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Research and analyze the writing that you are likely to encounter in your prospe

May 24, 2024

Research and analyze the writing that you are likely to encounter in your prospective major and career. You will explore various elements of rhetoric that are significant in this particular field, and will consider multiple layers of writing: audience, purpose, style, jargon, format, and appeals. Based on your research, you will create an argument establishing what specific writing skills are most important and useful to develop in preparation for this career. In this project, you will also include a self-assessment, where you will reflect on your own readiness in these areas.
1. Explore and identify the different types of writing that are common for individuals in your major/career. Consider the diverse genres such as reports, proposals, articles, research papers, memos, emails, presentations, social media posts, and more.
2. Analyze the rhetorical components involved in these written works. Explore how the intended audience influences the tone, style, and format of the writing. Investigate how different purposes, such as informing, persuading, or entertaining, impact the overall communication strategy.
3. Consider the analytical skills necessary to effectively communicate in your desired career. Analyze how data, research, and critical thinking are integrated into the writing process. Examine how professionals in your field employ evidence, reasoning, and logic to support their arguments and make informed decisions. Look at specific examples of writing (published articles, proposals, reports, research papers, presentations, etc), and interview individuals in the field.
4. Reflect on your own readiness in these areas by conducting a self-assessment. Evaluate your current writing skills, including your ability to adapt to various audiences, develop a suitable style and tone, and choose appropriate formats. Assess your analytical skills in terms of gathering and analyzing information, drawing conclusions, and presenting your findings effectively. Identify the areas where you believe you need improvement. Consider specific strategies, resources, or courses that could help you develop these skills further.
5: Highlight the key communication skills you have identified as essential for success in your chosen career. Reflect on how your research and self-assessment have influenced your understanding of these skills and your own readiness to develop them.
Note: It is not necessary to cover every individual type of writing that is done in the field/career. You can group some by creating categories, such as memos and emails can be “office communication,” or grant proposal and research proposal as “proposals.”
Essay Question:
Analyze the various types of writing in your chosen major/career. What specific writing skills are most important and useful to develop in preparation for this career?
The essay must include research from 6 credible sources. Some of these sources will be primary sources, such as examples of writing (papers, proposals, scholarly articles, published presentations, etc) and interviews. Some of these sources will be secondary sources, such as excerpts from our readings (Everything’s an Argument) or other sources about the career/field, writing, and/or rhetoric.
At least one interview with an expert in the field is required for this assignment.
All sources (these suggested, or other sources that you consult) that are referred to or cited must be cited according to MLA guidelines, and included in the Works Cited page.
Must use AXES Format for Essay 
6-7 pages (minimum)
6 sources minimum (primary and secondary sources)
Include at least one interview with an expert in the field
MLA format (with a Works Cited page)
Otfinowski, Rafael, and Marina Silva-Opps. “Writing Toward a Scientific Identity: Shifting From Prescriptive to Reflective Writing in Undergraduate Biology.” Journal of College Science Teaching, vol. 45, no. 2, 2015, pp. 19–23. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43631899. Accessed 20 Apr. 2024. 
Miniyarov, Farit. “Applied Zoology for Forming of Research Competence at Students of Biologists.” Handbook of Research on Students’ Research Competence in Modern Educational Contexts, edited by Vardan Mkrttchian and Lubov Belyanina, IGI Global, 2018, pp. 321-341. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-3485-3.ch017 
Guide for Writing in Biology, www.southwestern.edu/live/files/4167-guide-for-writing-in-biologypdf. Accessed 20 Apr. 2024.
Matthews, Janice R. “Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences.” Google Books, Cambridge University Press, 13 Nov. 2014, books.google.com/books?id=tKLjBAAAQBAJ&dq=proper%2Bwriting%2Bskills%2Bfo r%2Bbiology%2B&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s. 

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