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*if you have questions let me know know* topic : How the Humanities Could Help M

May 22, 2024

*if you have questions let me know know*
topic : How the Humanities Could Help Me in My Career/Profession
Many are confused as to why they are required to take classes in the humanities since it does not have clear or obvious baring on their chosen academic major. For this option you are invited to author a 1,300 to 1,500-word examining the relationship between the humanities and the profession you plan to pursue (or are now at work in). Draw on, implement and/or critically evaluate course materials to address the question, “How can the humanities help me in my (future) profession”? Students are encouraged to do original research beyond assigned course materials to meaningfully explore and offer an original assessment of how the humanities relates, in ways that are clear or perhaps harder to appreciate, to their (future) career in fields including but not limited to healthcare, practicing law, performing arts, media design, law enforcement, childcare, education, mechanics, entrepreneurial endeavors, and other fields.
requirements :
Minimum Expectations for All Papers
Important note, the purpose of the term paper is to assess students’ understanding and ability to apply key ideas from the course. In order to demonstrate this understanding and ability, students must explicitly engage with those key ideas. Papers that fail to directly discuss and cite at least two assigned readings, will earn a grade of no greater than 50%. Students are encouraged to explore additional course materials such as readings, lectures, and videos in their papers as well. Further note that all papers must include in-text citations and a works cited page indicating the source of the ideas under discussion. Any paper that fails to utilize in-text citations will receive an automatic zero. Remember that academic integrity requires that you acknowledge the source of an idea that is not your own.
Automatic Zero: Consequences for Plagiarism and Artificial Intelligence Use
Plagiarism is considered an act of misconduct at Indian River State College for which students are subject to discipline beyond earning a zero on the assignment in class and possibly failing the class. All clear or egregious acts of plagiarism receive a minimum of a 0 on the plagiarized assignment with no opportunity to resubmit a new attempt. If for example one paragraph in a term paper is plagiarized, the student will receive a zero for the entire paper. If just one of the several journal entries completed for the Journal Project are plagiarized, the entire journal assignment will have earned a zero. In addition to the zero, students will not be given an opportunity to revise the assignment for partial credit. Similarly, term papers flagged as partially or completely composed by Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT will receive an automatic zero with no opportunity to resubmit.  By submitting your work through Blackboard’s SafeAssign plagiarism checker you acknowledge this policy, which is described in greater detail in the syllabus.
No Revisions
Papers will be graded once. No revisions will be permitted. Students are urged to 1) closely examine the instructions below, 2) review the term paper rubric below, 3) contact and/or meet the professor about any questions concerning the paper, and 4) to utilize the writing center’s services to ensure the submitted term paper is of the highest quality and, thus, more likely to receive a higher mark. Please note that term papers will be graded in a rigorous fashion, thus As are reserved for outstanding or excellent work, Bs for very good work, Cs for satisfactory work, Ds for poor work, and Fs for unacceptable work.
Don’t Forget Your Thesis!
Be sure to identify your thesis and clearly stated in your introduction. Often students present their thesis for the first time in the conclusion. This leaves the reader bewildered as they attempt to follow the author’s train of thought or line of argumentation. Be sure to utilize carefully devised topic sentences to guide the reader to the main idea of each paragraph, and ensure that main idea advances your paper’s central claim–your thesis.
Document Formatting
All papers must adhere to MLA (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html) formal writing guidelines. Students are also required to include a head-shot photo on page one at the top right of all formal assignment submissions including the Term paper. The requirement of the head-shot is to aid the professor in recognizing students by putting ideas and names to faces. Include a photo of yourself at the top right of page one, below the header with your name and page number on page one, only. The absence of the photo on the term paper will result in a 2% deduction. 
Use of Journal Entries
Throughout the semester students will be assigned a number of journal prompts related to key course concepts, facts, and artifacts. Any journal prompt that fits into the parameters of one of the options below may be used as a term paper topic. Students are encouraged to build upon earlier reflections completed for the course as they write their term paper. It goes without saying, however, that the submitted term paper must be a coherent, original work and not merely a ta
pestry of journal entries. Journal entries should serve only as a starting point heading further development of an idea. All papers must put the given cultural work into conversation with key authors of our course
• Draw on the ideas of key thinkers throughout the course to interrogate or examine the cultural work in question
