2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Pay close ATTENTION to all instructions because all of them are important. Final

May 24, 2024

Pay close ATTENTION to all instructions because all of them are important.
Final essay prompt:
From the 1930s to the 2010s, the U.S. experienced the rise and fall of organized labor. Write an essay that addresses two interrelated questions:  First, why did the labor movement lose its relative strength? Second, did this rise and fall play a significant role in the lives of working class Americans, and if so how so?
In your essay, make sure to take into account the dimensions of class and social status, race and ethnicity, and sex and gender.
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and materials (readings, lectures, presentations, and class discussions) from the last seven weeks of this class. 
In writing your essay please make use of specific and concrete examples from the readings. Pay special attention to citing: 
Kelley, Hammer & Hoe
Human Rights Watch, “Unfair Advantage”
Gourgakas, “Our Thing Is Drum”
Kingsolver, Holding the Line
Demos, “Understanding the Working Class”
And Pitkin, On the Line.
Your essay should have a clear argument (or thesis). This argument needs to be backed up with evidence from the materials used in the class. The essay should also be clearly organized, and carefully written and proofread. 
Make sure to cite your sources. To do so, simply put in parentheses the identifying information in the appropriate location in the text. For example: (Pitkin, 34)
If you cite sources outside of those assigned for this course, please use full footnotes (Chicago Style). But please note that no outside sources are needed (or desired) for a successful essay. 
The essay should be four pages long, double spaced, in 12-point Times Roman type. Make sure it has a title! 
Reading responses prompt:
During this semester you will write four reading responses. Two of those reading responses will be on readings prior to the midterm exam, and two of those responses will be on readings following the midterm exam. You may choose to write on any of the assigned readings.
A reading response should demonstrate that you have read and thought about the reading. However, unlike a usual book report, for example, which explains what is in the reading, a reading response should assume that the person reading it has also read the assignment. Therefore, it should highlight your thinking, experience, analysis, questions, or “response” to the reading.
A successful response will focus on one aspect of the reading. For example, it might address questions of historical context, interpretation, perspective, argument, or sources in the readings. It often will discuss what light this reading sheds on other or previous readings or class discussions.
A successful response will avoid general evaluations (good, bad) and focus on specific and concrete issues regarding the history and the text. Remember that a critique does not require either a positive or negative assessment, but does demand a clear understanding of the reading.
Specific evidence or examples from the reading.
Pages cited in parentheses, for example (Bell, 215).
A TITLE, your name, and date.
Thoughtful composition, proper English, and careful proofreading.
12 point type, Times Roman or equivalent.
2 pages long.
Post in PDF format on Canvas.
Due: Each reading response is due before beginning of the class on the date indicated on the syllabus. No late papers accepted without previous permission.
Note: Writing a paper as short as these reading responses poses the challenge of writing with care and economy. Going over the two-page limit may lower your grade.
So you will be writing 5 essay, 4 of them two pages with use of files given and a four page final essay using the books mentioned (available online for free)

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