2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


This week you will take time to reflect and discuss your thoughts on the course.

May 20, 2024

This week you will take time to reflect and discuss your thoughts on the course.
1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class. 
2. Evaluate the work you did during this class and explain ways you could have performed better.
3.  Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives.
through out the 8 weeks within this course i have found myself to be lacking in a lot of the knowledge i originally thought i had regarding logistics. My concept on what was encompassed in the logistic managerial tasks and requirements was way below what it truly is, but i feel i have gained new knowledge from doing this course. I feel overall i have improved on understanding what it means to lead a logistics company, or at least some of the common issues that many of the logistics managers have to look out for. AS far as skills go, i feel that i have gained the ability to efficiently combat potential shortcomings normally associated with logistics, while maintaining a  standard that many companies would expect.
When i look at the class work that was required of me throughout this course, the first thought i have is stressful. The papers and discussions where tough on me due to an inability to proficiently get my thoughts and research together. If i had taken more time to get my thoughts together i feel i could have improved a lot of my work, while also making it easier to portray my thoughts to those reading them.
The objective of this course was clear and understandable. I feel that i was given a lot of helpful information that made reaching the objective learning required simpler. Also i do not feel that the course could have been done any better, because it met all the criteria that it needed to.
In the future i think i could measure my knowledge by the impact i make within the company i work for. My plan is to take my knowledge to further heights and implement them in the next few classes i will be taking .
Thank you for sharing with us this week and I hope that you are all excited about knock down another great course. What courses are you all taking next if any?
Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class. 
Throughout the logistics management course, I have seen a notable increase in my understanding, proficiency, and aptitude. My knowledge of supply chain dynamics, inventory control, logistics of transportation, and other topics has grown. Through a variety of case studies and real-world situations, I have also refined my analytical abilities, developing my ability to spot inefficiencies and suggest workable fixes. In addition, I’ve become more adept at working in groups, clearly communicating complicated concepts, and making defensible choices under duress. In terms of myself, I’ve grown more meticulous and organized, which are critical qualities in logistics management.
Evaluate the work you did during this class and explain ways you could have performed better.
Although I’m happy with the work I’ve completed for this class, there are still certain things I could have done better. Time management is one of the components. I’ve been known to put off doing homework or to not allot adequate time for in-depth investigation and analysis. I could have produced better work and reduced needless stress if I had been more adept at time management. I also could have, early in the semester, actively sought out input from instructors and peers to pinpoint areas that needed work and hone my assignment-writing strategy.
Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives. 
There are still certain course objectives that I’m not sure about. One is using sophisticated optimization methods to make decisions about logistics. Although we discussed fundamental optimization models, I think a further investigation of sophisticated algorithms and their real-world uses will improve our knowledge in this field. Furthermore, I would value having more practical expertise with the industry-standard tools and software for logistics. We would be more equipped to handle real-world data and software platforms in workshops or simulations, which would better prepare us for the practical issues of logistics management.
List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.
I could use a few different approaches to gauge how the knowledge I’ve gained from this course and how far I’ve come. First, I could monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) in case studies or within my firm that were connected to the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of logistics. Metrics like inventory turnover, on-time delivery rates, and transportation expenses can be compared between pre- and post-course to determine the real benefit of using new tactics and learnings from the course. I may also ask for input on how well my decision-making and problem-solving abilities work in actual logistics situations from coworkers or superiors. Finally, in order to certify and prove my knowledge in the sector of logistics management, I may look into professional development courses or certificates.
4. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.

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