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Instructions: Create a student title page according to APA Style 7th edition stu

May 24, 2024

Create a student title page according to APA Style 7th edition student guidelines.  
In about one paragraph, write your paper’s introduction according to APA Style 7th edition guidelines.  
The introduction will start with general background about your paper’s topic and end with your thesis statement which explains to the reader what to expect in the rest of the paper.   
For the purposes of this paper, using the first person is acceptable.
In one paragraph, describe your reason of why you chose the nursing profession.
In two paragraphs, describe your personal philosophy of nursing.
State your personal philosophy of nursing.
Discuss how your values and beliefs guide your conduct as a nurse and form your professional identity.
Identify at least two professional strengths and opportunities for growth. Strengths and opportunities could derive from, but are not limited to, emotional intelligence, ethical principles, moral courage, clinical/professional competence, confidence, communication, conflict management, etc.
In two paragraphs, describe your Transition to the Baccalaureate Role.
Using the components from Bridges Model of Transition:
Describe where you are now in your transition.
Discuss how the model can continue to guide your transition.
Be sure to support your views with a scholarly source. 
Background information:
previous discussion posts that are relevant stated:
1. I, personally, am pursuing my bachelors in hopes of higher achievement. My ultimate goal is a doctorates degree. While starting out an associate degree nurse is a good start, it is just the base for growth. I found and related to this article the DOAJ.org that says that rural nurses are more motivated to pursue a BSN degree. This study found “that rural RNs are motivated by the need for a BSN specifically in regard to job security, professional identity, professional development, personal enrichment, and career mobility and feeling prepared for the demands of 21st century nursing practice.” (Taylor, 2020). In this program I am currently feeling most aligned with the neutral zone. The neutral zone is one of the three phases of Bridges model of transition. This phase consists of accepting that there is a change but not fully taking on the roles and responsibilities of the new role. I feel as if this is what position I am in. I have accepted that I am growing my education but am not inhabiting any new roles or responsibilities at this time. The Bridges model has tips for moving onto the next phase of it’s model, ‘new beginnings’. In order to do this I should set short term goals, do some self-reflection, and try some new activities involving the new role. One characteristics I believe would help me in this would be to improve my socialization skills. If I can venture out and speak with people who are in positions I would like to be in it would help me achieve that. Also if I practice being more outgoing I’m more likely to get into groups or organizations who have similar goals to assist in driving my motivation.
Taylor, J. M. (2020, May 1). Exploration of rural nurses in decision making of academic progression – doaj. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care. https://doaj.org/article/69ed4aa726c343319fe28361b0a3a324
2. My philosophy I feel I could put into words is trying to make people feel better than when you met them or make the best of a bad situation. Working in healthcare, you meet people in some of the worst points in their lives. No one likes being in a hospital or having to be cared for while feeling miserable and helpless. I grew up hearing my parents talk about patients that they had and how they cared for them. Most of the ones I remember are my dad’s since he works more bedside. He had told me stories of patients whose families couldn’t or wouldn’t visit when all they wanted was a little Debbie cake, so what did my dad do? He got little Debbie snacks on his way to work the next day for that patient. He had a patient who had special visitors coming and was embarrassed by her unpainted fingernails. My dad had me bring him nail polish so he could paint her nails. He had patients on their death beds and would have talks with them about their relationship with Christ for the dark and unknown times they were going through. He is someone I want to be like in my career. These values of compassion, comforting, and nurturing are something I take with me every time I walk in my hospital. I try and make sure my patients are as comfortable as possible and that there is nothing that they need that I cannot help them get. A recent patient told me that the bed bath I had given her along with fresh linens had made her feel better than she had in days. Something as small as bathing can make patients feel entirely different. This article talks about careful nursing and says that “nurses are guided to think and practice from a philosophical perspective that is consistent with the nature of nursing as a nurturing”. This is a quote that I think is a great value to look at. Nursing is not just medicine and facilities. This is nurturing and taking care of a human being with feelings and not just a person in a bed.
Meehan, T. C., Timmins, F., & Burke, J. (2018). Fundamental care guided by the Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model © . Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(11–12), 2260–2273. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14303

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