2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for your help in

May 22, 2024

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for your help in writing the Physician Assistant school admission personal statement. I am applying this year through the CASPA application. CASPA only allows 5,000 characters for the personal statement. 
First paragraph: I would prefer the essay to start with my personal story when my mother got diagnosed with cancer a little late since she was scared and so she was postponing her doctor’s appointments. She got diagnosed with stage three breast cancer as I was a college student trying to get my Bachelor’s degree. Since my father was working long hours I managed my time being a student, her caregiver, and to take care of my younger brother. It all started here that I witnessed how hard and compassionately healthcare workers work to serve patients and I decided to pursue a career in healthcare to be able to be part of that team. I have seen all the hardships that late diagnosis brought to our lives and I want to be a change. This evokes a fire in me to be part of a solution and change so I started to explore healthcare careers. (Because I want to spend more time with patients to make sure they are comfortable sharing their concerns and so this is coming from my own experience. If my mother would have had a better relationship with the provider she would proceed earlier with her cancer treatment but since she was scared she went for the treatment late. I want to be a physician assistant so I will spend time with patients and explain everything to them). 
Second paragraph (my path to the career): In order to start my journey in healthcare I got medical assistant certification and then I started working as an medical assistant. Taking patients’ vital signs, assisting physician’s in doing procedures and biopsies, educating patients about their tests, administering vaccines, and assessing wounds were part of my duties to assist health professionals. I got introduced to a PA career when I started working as a medical assistant. I saw how PAs take the extra time to listen to patients to make sure all of their concerns are addressed. Being a PA gives me the opportunity to be an integral part of the healthcare delivery team and especially to be able to contribute to elevate preventative care of all patients. 
Third paragraph (why I want to be a PA): I met with PA Gleb when shadowing and I saw how he takes extra time to go over every medication she prescribes to patients and how she diagnoses patients’ condition after asking about their symptoms and physical examination. This was really interesting to me because since I was a student I had the desire to apply problem solving to detect and see that PAs are able to diagnose patients based on the test results, symptoms, and physical examination blew my mind. I want to be a PA (problem solving: using symptoms, histories as a clue to make the right diagnosis). PAs are uniquely positioned to offer the extra time and attention patients need. For many women, the pervasiveness of breast cancer continues to invoke a sense of fear and anxiety. I want to help alleviate some of those fears among patients. I know from firsthand experience just how critical early detection is when fighting to overcome breast cancer. I think if my mother would have had a better relationship with her provider, she might have sought out care sooner. She knew she had a mass, but she was reluctant and scared to go see her doctor because she was afraid [to confirm] it was cancer. My desire to connect with patients comes naturally. The key, especially within the field of women’s health, is taking the time to truly listen to each patient to better understand their unique needs and apprehensions. It’s very important that we help the patient feel comfortable and let them know we are listening to their concerns. Some patients will feel like their feelings are dismissed by the provider, but PAs are uniquely positioned to offer the extra time and attention patients need. This is the reason I want to be a PA because PAs have more time to commit to patient care.  I also want to be a PA to be able to serve underserved communities and especially those in need. I want to contribute to expand healthcare and be a provider for underserved communities. I want to be a PA to expand healthcare to underserved communities. To ensure that every patient has access to and receives the high-quality care that they need when they need it, it’s essential that our existing health care workforce can practice to the full extent of their education, training, and experience (demands of today’s health care needs). Also I want to pay closer attention to preventative care of minority groups (please explain a little bit). In my work as an MA I learned that I loved working as a part of a care team to deliver care. I am interested in team work and I enjoy listening to others’ opinions and also being able to express mine.  
Fourth paragraph (conclusion): For conclusion please finish strongly mentioning the reasons I want to be a PA. The most important reason is that I want patients in a timely manner, expand healthcare access, and the physician-PA team work, and be able to connect and spend more time with patients. Also pay close attention to preventative care and minority groups health. 
Also in the link provided there is great information about why I want to pursue the PA career.

How do physician assistants contribute to primary health care systems 

The body of the essay should be in paragraphs. The first paragraph should be starting with a story and then in the second paragraph how I got interested in becoming a PA and then in the third paragraph why I want to be a PA and in the final paragraph (conclusion) what are my plans when I become a PA.
Thank you so much for your time.

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