: Ensure robust statistical analysis using appropriate techniques like regression analysis to identify significant correlations.
Detailed Literature Review: Include recent and relevant studies to support the theoretical framework and highlight gaps in existing research.
Practical Implications: Emphasize how the findings can be applied in real-world settings to improve management practices and reduce turnover.
Instructions for Writing the Dissertation:
Clear Structure: Follow a clear and logical structure, ensuring each chapter builds on the previous one.
Thorough Literature Review: Conduct an exhaustive review of existing literature, focusing on both historical and contemporary studies related to job satisfaction and turnover intentions.
Methodological Rigor: Ensure the research design, data collection, and analysis methods are rigorously detailed and justified.
Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring participant confidentiality and informed consent.
Critical Analysis: Critically analyze the data and discuss the implications of the findings for theory, practice, and future research.
Clear and Concise Writing: Use clear, concise, and academic language throughout the dissertation, ensuring complex ideas are explained effectively.
Comprehensive Conclusions: Summarize key findings and their implications, providing actionable recommendations for practitioners and researchers.

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