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Book: Martocchio, J. (2020). Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management

May 22, 2024

Book: Martocchio,
J. (2020). Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach
(10th ed.). NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 9780135175910.
As part of this
course, students will write a paper centered on compensation concepts and
applications.  This is a signature
assignment in which students get an opportunity to apply concepts acquired in
the course and textbook.   Below are
All students must complete a
signature assignment that is a standard component of all HRM667 sections. The
purpose of the Compensation Signature Assignment is to demonstrate your
understanding of compensation and benefits as one of the major human resource
functions.  You achieve this through a
combination of research and practical application of compensation concepts
relating to extrinsic and intrinsic rewards as elements for shaping
work-related behaviors that an organization deems as most valuable for achievement
of its strategic advantage and objectives.
and Content of Paper
Your paper should include a title
page, body of paper (sections I – IV below), reference page, and appendix.  The body
of the paper must be between 8 and 10 double-spaced pages.  Note: Like any scholarly paper, begin with an
introduction and end with a conclusion. Use 12pt Times New Roman font, 1”
margins, headings, and page numbers.  The
paper must conform to APA formatting and stylistic guidelines.  It must have no less than 10 references to
support your ideas.  References must be
scholarly. No bulleted lists. Your paper should contain only the sections below
and use HEADINGS to identify them. As graduate students, the expectation is
proper citing according to APA requirements. 
Section I:
Description of Organization and Title of Position
Begin by selecting an
organization to feature in your portfolio (e.g., a well-known organization
where you would like to work). What is its history?  What is its mission?  What is its vision?  What do you think is the general perception
of the organization?  Select a
position within the organization to analyze (e.g., Production Assistant, Sales
Associate, Engineer, Scientist, Maintenance, etc.) and give its title.
II: Internal and External Motivators
Your portfolio will proceed with the
internal and external motivators relating to this kind of work and the
relationship of this job to the overall goals/strategies/values of the
organization. (e.g., Nike needs to save money in production and boost sales so
will incentivize employee behaviors that lead to desired outcomes; Google needs
to foster intense creativity so in addition to high pay, provides extensive and
uncommon benefits such as 24-hour cafeteria services for free.)
Additional guidelines for writing this section:  Define
internal and external motivators.  Provide a motivational theory that
explains how these relate to total compensation and its elements. Describe in
detail the internal and external motivators in your chosen organization. 
Describe how they relate to the organization’s goals/strategies/values. 
Does the organization offer competitive salaries?  Why
or why not?  Does the organization offer competitive benefits?  What
are these benefits?  Does the organization offer incentive pay or merit
pay?  Are there good promotional opportunities?  Are the jobs in the
organization perceived by employees as worthwhile?  Are employees
passionate about the work they do?  Why or why not?  If the
organization does not offer some of these motivators, recommend some and
explain why.  These questions will assist you in developing a fully
comprehensive section.
III: Job Analysis and Job Evaluation
Begin by providing the formal definition of job analysis for
reward evaluation as described in the text. 
Discuss your decision to conduct a job evaluation analysis and the
factors that will need to be considered. 
Describe the process of collecting information about the job and the
relative evaluation factors.  Write a job
description for the chosen position.
In this section, make sure your job analysis is sufficiently
detailed.  What type of job analysis method did you perform?  Provide
the steps you completed.  Why did you decide to use the method (or
methods) you selected?  (The nature of a job analysis here focuses on the
knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes (KSAOs) AND responsibilities
and/or job tasks that reflect pay and benefits in the organization.) 
Note: a job description is the result of a job analysis. 
A full copy of your job description should be placed in this
section.  Do not include a job
description in the reference section.  Since you are writing a scholarly paper, the
job description should be written with the following rules:  
(a) Provide a summary of the job.
(b) The job description must be written in paragraph form;
do not use bulleted lists.
(c) Include the subject in each task/duty/responsibility
statement.  Job descriptions typically
start with an active verb.  The subject
can be a pronoun, title of the person performing the job (e.g, The account
analyzed the data).  Do not simply copy
and paste a job description.
(d) Include the subject in each KSAO statement.
For the job evaluation, describe in detail the job
evaluation technique you selected to show how internal alignment is
achieved.  See the textbook sections on job evaluation and job evaluation
techniques. In other words, what factors must be considered to determine
the relative worth of the job under study to the organization.  Note that
job evaluation and performance evaluation are not the same (Do not include
anything about performance evaluation/appraisal in the paper). Also note
that a job analysis is not the same as job evaluation.  Job analysis is a
process in which job data is collected, analyzed, synthesized, and summarized
in the form of a job description.  Job evaluation, uses the job
description to evaluate the worth of the job using some qualitative or
quantitative techniques, as set forth in your textbook.
Section IV:
External Job Market, Pricing Jobs, and Policies
The essence of this section of the assignment is the role of
the external labor market.  Define the
concepts of external labor market and its purpose.  Describe in detail what the external labor
market is for your chosen position.  How
did your organization decide what the labor (external) market is?  How did your organization or decide on the
market pay rate for your chosen position? 
What steps did your organization take to determine the market pay rate
of your chosen position?  What are salary
surveys?  Which ones did you or your organization
use and why?  Note: Do not just identify
where you gathered the salary data.  You
must justify why you selected the source(s). 
Also in this section, include compensation policies.  Does your firm lead, lag, or tie the
market?  Explain.  What are the starting salaries for new
employees?  How are pay raises
determined?  How is incentive pay
determined if it is offered? 
Outline for Signature Assignment
What is the objective of the paper?
Describe what the reader will see in the paper –
Description of the organization; Motivators; Job Analysis, Job Description, Job
Evaluation; External Market
(Body Section I)- Organization Description –
history, mission statement, etc. 
Name of job, nothing more
(Body Section II – Motivators
Intrinsic motivation, define it
Describe intrinsic motivators in the
organization.  If you didn’t find any,
describe what you think they ought be.
Extrinsic motivation, define it.
Describe extrinsic motivators in the organization. If
you cannot locate any, describe what you think they should be. 
Describe a motivation theory
Section III) – Job analysis, Job Description, Job Evaluation
Job Analysis, define it.  Give steps in a job analysis.  What are the types?  What
method did the organization use?  If you cannot find it, suggest what type
you think the organization ought have used and
why.  (Refer to the
assignment instructions for more ideas)
Job description (write it the way I
describe in the assignment instructions)
Job evaluation, define it.  What types are there?  What are the steps?  What
method did the organization use?  If you cannot find it, suggest what type you
think the organization ought have used and why. 
(Refer to the signature assignment for more ideas)
(Body Section IV) – External Market, define it.  What is the relevant labor market you think
the organization used.  Assume the
location.  What is a salary survey?  What is the average market salary and/or the
salary for this position? What is the source of salary data (e.g., salary.com)?
Place salary data here only! (Refer to the signature assignment for more
Explain what did the reader
read?  Description of the organization,
Motivators, Job
Analysis, Job Description, and Job
Evaluation.  Give a concluding comment,
what you learned.
Reference page with ten references (Must be APA

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