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Please complete template  Based on the analysis completed by a task force at Cos

Please complete template 
Based on the analysis completed by a task force at Cosmo, Inc., the marketing department must develop, implement, and test a new marketing campaign focused on maintaining current customer levels and increasing their customer base through the utilization of new technology.
Assessment 1 of template develop the Project Charter section of the Project Management Plan, including the following:
Business Need.
Briefly describe the business need for Cosmo, Inc. or your selected business. Indicate how this will align with organizational strategic goals and objectives. Include quantitative information that supports the severity of the problem (performance metrics, costs metrics, customer satisfaction metrics, and so on).
Project Objectives.
Provide a brief statement regarding the implementation of the project, and then use bullet points regarding the major deliverables.
Project Approach.
Describe the business requirements for the project. How will the project be managed? For example, this project will be managed in accordance to the PMI approach as modified. Provide specific tools or techniques that will be utilized per project phase.
Project Assumptions.
Explain project assumptions. For example, it is assumed that the budget will be available to support the project and will require no update.
Project Constraints.
Explain project constraints. For example, the resources for the project may not be available as needed, and alternative solutions may be required. Provide mitigating strategies for each constraint.
Project Dependencies.
Explain project dependencies. For example, this project is dependent on the construction feasibility project (name) to be completed before this project can proceed. Provide mitigating strategies for each dependency.
Initial Risk Factors.
Analyze initial risk factors to the project. Include the impacts and mitigating strategies. For example, city permit application and approval occurs once a month. This could delay the ground-breaking tasks. Mitigation: Request a special meeting with the city planning department to gain approvals.
Regulatory Costs and Impacts.
Analyze the impact of regulations and costs to the project. For example, SOX, HIPAA, GLB, SEC rules, local and state licensing, permits, et cetera.
Roles and Responsibilities.
Explain who the project stakeholders are, their roles, and their responsibilities.
Not required for this portfolio work project.
Assessment 2 include the following in the Project Scope and Work Breakdown Schedule sections of your Project Management Plan:
Project Scope Overview.
This describes the background and context for the project and why it is being undertaken. This is the business value of the work being performed.
Project Scope Description.
Develop a scope section, including the types of deliverables, the life-cycle process, types of data, sources or databases, and organizations that are included in this project.
Explain what is in scope and what is not in scope.
Acceptance Criteria.
Describe required work for successful project completion. This is to be only required work.
List deliverables to be performed and not performed as part of this project. Indicate constraint(s), dependencies, assumptions, and mitigation strategies.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Develop a work breakdown schedule. This includes an introduction and graphical representation of the totality of work identified in the Project Scope. Note: You may create graphical examples in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Visio and save as a .jpeg picture to be inserted into your template 
Assessment 3 use the information from the prior Assessments and your Work Breakdown Schedule to complete the Project Management Cost (Budget) component of the template:
Develop a project cost (budget) section. Prepare a cost estimate for the project by identifying the costs of each task and create categories to prioritize project expenditures. Prepare a preliminary budget using the cost estimate for your selected project.
Note: Copy and paste the Summary Table and Comments into the Project Management Cost (Budget) section of the template.
Develop project management schedule section. This should identify the time frames within which the costs will be incurred.
Note: Link your Microsoft Project timeline that meets project duration requirements.
Using your Work Breakdown Schedule and Microsoft Project, identify the activities you must perform to produce the project deliverables and include the following as part of the Project Management Schedule component of the template:
Summarize the intent of using a project schedule for the selected project.
Develop a Microsoft Project plan for your project schedule. Include an introduction and link into this section of your plan. Create a Gantt chart showing:
Resources assigned to each task. Note: Limit project tasks to 10 business days or less. Shorter task durations make it easier to assess project progress. Provide additional amplifying information about the schedule in your Project Plan, as applicable.
Predecessors to tasks.
Project tasks, milestones, and other measurable, tangible, and verifiable outcomes or results that must be produced to complete the project.
Assessment 4 develop the final sections indicated in the assessment Introduction for your Project Management Plan. Include the following:
Develop a comprehensive Executive Summary section including high-level information including problem(s), solution(s), timeframe, budget, risks, et cetera.
Develop a comprehensive Risk Management plan section that includes introduction, risk legend, and risk matrix.
Develop a comprehensive Quality Management plan section including information on the tools and techniques for each process group.
Describe the project’s success factors and lessons learned. In the Project Close and Lessons Learned section, include a few postmortem best practices and the top three lessons learned.
Grading Rubric 
Assessment 1 requirment 
Analyze organizational characteristics relevant to the project.
Describe the business requirements for the project.
Analyze initial risk factors to the project.
Analyze the impact of regulations and costs to the project.
Evaluate organizational needs to apply project management frameworks.
Explain project assumptions, constraints, and dependencies.
Explain who the project stakeholders are, their roles, and their responsibilities.
Communicate project management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the project management profession.
Assessment 2 requirements 
: Evaluate organizational needs to apply project management frameworks.
Explain what is in scope and what is not in scope.
Describe required work for successful project completion.
Apply project management concepts to plan all aspects needed for project completion.
Develop a scope section.
Develop a work breakdown structure.
Communicate project management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the project management profession.
Assessment 3 requirements 
Apply project management concepts to plan all aspects needed for project completion.
Develop a project cost-budget section.
Create categories to prioritize project expenditures.
Develop a project schedule section.
Create timeline that meets project duration requirements.
Communicate project management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the project management profession.
Assessment 4 requirements 
Apply project management concepts to plan all aspects needed for project completion.
Develop a Risk Management plan section.
Describe the project’s success factors and lessons learned.
Develop a Quality Management plan section.
Communicate project management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Develop an Executive Summary section.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the project management profession.

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