• Ask yourself how it relates to the ideas of Seneca, Epicurus, Aristotle, Plato, Martha Nussbaum, Adrienne Rich, Paul Goodman, Father Gerl, etc. What would they say in response to the work? What would they say in response to your perspective?
◦ For example: What would Seneca have to say about the vision of purposeful existence suggested in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World? How does the movie relate to Epicurus’ ideas?
All papers must also be comprised of:
1 Introduction
• Introduce the subject of your analysis, the question(s) you intend to answer, and your thesis: what you will be arguing.
2 Background/Summary of cultural work
• Provide your reader with key information they may not already have about the work in question. When was it made, how many copies sold (how popular is it), how did critics respond to it? What is the short thumbnail sketch of the work—the “trailer” if you will.
3 Analysis (featuring consideration of opposing or contrasting perspectives)
• Your analysis must feature
◦ interpretation and/or evaluation of the work (see below)
◦ engagement with and/or application of ideas from course materials
◦ consideration of opposing or contrasting perspectives
• Interpretation: Explain your interpretation of the work’s relevance to your research question
◦ What does the work say to the audience about the meaning of life, God, truth, happiness, the good life, the importance of the arts or philosophy? Justify your claim: What is the basis of this interpretation?
◦ What does the work suggest is a good life? What does it teach us about the meaning or importance of truth? What vision of life does it promote? Justify your claim: What is the basis of this interpretation?
◦ Example of interpretative claim: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World suggests the most purposeful life is to be found in romantic love. You would then give reasons why you believe this to be an accurate representation of the movie’s aim. To do so you might discuss the way the film highlights Dodge and Penny’s lives, and how each finds a way pass suicide, returning to the family, survivalism, or nihilism. You would provide key details: discuss scenes, dialogue, visual representation, plot, etc.
• Evaluation: Explain your evaluation of the work
◦ How does the message of the cultural artifact compare, contrast with views of authors from our course?
◦ Do you agree: why or why not? Who do you think gets it right, wrong? Why?
• Opposing or contrasting perspectives:
◦ How might someone else interpret or evaluate this differently than I am? Why would such an interpretation or evaluation be mistaken?
4 Conclusion
• Briefly reflect on your analysis and its conclusions.
• Identify the significance of your argument.
Term Paper Rubric
Area of Evaluation
Title and Opening
Includes an original title and a creative and/or engaging opening that entices the reader
Introduction and thesis
Introductory paragraph succinctly introduces the reader to the topic, specific research question under consideration, and offers a clear and specific thesis statement indicating the unique claim the author will be arguing for in the paper
Authored in an engaging, fluid (seamless) style featuring good word choice, avoiding verbosity (wordyness and unnecessary jargonistic writing) as well as cliches; features other enjoyable stylistic features such as humor, wit, creativity, provocativeness (without degenerating into irrationality or a lack of humanistic empathy), and candor
Grammatically sound with little to no spelling or punctuation errors
Scholarly engagement and references
Sufficiently engages with and accurately characterizes assigned scholarly works and concepts;  provides required citations 
Originality of analysis
Presents original analysis by author and astutely deploys and/or interrogates course materials; builds onto or critically engages with scholarly concepts rather than uncritically deferring or merely repeating them; presents relevant life experiences, prior knowledge, and/or imagined examples.
Depth of analysis
Paper is written with appropriate depth, substantiating claims in specific details that exemplify or illustrate the point in question; it also takes into consideration opposing or contrasting perspectives 
Cogency and structure
Paper provides a well-structured and cogent analysis, making use of topic sentences, appropriate transitions, at least three body paragraphs focused on one main idea, and reiteration of thesis; paper is written in an analytical manner rather than a purely narrative manner–an argument is made rather than simpy telling a story; formatted according to MLA guidelines
Word-count penalty
Papers that fall under 95% of the required word-count will receive a penalty commensurate with the missing word-count percentage. For example, if the word-count requirement is 1,500 and the submitted paper is 1,000 words it will receive an automatic deduction of 33%, making a 67% the highest possible score. A 750 paper would receive an automatic deduction of 50% because 750 words is half of the required word-count.
Late penalty
Papers will receive a deduction of 5% for each day the assignment is not successfully uploaded to the relevant learning management systel. An assignment that is 5 days late, for example, will receive an automatic deduction of 25%. Student with a reasonable excuse for submitting a late assignment they should consult with the professor, and after doing so, leave a comment with their submitted work
Failure to follow instructions
Papers that fail to follow the basic instructions of the term paper, such as failing to adhere to the specific prompt(s), will receive an automatic zero. Papers failing to directly engage with and cite materials from the course will receive a grade no greater than 50%.

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